Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 5 Chapter 23: It is my incompetence that affects your mother and daughter!

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

The Jiang family is now full of leaves and leaves and many children.

Jiang Yashuang, as the most respected grandchild, of course, his first child is noticeable, especially the biological mother or widow—hurrying to send out the good news under the festival, the Qin Guogong couple were extremely happy, and they were very happy. Not to mention things, Qin Guogong also personally told Mrs. Tao: "There is no reliable elders' advice from the 19-year-old daughter-in-law's family.

Mrs. Tao said with a smile: "I still use this? I let Mother Hu run every day! Fortunately, Mother Zhou, who was used by Princess Ruan, was brought into the door by her to do a dowry. I personally asked that mother in that week. Fine people. "

The old lady's heart is like a mirror. The reason why she is not like the young Dow who has a pregnancy, she sent Hu Hu directly to the town, because one knows that she is uncomfortable when she goes to Qiu Qilan with her qualifications; Considering that Qiu Qilan already has a mother Zhou, and Ms. Hu must go above the mother of Zhou—that is the breast nurse of Qiu Qilan's mother, and she will accompany her to suffer, Qiu Qilan will be glad to see Is Mother Zhou suppressed?

Therefore, it would be better to call Mother Hu to run errands all day long, rather than greedy for the convenience of living there, which hindered the eyes of Qiu Qilan's master and servant.

This caring person can see that envy, jealousy and hatred for Qiu Qilan will naturally rise to a higher level.

But no matter how envious and jealous and hateful, the attitude of the Qin Guogong and his wife were there, and they had to prepare a gift in accordance with their sour mood.

"I remember this is your dowry thing? How did you get it out?" Sixteen-year-old son Jiang Yazhu teased his daughter under the west window. The two-year-old Jiang Huihuan couldn't speak well, grabbing his robe and struggling hard. Jiang Yazhu squeezed her small face and small hands, while looking at the familiar box on the table not far away, asked suspiciously, "Will you plan to give it to Nineteen?"

Although the pregnancy news had only been heard in Qiu Qilan before, the sister-in-laws of Sheng Shishui went to visit Daoxi immediately, but at that time, the rush had only brought ordinary gifts. In the past two days, the attitudes of Qin Guogong and Mrs. Tao were revealed. In order to please the two, each room made up a lot of money.

As a member of the four-bedroom family, the Jiang Yazhu couple can't be more neglected.

This time is about to pass, the water has a sharp line, and is sitting at the table facing the gift list, and he does n’t reply when he hears the words: "Just send it there! These days, the better He Zili on the market has been sold out. The remaining ones are of the township level. We are too strenuous to buy. It ’s useless to put it in my dowry anyway, it ’s better to get it.

Jiang Yazhu's face was stiff, and he stroked his daughter's face for a long time. He did not return until he was curiously bitten by Jiang Huihuan. He wiped the drool from the corner of his daughter's mouth with a papa from his arms, and then wiped it dry. With his own hand, he said indifferently: "When I heard that in the early days of Emperor Gaozong, he wanted to choose consorts for the kings, and the news came out that the fat powder, cymbals, and clothing in Beijing were all rising, and the supply was in short supply ... How did you see such a situation, now that 19 brothers and sisters are pregnant, let us see! "

"Actually, we wo n’t be disadvantaged when we send these gifts." Sheng Shishui turned his back to him, sighed silently, but his tone was still gentle and calm. "The 19th sibling also knows that this thing is my dowry. Taking her as a person, she must Will try to get something else and come back. "

"I am the elder brother of Nineteen. When you were pregnant, you didn't have the fun now." Jiang Yazhu looked at the daughter who was still sad, and was dragging his robe, jumping and jumping, complex complexion, "Although I said It's different, but the difference ... "

Speaking here, sighing bitterly, "It's my incompetence that affects your mother and daughter!"

"How can you say that?" Sheng Shishui turned his head and frowned. "We are in a bad situation now and can be even poorer than when my grandfather was a teenager. I said, as long as you work hard, even if your aunt doesn't look good on us, After all, grandfather remembers that you are his bones and blood, and it is impossible to help him! Even the nineteen couple did not suppress us ... "

"What do we have to suppress them now?" Jiang Yazhu sarcastically said, "Nineteen unnecessary things may not be given to me in turn. The makeup of the nineteen brothers and sisters may not even be when our fourth aunt married in the palace to become the queen Comparable-they should have pity on us! "

Sheng Shishui is very uncomfortable at the moment. As her husband said, she is the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family. She is more advanced than Qiu Qilan, pregnant before Qiu Qilan, and is more considerate than Qiu Qilan. ? His wife is expensive, not to mention the difference in treatment between the two when they were pregnant, so Qiu Lan went into the door for two years before she became pregnant, and her backyard was empty. What about her? All sorts of calculations, aren't there still two young and beautiful waiters in the house? !!

