Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 6 Chapter 8: Find the source of the poison

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

Watching Jiang Bo's gratitude resign, Jiang Yashuang Fang turned his head and looked at his wife: "Grandfather ..."

"Fortunately, Langer is okay." Qiu Qilan's eyes flickered and said lightly, "However, the real murderer can not be held accountable, but he must not know! Otherwise, who knows if they will start again?"

It's about the life of her son, and she doesn't bother to pay attention to the promise of He Shuijin that year. Because the child in front of her was victimized by He's, and this time she found that she was pregnant again, but I'm afraid she would repeat the same mistake. This took the opportunity of her mother in Beijing to take the name of the first eight children and An Er to discuss justice. Go check it! "

Jiang Yashuang's pupils suddenly contracted: "Is there such a thing ?!" I remembered Qiu Qilan and Su He's hiding behavior when he was away from the summer, and he also tried it after that, but Qiu Qilan refused to say, thinking about it For this reason, the relationship between the married couple was not investigated-who wants to have a relationship with the murder of Aiko?

"If Ruo Lanlan told me earlier, maybe ..." He came up with such a thought, but he didn't like it, but looking at his wife's uncle's look, he still held back the anger, "Go on!"

"You also know her temper. It ’s impossible to retaliate after taking such a big loss! But He is not only her mother-in-law, but also her uncle's aunt! The government's decentness is gone! She has always known about how she is willing to pay for the reputation of the clan for the clan? Before I thought about it, her departure this time is likely to be a two-pronged strategy, not only to avoid the clan to her Start; I also want to hang out! "

"Now that Langer is poisoned, even if it is for the body of your grandfather, you promised to be confused, but as the master of the family, the child in the family was poisoned in the yard, and she couldn't take any responsibility!"

Qiu Qilan faced Shen Sishui, "I helped out before and after her childbirth. For the sake of the reputation of the family, Shiji asked me not to disclose it to anyone. I agreed. She didn't intend to break the promise, but she didn't It's time to hit our kids! "

When she used to scold He ’s waste, she actually thought of He Shuijin: The Jiang family ’s fortunes began in the army, and family members could not follow the military camp to live, while Qin Guogong and Jibei Hou came from a poor background, and no one wanted to. Promotion can only be achieved by working hard-of course, there is no time for the family members. Of course, the head mother of the Jiang family can only grasp inside and out, and come everything by himself.

Even if Qin Guogong later entered the dynasty, Jiang Tianchi's generation was the only Jiang Tianchi to choose to join the army, but the rules that have followed for many years have not been changed. The men of the Jiang family have long been accustomed to not only doing business, but asking the customs of the government if nothing happens.

"But with the enemies of the Jiang family over the years, the defense of the state government is not likely to be weak!" Although Qiu Qilan did not see the Qin Guogong entering the door before, the swing was found. After spying, the response of the Jiang family guards and Resilience, but I remember that in my early years, I had n’t been there before, and turned over in the middle of the night. The wall entered the Jiang family courtyard and met with Jiang Yashuang. Jiang Yashuang once mentioned that the guards of the other hospitals were the elite soldiers who had been sharpened in the northern army ——That's just another house! Besides, this is the official government?

"These people are nominally subject to the restraint of their heads and mothers. In fact, even if Mrs. Dou, who has had experience in the army, how can she arbitrarily scrutinize in this respect? This is related to her life, can she not listen to the experts?"

"Now that my grandfather is still there, he has his own place. Even if the head mother and mother are not reliable, these people's abilities are there, no matter how desolate they are, they won't be touched by a swing and walk around like nothing happens! Who came in? He had absolutely no ability to let people into the house rashly, or a reckless man like a swing. Even if nothing happened, the guard on duty would still have good fruit to eat? "

"It is not possible for one or two guards to conceal up and down, but how many guards can do their hands and feet together for a year and a half? Don't say that her ability is insufficient, she is also strong It's useless, she has only been a few months at this time? It doesn't take enough time to recognize the guards in the house, let alone analyze who can and who can't, who is not useful, and who should What kind of way to get around ... In short, this can't be done with Heshi! "

Only with Shuijin, the account is managed before entering the door. After entering the door, everything is controlled except for the official business in front of it. There is too much time and opportunity to envelope the guard!

