Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 4 Chapter 98: Let everyone see how wasteful she is!

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

During this time, He Shi regained control of the house. She was already in a mess. Jiang Tian's Nachi incident made her full of bitterness. Now she is scolded by her husband and she is so angry that she is also a mother-in-law. , I'm not afraid to find a punching bag. Although it is said that He Shuijin cannot bear the heavy load now and Shi's disease can't be stimulated, but is there another Zhang?

So He gave her husband away, shouted Zhang to his heels, scolded her face and scolded her, "How did you do it ?! I tell you to guard against the big room, guard against the big room! You are good, let The man in the big room colluded with the 19-year-old daughter-in-law in the third and fourth bedrooms. This time, by the light of the 19-year-old daughter-in-law, she showed a big face, and even Jiang Yahong was cheap. Your grandfather was born to your grandfather. Ted mentions! You stupid thing! For my mother and I are thinking about you day and night, you are good, you are doing things in front of you all day, but like dead people!

At the end, he sighed, "Why did I hire a wooden man like you to be a daughter-in-law ?! How much glory have been given to the four bedrooms since the nineteen daughter-in-law entered the door? I hope you can't be like her, so don't let the other houses get together. What !? "

With such a vent, the idea of ​​He finally reached a certain point.

But she was happy, but Zhang was crying and was sent back to the room!

When Zhang ’s son was young enough to marry, she had no daughter-in-law to be angry, and her husband, Jiang Yayi, was a typical child of the Jiang family. He killed the siege from countless good friends and officially entered the backyard. None of the servants are fuel-saving lamps-Zhang can't find anyone who can transfer the grievances, and can only hide in the room and cry with the nursing mother to complain about grievances!

In these years, the nursing mother and the young master often spend more time with their mother than their mother. Zhang and her mother-in-law Ge are such a relationship that is not a mother-daughter better than a mother-daughter. When Ge asked about the ins and outs and was distressed, she gave her an idea: "You might as well make things a little bigger, or I am afraid my wife is like this It won't be tossing once or twice! "

Zhang's dare not: "I don't do anything right now, my mother-in-law treats me like this, if she really gets into trouble, she won't eat me yet?"

"Oh my little ancestor, the old slave thought you were too honest to bully!" Although Ge is a slave, he is very opinionated. At this moment, he reminds Zhang, "You want only three daughters-in-law, three wives and three wives. At the end of last year, the biological flesh was gone. It would still be awkward at this point. If the wife took her out of her life, what would be the reason? In case she really drove Madam Liu to a narrow path, the Shi family went to the old lady and the old lady to tell the grievances. The old lady has always disliked his wife and would help her talk. As for the fourteen young lady, that is his wife's niece, and she has always been capable. If a wife is wronged, no daughter-in-law will wrong her! You said that the lady was unhappy. "Who are you looking for?"

Zhang was suddenly surprised: "Neither the six or the fourteen are good in three or two days!"

"So, you're not going to make any noise. What kind of anger is Madam turning back to, not to you, who?" Ge's voice whispered, "In the last month of this year, the son's subordinates honored a pair of twin sisters. From the first day of the first month of the first month to now, the son hasn't spent the night in the main room ... There are a few things in the yard that are not white with red tops! You will be told by your wife that you will lose your respect, and you will be depraved in the future. , Who still looks at you? "

The words are serious, "Do you think about the life of the eighth wife in the fourth room! She still has the old lady's partiality! Now that she is pregnant, the old lady sent the most powerful mother around her. The sixteenth young lady passed by and stared every day--you said that in this case, she just gave birth to a grandson, and it was easy to bring the grandson to the assembly? Would you like the young ladies to fall to that point in the future? "

Zhang thought about the young Dow, but also felt that being a wife of the Jiang family was too honest and could not be mixed. His eyes were cold: "The big trouble also depends on how to make trouble ... Now things are going on constantly in the past. In case the trouble makes my mother-in-law, but my father-in-law and even the old lady are not happy, will it not affect me? Are their future? "

After all, Zhang ’s biological children are only neutral, and the elders are far from being shocked. They are reluctant to suppress, and they can also bring their parents to a higher level. The great-grandchildren of the Jiang family are not too many now. Everyone is incapable of recognizing how old they are. Jiang Yayi is a puppet with little ability. He is not the eldest son. Zhang wants to learn Mrs. Sihuangzhuang, so he is naturally worried.

