Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 5 Chapter 35: Autumn wind experience

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

...... But Qiu Qilan, although rushing to the backyard when he received the news, was still one step behind.

Qiu Feng has been taken to Jiang Yazhu and Sheng Yuanshui's yard to visit his son.

"Grandma is okay?" Qiu Qilan saw that only Mom Hu had come out to tell her the news, and Mrs. Tao's inner room was low-rolled again. There was a voice of consolation, and she sighed and asked in a low voice.

Mother Hu smiled bitterly: "When things first came to pass, the old lady often cried at night ... There is no news these days, why isn't the old lady's heart clear? If the sixteenth young lady is filial, she often brings her cousin to tease her husband People are happy, I'm afraid the old lady will be sick long ago. As a result, the horse will come back in a hurry ... "

She shook her head. "The old slave has sent someone to invite the doctor. If the young lady wants to ask the horse, please go to the sixteen young lady's side!"

Qiu Qilan would like to go immediately, but after listening to Mother Hu's talk, the doctor will come to diagnose Mrs. Tao. How can Sun Yi leave like this? By the way: "I'll wait until the doctor has finished showing my grandmother, so I can be more at ease."

After a while, the doctor came, and the diagnosis for Mrs. Tao was not very optimistic. At the age of the old lady, the mood has a great impact on health. Jiang Qizheng and others suffered a terrible blow. They were suddenly stimulated by Qiu Feng. Although the doctor spoke softly, Qiu Qilan listened. Come out: "Grandma may have been sick for a few days!"

This is so. When Mrs. Hu went to send the doctor, Mrs. Tao still shouted and shouted to her: "I always said that Qiu Feng was helping your brother in Shazhou, and Zhenger went to the west for this reason. Face. Now he suddenly bumped his head back, there must be an explanation! "

Talking tears fell down again-how to look at the children who grew up, especially Jiang Qizheng's gentle temperament, except for the waywardness of marriage, other things have never rebelled against the old lady. For example, if she is "old" at a young age, how can Mrs. Tao not be sad?

After sucking his nose, Mr. Tao continued, "Qiu Feng's account for one year must be accounted for! But there is a sentence that tells you that Zhenger has gone very wronged, and she must never let her go back. Be talked about! Not to mention that she has children to stay with, for the sake of the children, at least on the bright side ... Let Nineteen be thorough! "

"Sun Xie remembered it!" Qiu Qilan was so confused and whispered, "Sun Xun promised that no one would talk about the eighteen sister and nephew!"

"You go, I'm lacking!" Madam Tao heard the words and waved her hands, tiredly.

After exiting the door, Qiu Qilan took a deep breath and told Su He: "Go to Shiliu, and tell Qiufeng, let him go to Shazhou immediately!"

"Mrs. Young, in case the son knows ..." Su He was not stupid, and heard Qiu Qilan's meaning at once, he wanted to keep Qiufeng from avoiding Jiang Yashuang-since the unfortunate news that the three of Jiang Qizhen had encountered was returned After the middle of Beijing, although Jiang Yashuang never cried in front of people, in private he would stand outside the courtyard where Jiang Qizhen lived for a long time in private, remembering his sister.

The autumn wind that indirectly caused Jiang Qizhen's "death" to come back from the bones of this eye section, it is absolutely possible that Jiang Yashuang would kill him in his wrath!

Therefore, Su He was very worried that Qiu Qilan would let Qiufeng leave, and Jiang Yashuang knew that there was a gap between the husband and wife.

"My grandmother ordered that I always talked about Qiufeng in Shazhou, so my eighteen sisters went west ... so this lie must live!" Qiu Qilan said in a deep voice, "So let Qiufeng go to Shazhou right away-say to the outside world that he is There is an urgent matter to return to report! After finishing the letter, we must continue to find 18 sisters in Shazhou and accompany the 18 sisters back! "

I heard that Mrs. Tao was speaking under the guise of a man. Su He was relieved and led away!