What's more: "The swing said that she had mixed in three months ago. I counted the time, that was before and after the full moon of Langer, and then this time into the house-I don't think it is a coincidence at these two points. Because they just happened to catch up with our family. It ’s no secret that He ’s not good at home. She usually has a hard time dealing with things. When she arrives at home, something happens, such as the full moon of Langer and the death of her uncle. False, who wouldn't think it wasn't caused by her inadequacy? "

In this way, not only can He Sushui's suspicions be cleaned up, but the guards she enveloped can also evade most of the responsibilities to He's blind command!

"I'll send someone to Gyeonggi now!" Jiang Yashuang's face was very ugly. "Let's have a child, isn't the fourteenth child also pregnant? She has no opinion on revenge for her previous child. The grievances of their three bedrooms! But if you dare to use our child as an introduction, it is within her expectation that the swing can be used as an antidote in time ... "

He sneered, "Anyway, there wasn't no childbirth before the 14th birthday!"

A child who hasn't landed can't hurt Qin Guogong's heart. After all, it's not the first time that Qin Guogong died his great-grandson. The eldest son of Jiang Yadan who raised him to the full house and ran away also said he died.

At this time, the twilight was approaching. The two husbands and wives negotiated and came to an end. The tiredness surged in like a tide. Only then did they remember that they had not dripped for two days and one night.

I went to the flower hall for a meal and stomped to see Jiang Jinglang-Qin Guogong also slept here, the old man curled up on a soft couch next to the window, and frowning in his sleep, the bed was leaning against the snoring Jiang Bo. This master The gray hair of a servant looks downcast and bitter under any light.

Looking at this scene, Qiu Qilan's heart softened, and the slight dissatisfaction and grievances in her chest could not help but dissipate, holding Aizi firmly: "Langer is fine!"

Look at the son, returned to the temporary cleaned up apartment, the couple did not even have the strength to talk, and fell down to sleep.

Although they were exhausted, their hearts were anxious, so the next morning, the two got up and called for someone to groom and ask, "How is Langer? What about grandfather?"

"Sun Gongzi is fine!" Shen Shui handed over the hot papar and whispered softly, "The old lady woke up half an hour ago and called Dr. Lin to give a diagnosis to Sun Gongzi. You do n’t have to drink medicine anymore, just eat some tonic. "

Qiu Qilan immediately said: "Go to my storeroom and get good medicines for the nursing mothers!"

"The old lady instructed to take the public account, and use the best." Shen Shui Dao, "Also, since the afternoon of yesterday, Hou Fu's side has sent people to ask one after another, and each room also sent things."

"Take it away and tell me back." Qiu Qilan now has no heart to care about human affairs, and his son's complete recovery is the top priority!

After they had packed up, they were about to rush to see their son, but Jiang Bo came: "My son, Madam, Sun Gongzi was found to be poisoned!"

"What?" Jiang Yashuang and Qiu Qilan, who were drinking tea and gargle, stood up and asked in unison, "Where is the poison?" The yard where they lived was flattened, and I didn't find any poisonous place! Previously, Jiang Yashuang promised to read that when Aizi had turned to danger and Qin Guogong's sake this time, he was pretending to be confused. The reason why Qiu Qilan was unhappy and could not find the source of the poison was a very important reason: even the child was poisoned. I do n’t know, if the person who started it again, who can guarantee that the swing can be delivered with antidote in time?