What makes her feel helpless is that this situation not only can't hear her husband's intent consolation, but also has to fight hard to encourage her husband--

"You say that, it's as if the Nineteen couple disrespected us!" Sheng Shishui actually wanted to cry and make a vent, but she looked back at her young daughter and took a deep breath. Stayed, calmly persuaded, "Nineteen has always respected your elder brother, and even the courtesy is quite polite to me ... so are nineteen brothers and sisters! Why do you think about it? The elders are biased, but they are not Let ’s live. Now that my aunt is not with you, you should be working hard for your future! Otherwise, how can you give us a chance to grow in the future? If it is not fair, think about uncle and third uncle! "

On the Qu Qu, the Jiang family's most humiliating is really Jiang Tianzhang-as the eldest son of Qin Guogong, he should have enjoyed the scenery, favoring Jiang Tianzhang's father's grace, he has grown from small to big, and even from big to big in the future. Old, hold him down!

The thought of this Sanbo Jiangyazhu was also a bit faint: "Minger, if my grandfather has time to see me, see if I can ask for some help!"

He was too desolate in his early years. He could n’t do anything about it. Although he was persuaded by Sheng Shishui to stop going out after he got married, he was not talented or meritorious, but his aunt told him to suppress the son-in-law. Who would give him serious business? ? Therefore, after running away from home to finish the accounts of Qingfengji, I was at home again.

"In fact, if you ask Nineteen to accompany you to see your grandfather, you are more likely to get a real power position. You can also use this as an opportunity to reconcile with your aunt. It will not be reconciled and it will make her less targeted at you." Sheng Shishui would like to say this, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything. "The husband has already resented himself so much. If I also asked him to borrow the nineteenth light, it would probably be self-defeating!"

However, when she was giving something, the girl asked Su He to mention it.

"Sixteen Brother's leisure time is indeed quite long. It is said that he hasn't played a lot since he passed through the door. He has never done an important errand and may not be able to bear it, but he is still young, or can he learn from others first? Qiu Qilan didn't mind giving Sheng Shishui the face, and told her husband that night, "After all, Huan Er was born, and the sixteenth brother hasn't ordered a business student, it doesn't look like it."

Jiang Yashuang has never taken Jiang Yazhu as an outsider, and he nodded when he heard: "I will tell my grandfather tomorrow to pick a good job for Shiliu, so that Shiliu and Huan'er will be glorious in the future."

No wonder Jiang Yazhu is jealous of his younger brother. He can only go to Qin Guogong if he wants an errand. He also has to see if Qin Guogong has any time to see him. And Jiang Yanshuang, who is in front of him, wants to make some relatives a little official. I guess it is easier than him not to say. Jiang Yashuang himself can go straight into Qin Guogong's study room anytime. Even if he doesn't go, whenever the wind blows, Qin Guogong will call him or see or discuss on his own initiative, lest the cultivation is not enough. Dedicated!

This grandson is also a grandson of Qin Guogong, the gap is really too big-so big that normal people can't afford to complain.

In fact, Jiang Yashuang has some grievances about this brother's grievances. He was not raised by Mrs. Zhuang. Although he knows Jiang Yazhu's life experience, he has no hatred against him. It's ridiculous, and I haven't done anything eye-catching. It's hard to get the elders to care. I and Lan Lan respect him alone, and we can't eliminate his inferiority and jealousy ... What kind of errand should be found for him? Is he able to show his skills? "

There are three brothers in the fourth room. Jiang Yadan has made it clear that he can't count on him. Jiang Yashuang naturally hopes that Jiang Yazhu will be able to fight for his strengths, and he will be a good arm for himself in the future.

So it took a lot of thought to consider the future for Jiang Yazhu.

As a result, when Qin Guogong came to the front the next day, he started to stand up. Qin Guogong said, "I have a plan for the future of Xiaoliu. Today, if you don't talk to him, I will also call on you to make it clear."

