Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 6 Chapter 74: Believe in your daughter or in others ...

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

I do n’t know if it was expected by Queen Xin ’s Fengkou. Chu Yitong struggled to be born really a daughter-Madam Tao came to visit her in person and praised the child with her mouth full of praise. The eyes really look like parents "and" the sound of crying sounds like a good healthy child ", but Qin Guogong didn't make a special obituary, but just incidentally spoke about other things.

Of course, in this case, don't expect Qin Guogong to name the great-granddaughter. It's not that he treats Chu Yitong mother and daughter, but the Jiang family has prospered since the grandchildren. When Qin Guogong was concerned about state affairs, even grandsons, nephews, great-grandchildren, and great-nephews couldn't manage it. Where can I still have the energy to control the girl who is an outsider sooner or later—Jiang Huishou, the niece of the Jiang Yashuang couple, nominally It was two years old and he didn't have to mention it.

So this twenty-four-year-old baby girl was named "Treasure" by her father Jiang Yadan around ten days after birth, plus the surname and ranking of Jiang Huibao.

"How much of this name can make Hachiman's heart more spacious?" In order to prepare full moon wine for Jiang Huibao, he made a four-room trip with Shuijin, but did not talk to Chu Yitong, who was sitting on the confinement. Sentence, come to Qiu Qilan, and when you meet, it seems like a smile, "Although not a son, anyway, it is also my brother's baby!"

Qiu Qilan is holding her daughter to play. After Jiang Jingye and Jiang Jinglang were caught by Jiang Yashuang with a ruler, she was now empty. At present, besides worrying about the situation in West Xinjiang, she is also accompanying her daughter. Hearing the words, he laughed and asked, "Are you neglected over there? Why did you say that?"

He Shui Jinzhang laughed: "I took her's charter that would have a full moon to show her, but she didn't have any opinions at first. I heard that the rules of that session were not very happy. I said she didn't like it and asked me to make another one! "

Chu Yitong is trying to say goodbye to Qiu Qilan, not to He Shuijin. She also knows that the problem is, "I'm so busy now. Yaer started coughing three days ago till now. Before it's good, I just remember to finish things and go back to accompany him! Where can I go to spare time? "

It turned out to be Jiang Jingya. No wonder Hecheng and Heshuijin have always been so angry!

Qiu Qilan was stunned and asked, "Why did Ya'er's cough drag on for so long? Have you got another doctor to see?"

"It was changed yesterday, and a new medicine was prescribed. This morning, the person who served him said that the cough was better, but he was still coughing." He Shuijin sighed. "The next man said that he wanted to eat peaches. I Seeing that it is not good enough in the market today, remember that you always have the time fruit delivered by Zhuangshang, and just happen to be on the way, just ask for a bit! "

Qiu Qilan hurriedly called for someone to pick up the peach that was delivered this morning, and apologized, "I don't know if Ya'e like it, I knew I'd send it to him!"

"He didn't really like to eat these, and it was not good for the past two days. I remembered it for a while." He Shuijin smiled. "You don't have to give it to him. I guess he will eat up to two peaches and don't Now. "

She left after receiving the peach. Qiu Qilan knew that her son was not interested in staying with her.

After sending away He Shuijin, Qiu Qilan saw that her daughter was sleepy, and told her nurse to take her back to the house to settle down. She felt a little sore on her shoulders, so she called hibiscus to pinch herself.

Hibiscus has only been here at the moment, while holding her shoulders, she whispered: "Mrs. Eight is too much. Mrs. Young has never been upset with her, but she just stared at you!"

"You think you are throwing up your fourteenth wife's arms!" Qiu Qilan smiled slightly.

Hibiscus was startled, and blurted out, "Mrs. Eight Young didn't say that?"