Yes, the couple suspected that He Shuijin was used to deal with He's this time, so they borrowed the guise of Jiang Jinglang. As long as He's planted this time, He Shuijin ... How can He Shuijin be a three-room wife? People in Sanfang would not expect Jiang Jinglang to have an accident? !!

Between the third and fourth bedrooms, there is Jiang Yaqing's blood feud!

Now I heard that the cause of the poisoning has been found out. How can the couple not be excited?

"Poison is the first of the nursing mother ..." Before Qiu Bo finished speaking, Qiu Qilan exclaimed: "Is Langer again ?!"

Jiang Yashuang's face was pale for a moment. Of course, his blood was loved by his father's heart, but he still remembered Qiu Qilan's words of “bringing up and raising hardships”. He never expected to have a biological flesh in this life. Sister-in-law, he never even thought that he could continue to have children, and it is conceivable that Jiang Jinglang attaches great importance to it!

In Jiang Yashuang's heart, Jiang Jinglang was an unexpected surprise. Maybe he lost this life! No one is more afraid of gaining and losing. If it were not for the slightest hope, he would like to push Jiang Bo away and rush to visit his son!

Uncle Jiang knew what they were feeling and hurriedly said, "My son and young lady don't have to worry! Grandpa Sun is now very good-Doctor Lin wanted to detoxify Grandpa Sun, not prescribing many prescriptions, because his grandmother was unable to drink it When I came here, I found some other nursing mothers. Later, when the antidote was taken, I was afraid that Sungongzi's original nursing mother still had medicinal residues that she had previously drank, which was not good for Sungongzi, so I found two more people from outside the government. The nursing mother came—from yesterday to the present, the grandson is fed by these two nursing mothers! "

Both husband and wife were angry and asked: "Langer is all right?"

"When the slave came here, the old lady was holding Sun Gongzi to tease him. Sun Gongzi pulled the old man's beard and let go of it, and the old lady kept complaining!

"This child is really naughty--Shen Shui, please go and see. Don't let him hurt his grandfather!" Qiu Qilan said that he just couldn't believe Jiang Bo completely. Bo didn't think it was embarrassing. He only said: "The reason for the poisoning of the nursing mothers is that, for the purpose of lactating and supplementing the body, elbows are stewed daily, but the elbows do not contain salt or almost no salt. After eating for a long time, naturally I feel tired. "

What does her son ’s nursing mother eat every day, of course Qiu Lan knows, at this moment she asks, “Is there a problem with the elbow?” His face is very ugly. The nursing mother ’s elbow is made by Li, and there are only a few people in the kitchen. ...

"No!" Fortunately, Jiang Bo shook his head. "The elbow is no problem. The problem is the candied fruit. The elbow is too tired for the nursery, so I will give them a few candied fruits every day."

"The preserves were sent out by our yard to buy them ourselves. Although we bought them each time, we filled them with silver plates after buying them. If there is a problem, how can those silver plates have no response?" Jiang Ya Shuang frowned, "Is there still a thief?"

It stands to reason that the unsuspecting confidant who can still be at their service at this moment is definitely not suspicious, but Su He and Xia Ran were immediately calm, and the breathless atmosphere was afraid to breathe!

"Either the silver plate or the silver needle, you can only test the outer layer of the candied fruit. How do you know that the candied fruit has been tampered with?" Jiang Bo smiled bitterly. "Those apricots and peaches are nucleated. The nursing mother was not the child of our family, but was hired outside the family. She was used to being poor at home. After eating the candied fruit, she had to break the nucleus and eat the kernel inside, and it was like this!

"……………… !!!" Jiang Yashuang and Qiu Qilan looked at each other, wishing to vomit blood!

It was the idea of ​​both of them to find an innocent babysitter from the house, because the four-bedroom was not the eldest son, and had never been a homeowner, for fear of being overcast by the three-bedroom homeowner. In the end, the nurses who came out were honest, but they were planted in poverty!

"So are the people doing the hands and feet inside the candied core found?" R638

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