Then, Ye Yun seemed to think of something.

"Murals, the most important thing in this holy land is still murals! Beast also seemed to be observing murals before."

Ye Yun put the key of water and fire in the warehouse, and then walked to the position where Beast was standing.

"Is this the mural he is looking at?"

Ye Yun looked up and saw a huge ocean engraved on the mountain wall!

"This... this mural..."

Ye Yun's eyes flashed with excitement. The power of water on this mural is too clear! It's really too clear!

It can be said that the mural has depicted all the perceptions of the power of water!

"It's really too clear. Even if people who don't have comprehension, they can make a breakthrough by watching these murals for a long time, right?"

Ye Yun couldn't help but sighed.

He thought the lines outside were clear enough, but when he saw the murals, he realized that the lines were still too different!

If you want to compare, it's like you want to practice calligraphy, and the lines outside are a teacher telling you how to write this word beautifully.

And the murals here are directly the teacher holding you hand in hand and telling you how to write beautifully!

The gap is really huge!

"No wonder they call it a holy place..." Ye Yun took a deep breath and took away the body of Shouye.

Then he focused on watching the mural.

"The power of water, it turns out to be like this... the water of all things..."

Ye Yun watched attentively, and time passed quickly, one minute... two minutes.

One hour, three hours, ten hours.

One day.


Suddenly, Ye Yun felt a sudden shock and withdrew from the state of perception.

"It feels so uncomfortable to be interrupted in cultivation."

Although a little unhappy, Ye Yun also knew that this was a day later, the black shadow attacked!

"Black shadow, you must solve the black shadow before you can continue to practice."

Ye Yun held the phantom water gun and became alert.

"What does this black shadow look like, and how strong will it attack me? What is its form?"

At this time, whoosh!

Behind Ye Yun, a black shadow suddenly appeared and stabbed directly at Ye Yun's back!

It was about to succeed.

"Want to sneak attack me?" Ye Yun was keenly aware of the black shadow, turned around and shot!


Stabbed the black shadow!

At the same time, he also saw the black shadow.

[Name: Trial Machine-10067

Note: Trial Machine-10067, strength is innate level, no entity. ]

"Trial robot?" Although Ye Yun was confused, the strength of the innate level was not enough in his eyes.


The black shadow was pierced and disappeared directly.

"Nothing exploded?" Ye Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, and then thought of the note, no entity.

"Perhaps, I didn't kill this robot, but just repelled it."

Ye Yun guessed so, and then found that the cold feeling had disappeared.

"Nothing will disturb me to comprehend the murals anymore, continue!"

Ye Yun continued to watch the murals, and at the same time sent a message to Lin Miaoqing and others using the communication equipment.

[I have killed the beast, and now I have found a cosmic relic. I am comprehending, don't worry. ]

Then, Ye Yun continued to comprehend.

Soon, another day passed.

This time, two black shadows appeared, one of which was named Trial Machine-10067!

"Sure enough, it was just repelled before?"

Ye Yun waved his gun again and repelled the two black shadows.

"The first time there was one black shadow, now there are two, although the strength is still at the innate level, it's nothing.

But... these black shadows are indeed getting stronger and stronger."

Ye Yun turned his head and continued to comprehend the mural.

In this way, three days passed.

Ye Yun stood under the mural and rubbed his temples.

"It's really a headache, these black shadows... every time I comprehend it, it's interrupted.

It would be great if there were no black shadows."

Thinking of this, Ye Yun felt a little haggard. All kinds of perceptions were interrupted. It was okay once or twice, but once a day, it really made him a little tired.

"Forget it, let's go and see this water and fire key first." Ye Yun took out the water and fire key.

"The key to open a certain place... where is this place?"

When Ye Yun was thinking, suddenly.


The Fire and Water Key vibrated by itself.

"Oh? With energy traction, there is no need to find it slowly by yourself."

Ye Yun followed the traction of energy and flew for about a few minutes.

Finally, he stopped in front of a mountain!

This mountain is also the largest peak in the entire mountain range!

"It seems that this is it." Ye Yun observed carefully and found a stone door on the mountain.

And there is a prototype depression on the stone door.

It perfectly matches the Fire and Water Key in Ye Yun's hand!

"It seems that this is the key here." Ye Yun hesitated for a moment and took out his mobile phone to take a photo of the Fire and Water Key.

"If the Fire and Water Key disappears directly after being put in, I will lose money.

Although taking photos cannot record the power of the Fire and Water Key, it can capture the patterns.

With these patterns, my road to water and fire fusion can be smoother."

After taking a few photos, Ye Yun put away his mobile phone and put the Fire and Water Key into the depression.

Buzz! !

The moment the Fire and Water Key was put in, huge energy burst out from it!

With the key of water and fire as the core, countless lines extend out and spread all over the stone door.

After a while, the stone door glowed and slowly opened.

"I can go in now, let's take a look." Ye Yun stepped into the stone door and found it was a passage.

After walking a few steps along the passage, there was an open space.

In the center of the open space, there was a box half a person's height, which was quite huge.

"Only one box?" Ye Yun blinked, it seemed that this box must be extraordinary.

"Open it and take a look."

Ye Yun reached out and touched it, and in an instant.


The box glowed, and with a bang, it opened just like that!

"Dangdangdang! This treasure finally appeared in the world!"

In the box, there was a ring, and on the ring, a tiny figure emerged.

Ye Yun:...

What is this.

This treasure?

Ye Yun narrowed his eyes and saw the other party's panel.

[Name: Ring of Water and Fire

Quality: Domain Level

Note: Domain-level treasures can be greatly enhanced when using the water and fire domain! 】

"Domain-type...treasure?" Ye Yun was stunned.

Domain-type treasure, he also has it!

When he killed the Desert Death God, the other party exploded a blueprint, which was a domain-type spear.

Because he couldn't understand the materials inside, he didn't care.

"Why do I feel...that blueprint is very cool?" Looking at the water and fire ring in front of him, Ye Yun couldn't help but mutter.

"Hey, hey, I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable!" At this moment, the tiny figure stood on the ring and looked at Ye Yun.

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