"We're not there, who knows what they say?" Qiu Qilan said disapprovingly, "Further, even if Hachiman requires Baoer's full moon wine to be different from Hyun's, it doesn't have to be directed at him. I ’m here, how can she say that she is also the elder of our four-bedroom, a banquet, and she is not allowed to change?

Seeing Hibiscus biting her lips, Qiu Qilan squinted and said, "Now we are in a good position in this room, but if it is too busy to fight with ourselves, it will be a joke!"

"Xunzi convicted!" Mu Hiong heard her pounding, and immediately knelt down, sweating profusely, "Xunzi never meant to be provocative, he was stupid and didn't see the mind of Madam Fourteen ! "

"Think about it in the future!" Qiu Qilan glanced at her. This hibiscus was raised by her. She usually did not talk to He Shuijin. This time, she talked to Shui Jin. It should not be bought out, but young and inexperienced. So I gave her some color and called her up to expose it. "Give me a try again!"

... The news of Chu Yitong's daughter came to the palace, and Queen Mother Jiang and Queen Xin discussed the issue of seizing the four-family granddaughter as a princess. The emperor strongly agreed with this: "It happened to be under her knees and she had no daughter. After the two children sealed the princess, they could often enter the palace and be a companion to Shao'er!"

No matter what he said with all his heart, the queen mother and the queen thought of it again: "The two children, Shao Er, Hui Bao, and Hui Bao, are as old as they are. If there is no accident, they must be young children ..."

Actually, even if it wasn't for the young and the young, there was no guessing. According to the estimation at this time, Chu Shao's wife would certainly not have come from the Jiang family.

Of course, if you can cultivate your feelings from an early age and love each other even if you have a political marriage, it is also a pleasure for the queen mother and the queen.

But considering the future queen, the queen mother and the queen find it a bit embarrassing: "The best candidate is Hui Yan, her parents are close to both of our wives! Moreover, Xiao Ba is living on the shade of his father. Nineteen is a person with great achievements! It is just that Huibao was born by the eldest son of the four-bedroom, and is about the same age as Huizhen. If he often takes Huizhen into the palace to play with Shao'er, he does not accept Huibao. I'm afraid the daughter-in-law will be unhappy! "

Chu Yitong's upset, the queen mother and the queen don't care. What they worry about is the attitude of the Jiang Tianchi couple, especially Jiang Tianchi: "Zhenbeibo is very painful to the eldest son. Although Xiaoba and Nineteen are very different, but Zhenbei Bo doesn't seem to care much about this ... I saw Xiaoba's sister-in-law, and I was afraid that Zhenbei Bo would be displeased when he knew it. At that time, he could not blame us, and was angry at the couple of nineteen, but he did bad things with good intentions! "

The two daughters-in-law didn't think of a good way for the time being, she just shelved this resolution-anyway, the children are still young, they are still in the palace now, and they are not in a hurry to register.

But after the news spread secretly, Mrs. E Guo's wife was anxious. She went into the palace to meet her daughter, and asked, "The queen mother is looking for Shao'er for his wife?"

"Nothing!" The queen did not expect that this word actually reached her mother's ears-Jiang Tianhe's purpose is not clear? It was a bit cold to look at the left and right at the moment, but suddenly it disappeared and ordered the palace people to retreat. This was a perfunctory way of saying, "How old is Shaoer? Where is the time to say this?"

"Don't coax me!" Jiang Tianhe said doubtfully, "It is said that you plan to choose between Jiang Huiyu and Jiang Huibao? In order to make their young plums and horses come to fruition in the future, they plan to seal them together as princesses, so they often go in Miyazaki? "

She grimaced and said, "Why are you so stupid, Queen ?! The Jiang family is powerful, and is a well-known spoiled child! Look at your cousins, Princess Qi, and Obikong's wife ... Which is not used to The lawless Lord? This is going to make you a daughter-in-law, relying on the power of your mother's family, may not make you angry! "

The voice was low, "Although you are a granddaughter of the Jiang family, you are separated by one surname! Even if these two are good talkers, how can your uncle and niece be reliable? Say something for your mother, you Wouldn't you be willing to make a lifetime for the Jiang family !? "

The queen originally only frowned and listened. At the last sentence, her face suddenly changed color, and she said, "Mother! You have passed!"

