Real game: max out the explosion value at the start!

Chapter 163 Something seems to be wrong!

This Daze Mountain Range, with countless peaks piercing the sky, seems to be about to break through the sky!

"The area of ​​this mountain range alone is probably almost the same as that of Blue Star, right?"

Ye Yun was also shocked! This was the first time he saw such a huge mountain range.

"I don't know what the cloud beasts living in it are like, let's go in and take a look."

Ye Yun took a deep breath and stepped into the area of ​​the Daze Mountain Range.


In the Daze Mountain Range, Ye Yun moved forward cautiously, and suddenly...

"I saw it."

[Name: Young Cloud Beast

Health Bar: 100%

Level: Second Mirror of Hunyuan Realm

Realm: Thunder Extreme Realm of All Things, Second Realm of Electricity of All Things

Remarks: If a young cloud beast in the Hunyuan Realm grows up, it can have the strength of the peak of Hunyuan! ]

Every cloud beast grows up to be the peak of Hunyuan! If you want to enter the Tianyu depends on the cloud beast's own talent.

"The young cloud beast...there is indeed a faint power of law on its skin." Ye Yun sensed it carefully.

"It seems to contain the law of thunder? Unfortunately... it's not what I want.

Forget it, let's kill one first."

Ye Yun burst out instantly and stabbed the young cloud beast with a gun.

"Gu!" The young cloud beast was startled, as if it didn't expect that there would be a human hiding here.


The long spear swept across, and the cloud beast at the Hunyuan level was directly killed!


Some light balls burst out.

Among them, there were thunder and lightning, two kinds of power of all things.

"These two kinds of power of all things are not very useful to me." Ye Yun shook his head.

The more power of all things, the better. He has already determined the path of the five elements, so he will not waste time on other powers of all things!

"Put this corpse away first." Ye Yun waved his hand and put away the corpse of the cloud beast.

The corpse of the cloud beast contains the law of thunder, so it naturally cannot be wasted.

At the same time, this is also one of his tasks. He has to collect enough corpses of cloud beasts.

"Keep moving forward." Ye Yun moved towards the depths of the mountains.


A few months later, in a cave, Ye Yun collected the corpse of the cloud beast in front of him.

"Another cloud beast of the Heaven Realm."

Ye Yun looked at his warehouse, which contained many corpses of cloud beasts.

There are also many laws contained in these corpses! Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are all gathered.

"However, the laws contained in each cloud beast are only a part!"

A complete law power is naturally not something that can be recorded by a piece of fur.

Each piece of fur can only record a little bit of the law power.

"It is basically impossible to collect a law by collecting cloud beasts.

It is difficult to find cloud beasts with the same attributes, and some of the corpses contain repeated laws...

It is estimated that hundreds of millions or even billions of cloud beasts must be killed to collect a complete law!

There may not be so many cloud beasts in the entire Moyun world!"

Ye Yun stood up and decided to leave the Daze Mountains.

"The speed of one person collecting is too slow after all!" Ye Yun recalled the information given to him by the Holy Temple of Time and Space.

"I heard that in this world, all the major sects and families have a long history.

Because the history is long enough, they will also collect a lot of cloud beast corpses!

These forces have collected more cloud beast corpses over a long period of time than I have personally collected!

If I can join these forces, I can see these cloud beast corpses."

Ye Yun just walked out of the cave...

"Roar!" A roar of a cloud beast spread out!

"Hmm?" Ye Yun looked at the top of the opposite mountain, where a cloud beast was standing.

"Heavenly Domain Second Realm? Take the initiative to find me?"

Ye Yun shook it and took out his spear.

"It seems that I have killed too many cloud beasts in the past few months, and some cloud beasts have remembered me.

Then come!"

Ye Yun took a step!


Rush directly to the cloud beast, and the cloud beast was not to be outdone, and directly hit Ye Yun.

"Five Elements Nirvana!" Ye Yun stabbed with a spear!


At the tip of the spear, five kinds of power gathered and burst out instantly!


The cloud beast of the second level of the Heavenly Domain was killed directly!

Just one shot!

"Hunting cloud beasts in the past few months and comprehending the laws at the same time have made me make long-term progress."

Ye Yun stood on the corpse of the cloud beast, with a gleam of light in his eyes.

"In terms of the fusion of the five elements, I have created the gun method 'Five Elements Nirvana'!

It is estimated that the distance to forming a domain is also very close!"

From the Hunyuan Realm to the Heavenly Domain Realm, the power of all things is first fused, and then the fused power of all things forms a domain!

Now, Ye Yun has completed the fusion step, which is equivalent to half a foot into the Heavenly Domain Realm.

"Keep going, I am now in the deepest part of the Daze Mountains! If you want to get out, you still have to walk for a few more days."

Ye Yun tapped his feet and kept moving forward!

"Speaking of which..." Ye Yun couldn't help complaining while moving forward rapidly.

"These days, in addition to killing cloud beasts to explode attributes, there is also a little...

This sword-fighting is a bit strange!"

Fighting swords, he originally exploded the sword-fighting sword.

Then the character '丿' of 'dao' burst out!

So, there were only two strokes left to complete it! Ye Yun thought he would be able to complete the Dao Dao soon.

As a result, when he killed the cloud beast, a ‘-’ appeared, which is the horizontal line on the ‘knife’.

Then, he also appeared a ‘丨’, which is the vertical line on the ‘knife’. He was only one tick away from completion!

It seemed that he was only one tick away from completion, but the next thing he appeared was... a black dot.

At the same time, it was introduced that... collecting ten black dots could be exchanged for the final tick!

Ye Yun was a little helpless. He had only collected five black dots from killing cloud beasts these days.

“Forget it, let it be, anyway, they will appear when killing monsters... no need to collect them deliberately.”

At this moment, Ye Yun had already vaguely felt that this knife fight seemed to be a little wrong!


A few days later, Ye Yun came to the edge of the Daze Mountains.

“I can already see human figures. It seems that they have come out from the depths.”

Ye Yun muttered.

He had seen several times that several adventurers formed a team and went to explore the depths of the Daze Mountains.

“There are very few cloud beasts here...” Ye Yun looked around.


"Awoo!" In the distance, another cry of the cloud beast was heard!

"Oh? I can still run into a cloud beast in the edge area?" Ye Yun swung his spear.

"Then by the way, I'll use you to stack the heart's thread!"


Ye Yun rushed towards the cloud beast and fought with it!

But this time, Ye Yun did not kill the cloud beast instantly, but fought slowly.

After all, if you want to stack the heart's thread, you need to fight for ten minutes!

"Take your time." Ye Yun used spear skills to defend, and the cloud beast was helpless in the face of Ye Yun's defense.

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