Ge's also felt a headache, but when he thought about it, he suddenly became cheerful: "As long as we let our wife be cautious, we don't dare to bully you at random! If you are afraid that the old man and the old woman will not like it, you don't need to make trouble. That's it! "


"Auntie Chi now has a face and a sexier than his wife in front of the master, and her son is okay-the little granddaughter of the old slave accidentally hit her in the garden two days ago, scared to kneel immediately to plead guilty, but she was Holding up her own hands and holding fruit and cakes, she coaxed the old granddaughter's little granddaughter into a smirk, and then sent someone to send it back properly ... "Ge's eyes narrowed," Although she said that this was a great move The suspicion of intentionally buying people's hearts, but she is the old lady's aunt, so what are you going to do to the wife? "

Zhang thought for a while and made Ge: "Since she still has such a relationship with our house, tomorrow you take a set of heads from my private house and walk around her!"

The Chi family was infiltrated into the Jiang family by He Shuijin, originally to deal with He family. Now seeing another daughter-in-law of He ’s taking advantage and begging for help. She was pregnant in the middle of her heart, and she was tired in the night and put eye drops in the arms of Jiang Tianyu: "Mrs. Seventh Child gave me a set of heads and faces for me. Excellent, I'm afraid it was the bottom of the box in the marriage of Mrs. Seven Young! I really dare not accept it, but listen to the words of the people who sent it. If you don't accept it, you will be worried! "

Jiang Tianmao was surprised: "What the **** is it?"

"Mrs. Shouted Mrs. Seven Youngster yesterday. Somehow it was a curse!" Chi said with innocence and open eyes, straight, "It is said that he even said that he regretted asking Mrs. Seven to be a wife. Seven Mrs. Young was scolded, and when she returned to the room, she called her nurse ... "

"What ?!" Jiang Tianchi frowned: He had a good impression on his daughters-in-law. Although He Shuijin made him think he was the best, Zhang has had children since he passed through the door, and never caused trouble. It is also acceptable to have a servant and a child ... As a father-in-law, he feels that his wife like Zhang is also very good.

Now I heard that she was actually scolded by He's, and her face sank. "Is anyone okay? Haven't the Zhang family come to see it?"

"No, fortunately, she was persuaded by her nursing mother!" Chi twisted Pa Zi, looking worried, "It's just that Mrs. Seven is worried, too. Since the wife said that she wanted to repent, she still has a face to continue. Lai at the Jiang family? But where is the Zhang family's face to rest if they call her mother to pick her up? How should the other daughters of the Zhang family get along with each other? More importantly, what about her biological flesh? So the only way is for her Die, this way, the wife can marry a favorite daughter-in-law, and the Zhang family can be preserved decently. Her children are also taken care of by her stepmother ... She called her babysitter to send her head and face, but she wanted me to ask the master for one thing: say to the outside She died of a serious illness, and gave the Zhang family and her children a lasting respect! "

Having said that, she quickly switched to a pitiful look, "Master, I don't know what Madam Seven Young did wrong, but it looks pitiful to look at her nursing mother-this is really unbearable! If ... if the wife must be Do n’t ask her to be a daughter-in-law. She is decent at this last point, can you ... ”

Jiang Tianyan was so angry that he said, "That poisonous woman!" He got up and went to He's room!