"..." Jiang Tianhe was taken aback by his daughter's sudden anger, and the previous aggressiveness was dissipated, but he was still unwilling to say, "Although it was said that the queen mother had chosen you, you became the queen! But Does n’t it mean that she hurts you a lot? If the Jiang family did n’t have a suitable girl, how could she be cheaper? Our opportunity should be seized, and with the power of the Jiang family, if you choose from their family again Daughter-in-law, where does our family have a day to start? "

The queen only felt physically and mentally exhausted: "Our Xin family was originally not high, and we can have the mother-in-law today ..."

"Where can the noble origin of the Jiang family go?" Jiang Tianhe unceremoniously revealed the bottom of his mother's family. "Your uncle's grandfather still made too many young men's minions-what is the power of the Jiang family today? Prominent ?! This is the reason why the so-called heroes don't ask the source! "

"In short, it is a matter of nothing to settle Shao'er now." The queen's face was blue and clenched her teeth, "but she wanted to add four bedrooms to the Enjiang family-this idea was raised when Hui Yan was born earlier. However, 19th cousin and 19th cousin did not want to go past Mynah and Mynah! That ’s why I did n’t talk about it until Yasam gave birth to my uncle! ”

Although she is a daughter, she has been in the palace for several years. She has been revered and Fengyi has become established. At this moment, she sits in the Phoenix seat and looks down with no expression. Dare to make noise again.

"You are my mother. Do you believe me or those messy people? You take care of yourself!" The queen looked at her for a moment, closed her eyes, and used a tone of emotion.

The queen was originally sent back to Beijing to live with her grandmother for a few years beside her parents. Because the Jiang Tianhe and his wife stayed in Guanzhou for the benefit, they also thought that they did not wait for them immediately after returning to Beijing, regardless of how many times their daughter pleaded. Would rather separate the flesh and bones-later. After Qiu Qilan's proposal, and the queen was aggrieved, she returned to Beijing. The queen said in her heart that there was no complaint at all.

After the Jiang Tianhe couple returned to Beijing, at first the queen was very happy to have her parents shelter and a mother to help herself.

As a result, within a few months, Jiang Tianhe's frequent unreasonableness caused the queen a headache. It was her attitude that pushed Jiang's six bedrooms completely to the opposite side—this is fine, from the queen From the official entrance of the palace, Xin's family has developed by her name!

The queen is not a fool, how can you not know that under the circumstances that the Jiang family has not faded and has heavy soldiers, the Xin family relied on a queen or the queen who was determined by the queen queen to fight for the Jiang family. What's the difference between Quan and death? !!

Just when she persuaded Jiang Tianhe, Jiang Tianhe also thought that it was for her good: "The queen mother and concubine are all Jiang family daughters. If our Xin family is still deserted, where are you decent in this palace? "

After realizing that his daughter was not so obedient, Jiang Tianhe even reached out to the palace of Pei and bought the queen around to achieve the purpose of controlling his daughter-even if the queen queen did not treat the queen like this, could the queen be angry? !!

At this moment, throwing out this sentence, there is no interest to say anything to Jiang Tianhe, and he waved his hand, "This palace is going to see Shao'er, it's hot, Madam E Guo, please come back!"

The queen has never been a stand-up person. Except for the ceremony, she still speaks to people who are closer to her, such as Qiu Qilan and Zhuang Man. It is even more embarrassing for the biological mother. Now suddenly calling himself "the main palace" and calling Jiang Tianhe "the wife of the E Kingdom", the meaning of alienation is self-evident.

Jiang Tianhe's heart was cold, and he looked at her wistfully: "You ..."


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