It was only when Qiu Qilan returned to his yard that he changed his clothes and drank tea, but saw Su Heqi rush in: "Mrs. Young! Xunzi has never seen such a person! You are kind, he is the slightest No! Not only are they unwilling to leave, but they have come to our yard and must tell you if they have something! "

Qiu Qilan tea bowl trembled, and he hurriedly put it on the table: "Autumn wind is ahead now?"

"Yeah! He ..." Su He was interrupted without saying: "Then invite him to the flower hall!"

Qiu Feng's temper Qiu Qilan knows, since he refused to leave, he did not have the ability to force him out of Beijing! So why not ask Jiang Yashuang before he returns! Regardless of whether you are persuading Jiang Yashuang or looking back, I have a bottom in my heart!

When she entered the flower hall, she slightly stunned-Su He said that Qiufeng had lost a lot of weight. Like changing a person, she thought it was just an ordinary scum. This will be seen with my own eyes, but I see that the original amount is a thin autumn wind. At this moment, it is a bit out of shape, and it is really shocking!

"How did you make it look like this?" Qiu Qilan was surprised and suspicious, "and where have you been this year?"

Qiu Feng thought that she had already known about Jiang Qizheng, with sadness and deep self-blame in her expression, and said astringently, "I'm going to ... bury my master!"

"Your master?" Qiu Qilan said for a moment. "Why don't you just talk to the princess?"

Until now, Qiu Qilan couldn't understand how the autumn wind that had always been so bright and clear did such a bad thing? You can't be reconciled to this one, anyway, it's a man. How could anyone leave without saying a word? !! And you've all left letters, why bother to lie?

If he didn't tell him that he went to Shazhou to help Qiu Jinglan, Jiang Qizheng wouldn't set foot on her husband's way, let alone "died"!

"My master knew that when I married Qizheng, I told him not to reveal his words!" Qiufeng looked sadly. "So I received the news that his old man was in a hurry and asked me to return to the door. I could n’t find any other reasons. Take your brother as a cover. Originally I thought that I would be back in three to five months, and someone in the middle said something to your brother and asked him to cover me. This thing passed. Who wants to ... I I did n’t know why Master called me back when I went back to the door, he was sick! "

Next, without him, Qiu Qilan also knew that his master could not afford the illness. Qiufeng first served as an illness, and then did funeral work ... and then returned.

She asked puzzledly, "Why is there no news among you? If you asked my brother to send a few letters, I don't think the princess would be too anxious to leave the children in her cricket and go to Shazhou to find you!"

This autumn wind was silent for a long time before saying: "What I said to the rest of the Jiang family was because my Master lived in a remote place and there was no one else. When I saw the Master, I had no time to find someone to send a letter when I was sick. . "

"Then what are you going to say to me?" Qiu Qilan pouted.

"My master died less than ten days after returning to Shimen!" Qiufeng said lightly. "Before he died, he told me that he had chosen a tomb by himself. But after I buried him where he said he was, he was surrounded. The formation is stuck ... it was only a lucky chance until recently! "

He glanced at a black glazed gold pendant bottle not far away, and the bright glazed body reflected his incomparable looks, laughing at himself, "The reason why this is done is half grief and half, but it is because of that place Except for a very small diet, there is nothing. I never knew that Master could play the game. He didn't mention it. Of course, I didn't understand it. If I was lucky to find my way, I would still be inside. "

Qiu Qilan felt unbelievable: "Why did he do this ?!"

"You haven't heard your brother mention it?" Who knew that Qiu Feng heard the words but stared at her tightly and asked Shen Shen!

Qiu Qilan was at a loss: "My brother? Of course not! I only know about your master today-I don't even know how you tried to kill him before and how he was coaxed back by him!"

"..." Qiufeng was silent for a while and said, "Then I'll go to Shazhou and ask him in person!"