Jiang Yashuang unexpectedly said, "How does Grandpa plan to arrange Sixteen Brother?"

"I plan to let him go to Zhenbei Army!"

"Zhenbei Army?" Jiang Yashuang was a little surprised, "Although Brother Sixteen didn't want to take the imperial examination road, he grew up in the bustling city of Beijing. Zhenbei Army ... seems to be too bitter?"

What he said was to cover up Jiang Yazhu. The so-called Jiang Yazhu didn't want to take the imperial examination path, he simply couldn't walk—not everyone who wanted to change the evil had the talent to read the title for years, especially Jiang Yazhu's reform of evil spirits is not very firm, and there is no constant persuasion to persuade him to continue to break the jar and fall!

How could such a person stand the grind in the town's northern army? The most important thing is that Jiang Yazhu went to northern Xinjiang, but it was directly under Mrs. Zhuang's eyelids!

Although Jiang Yashuang was sent to Jingzhong, the impression of her mother was heard by others, but she also knew that Mrs. Zhuang would never make Jiang Yazhu better! May even kill this **** by secret hands!

This will listen to Qin Guogong's statement that he intends to let Jiang Yazhu go to the town's northern army, and naturally he must oppose it.

Qin Guogong shook his head and said, "Isn't it possible for Xiao Shiliu to avoid your mother forever ?!"

Jiang Yashuang smiled bitterly: "If my grandfather must let the 16th brother go to the Zhenbei Army, would it be impossible for him to go with his grandchildren later?" He went with him to North Xinjiang, and when Madam Zhuang became furious, he was born by nature. Can my son advise me?

"Hey! There are only three of your brothers in the fourth room. Now your father and your uncle are like what they are like. I forgive you if you can choose in the future and you don't want to use your cousins!" Xiaoli 16 sent to northern Xinjiang to hone for two years. What do you think he can do in the future? You can keep everything busy in the army? "

He paused, "If your mother really cares about you, you should let go of that bitterness and jealousy! If she can't let it go, I won't bother to bear her again, and just call her back so as not to hinder your brother. Love it! "

Jiang Yashuang saw his grandfather's intentions resolved and had to retreat.

Back in his yard, he told Qiu Qilan something, and said, "I'll go to the study to write a letter of family, and persuade my mother ... Otherwise, I'm afraid my mother will be unhappy."

Qiu Qilan nodded, "You go!"

Jiang Yashuang left, and Su He laughed and said, "Something happened in the Houfu of Jibei."

"what happened?"

"Mrs. Thirteen was crying and went back to her mother's house, while Mrs. Six began to say she was sick."

Qiu Qilan was surprised: "What happened to Auntie Mi's nephew?" She had no conflict with Mrs. Six and Mrs. Mi, but because she had a good relationship with Xin Yibing, she naturally could not like the two. So there is nothing to worry about when I hear the news, but I am a little interested.

"Mrs. Aunt Wu told Mrs. Ou that you were pregnant later than Mrs. Thirteen, who had no children under her knees, but she was pregnant! Mrs. Thirteen had no news so far, could she not give birth? For the son-in-law's sons and daughters, I have to accept some money for the son-in-law! "Su He pursed his lips," and said that this matter should be mentioned by Mrs. Thirteen, but she hasn't said so far. Mrs. Young is really too unkind and too kind! "

"... And then?" Qiu Qilan did not expect that Jiang Tianhe's revenge on the sixth room was not over yet, and he was tossing again just because he was pregnant. He was wondering how he ended up lying in the gun while innocent.

Su Hedao: "Mrs. Thirteen, don't you know? When you are at home, you are petting. After entering the house, Mrs. Liu is used to. Where can you bear this? After hearing the words, I went back to the house and cried. This time, I did n’t go back to my mother ’s house to cry. Poor Mrs. Liu spoke a few words to Mrs. Thirteen in front of Mrs. Ou, and was asked by Mrs. What kind of virtuousness? Can you spend nothing at home? 'Mutually silent, but also reprimanded by Mrs. O'Europe for being too partial to Mrs. 13 and returning to the house also said she was ill!'

"They are really aunts!" Qiu Qilan shook her head, suddenly thinking of Shuijin, and her mouth turned away. "But Mi is not good for cousin Xin, but she is a model for her niece Mi Yinyin! Like He's and He Shuijin, what a pit! "R638

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