...... and Shui Jin took advantage of her husband's deep sleep and got up to the study. Xianer was already here and whispered the story: "... Chi said that in order to do the whole set, she had suggested that Mrs. Qi Xiao hang a beam. Yes, of course, you have to be rescued in time! "

"There are three daughters-in-law, and now two hate her!" And Shui Jin sneered, "Liuyi doesn't know the inside story! When I get evidence to show her, Liuyi will hate her more than Qiyi!" Even if she is a mother-in-law, all three daughters-in-law are anxious for her to die. By that day, I don't know what she will do? "

Xianer laughed: "Right now she won't be better. Only then did the master go to her room and gave her a lot of color. According to Auntie Chi, the master asked her to return the head and face sent by Mrs. Seven to Mrs. Seven. I took two sets of jewellery from my personal store, one for Aunt Chi, and the other forcing the wife to personally soothe Mrs. Seventh! If there is anything wrong with Mrs. Seventh, the master must ask his wife to settle the bill! "

"This is just a small section. After all, I'm sick, and my account hasn't been taken care of yet." He Shuijin shook his head. "The third room is the long room of the state government house. How can it be without her to support the scene? Who can't get up? So no matter how much the father-in-law dislikes her, she won't really be able to step down at this moment. "

"What to do next?" Xianer asked a little unwillingly.

He Shuijin sneered and said, "Don't she think I'm too capable to interfere with her eyes? Then let her know that her waste is more obstructive to father-in-law's eyes!" Ordered, "Take those that can be disposed of later and can be escorted. After that, all of them were reported to her! Don't stop from morning to night! She will bother her if she is tired! "

Xianer was worried: "In case she is really ill, where else in Sanfang will pick this burden?"

"It doesn't matter." He Shuijin said ruthlessly, "Three rooms can't be controlled, there are four rooms, eight rooms, it's really impossible, and the old lady is there! Let other housekeepers in other rooms, take advantage of the opportunity at best! Money, I don't It ’s short, you can make more money! But let the father-in-law see how wasteful my auntie is ... but just once! "

At other times, He could not push her to her niece and daughter-in-law! When He Shuijin is done, it is Her credit that He Shi got Jiang Tianyu in front of her! But now, He Shuijin has more important things to deal with. He is already ill, but he doesn't know who else he can push to? !!

You must know that Jiang Tianzhang and Qin Guogong's father and son, but they hate waste and have the most talents-why did Qin Guogong tolerate Madam Zhuang? Isn't that Jiang Yadan who valued that meeting? !! Why was He Shuijin sick this time, and Qin Guogong immediately sent a doctor who was dedicated to seeing himself? Isn't it because of the ability with Shuijin that Shi Shi, who is also the grandson of Sun, died of his own son. Has Qin Guogong given such treatment for so long?

"Wait until you become a wasteless thing in the eyes of the elders ..." and Shui Jin's eyes flashed a harsh color, "and also blocked the way for the younger generations to advance ...!"

Because the accounting work has never stopped, and the troubles in the three-room Qiu Qilan have also heard about it. After seeing Zhang Shi, who was so immensely one night later, she couldn't help secretly crying for the concubines of the three-room wife: "You and Mother-in-law ... is really ... "

However, this incident not only involves the truth that cannot be circulated to the Empress Dowager, the murderer of the emperor, but also belongs to the internal contradictions of the three rooms. She is also not good at comforting Zhang's. She can only pretend to think that the other party is due to labor. : "Qiyi also take care of your body. Although there are many things, we will do it together and we will finish it eventually."

Of course, Zhang's was not good at pouring bitter water with her, and nodded after a bitter smile ... this matter also passed.

...... Qiu Qilan thought that the emperor was poisoned. Now that he has told his husband that he has promised to be as merciful as possible, it should have nothing to do with himself.

As a result, she turned around from Zhang's and was invited to the back hall. Here in the back hall, Mrs. Tao had already cleared the scene in advance. When she saw her coming in, she was also polite, and said solemnly: " The Empress Dowager has to meet you before she can confess ... Tianji has promised her, these are things I prepared for Yongfu, you can go to the palace for me! "

"..." Qiu Qilan was surprised, "See me? Why?"

Mrs. Tao frowned: "How do I know? Anyway, you just go!"

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