"What does this have to do with my brother?" Qiu Qilan looked at him inexplicably. "Your master ... is it possible to be my brother's master?"

Qiufeng glanced at her: "No. My master is a famous martial artist in the south. Although your brother grew up in the south, as far as I know, my master retired before your brother was born, and I was one or two years before he retired. He was picked by him and worshipped under his door. Since retiring, my master has never left the place where he lives, which is hundreds of miles away from where your brother grew up! They should never have seen each other! "

"Then you look for my brother, are you asking him to help you find out the ins and outs of the matter?" Qiu Qilan groaned.

"When your brother and Qiu Nie talked about poems before, the topic diverged, and I mentioned a few lines of formation by chance." Qiufeng's eyes were indifferent. "At that time, I was always looking for his handle in order to protect the former Zuo Fa of Tianya. ——So pay close attention to every sentence and every action of him! Although those words are headless, I still remember them. "

Autumn twilighted for a moment.

Qiu Fengdao said, "The reason why I can leave the formation method that my master has laid out this time is because of those few words!"

"……………………" Qiu Qilan looked at him sternly, "What's going on here?" Qiu Jinglan's life is tortuous enough, so far he hasn't restored his original name and surname, and It seems that this life is not easy to recover-does this autumn wind also have nine songs and eighteen bends? !!

Qiufeng was obviously not interested, and he didn't bother to discuss it with her in detail, and said lightly: "Since you don't know anything, then I'm going to Shazhou now ..." He glanced at the courtyard of Jiang Yazhu and his wife, his eyes saddened Flashed by, "That kid ... I'll take care of you some days! Wait for me to bring his mother ..."

"You have killed Sister Eighteen, and still expect to take her only child away?" Qiu Feng's words were not finished, and a cold voice came from outside the hall!

Qiu Qilan ’s face changed—Sure enough, Jiang Yashuang's complexion strode in, and he looked at Qiufeng aggressively: "You don't have to go anywhere, waiting to be buried with Sister Eighteen, is the only thing you can do and can do Thing! "

"Nineteen!" Qiu Qilan stood up, trying to say something, but stopped by her husband's cold eyes!

"Qi Zheng went because of me. I should pick her up. It should be right." Qiu Feng calmly looked at Jiang Yashuang and said lightly, "If you are not assured, you can send enough people to join me on the road!"

Jiang Yashuang sneered: "Take my eighteen sister back ... Are you worth it? A full year! Slowly telling the family, there is no even a message! If it weren't for grandma's maintenance, the eighteen sister would have been too long ! "

He pointed to the courtyard where Jiang Qizhen lived and said, "Soon after you left, the eighteenth sister was pregnant! This is a great joy, but you don't know where you are! You know the eighteenth sister she While listening to humane congratulations, I explained to you with a smile on my face, how sad and sad is my heart ?! "

"Lan Lan also got pregnant a while ago. I urgently solicited a group of staff members. I dropped most of my business affairs and kept her most of the time. I ca n’t rest assured! You have a wide heart. You are a husband and wife with eighteen sisters. You haven't thought about you having children in this year ?! "

"I died in August last year because of difficulty giving birth-the delivery period of Sister Eighteen was just a few days after Hachiman! You can imagine the fear of Sister Eighteen at that time! When the mother-in-law came out to say that her mother and son were safe, my grandmother Almost paralyzed on the ground! Even I was sweating in a heavy coat outside the hospital! That's it, Sister Eighteen refused to say that you were bad at all! "

"I know you didn't want to go to Sister Eighteen, but since Sister Eighteen suffered so much grievances, she didn't mention a word to her family, and ordered the Princess House to keep her mouth shut! It's true to you! If you want to leave, Sister Eighteen will not allow you ?! "Jiang Yashuang looked at his brother-in-law with red eyes, and cut his teeth." Qiufengqiu heroes-you said, how do you deserve to pick up Sister Eighteen? "R638

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