The leader of the White Jade Kingdom received Ye Yun's message. After he clicked on it, he was stunned on the spot...

"In just fifty was possible to integrate the five powers of all things to form a domain!?

I knew Ye Yun was a genius... I didn't expect him to be such a genius! ! !

This...oh my god. "

Fifty years, just fifty years, for the Tianyu Realm, is probably just the time to sleep...

Who would have thought that Ye Yun could successfully integrate the five powers of all things in such a short period of time?

“In the history of our human race, anyone who can build a domain with the power of the five kinds of things was extremely dazzling in that era!

Each one is invincible at the same level! It's a pity...none of such geniuses has reached the eternal realm!

It’s not that it’s difficult to reach eternity, but it’s because of the alien assassination!

The Spirit Tribe is okay, the Monster Tribe occasionally assassinates me, but the Tuan Tribe... often assassinates my human genius!

Whenever a genius who combines the five powers of all things is born in our human race, he will be assassinated by Tuan assassins! No exceptions!

Ye Yun..."

Thinking of this, the leader of the Baiyu Kingdom became a little nervous and immediately sent a message to Ye Yun.

"Brother Ye Yun, how many people have you told about your fusion of the five powers of all things?!"

Moments later, he received the message.

[I possess the five powers of all things and use the Five Elements Battle Formation. Many people in the Time and Space Temple know...

However, I am the fusion of the five powers of all things... At present, only you, the king, know about it! 】

"That's good!" After seeing the news about Ye Yun, the leader of the Baiyu Kingdom let out a long sigh of relief!

"As long as it's not exposed."

The leader of the Baiyu Kingdom also hurriedly sent a message to Ye Yun again.

"Brother Ye Yun, let me give you a piece of advice! In today's ranking battle, try not to use your Five Elements Domain!

Once the fusion of your five powers of all things is will attract alien assassins!

I know that your strength is extraordinary, and you don’t look down on ordinary assassins!

But...the assassins of the Tuan tribe are very terrifying! Historically, all the geniuses in our human race who integrated the five powers of all things were assassinated by the Tuan tribe!

You have to know that everyone who can integrate the five powers of all things is an unparalleled genius!

Among the same level, it is enough to suppress an era! His hard power is probably not much worse than yours, Ye Yun! Even so... he was still killed!

Therefore, you must not underestimate the Tuan assassins! "

After receiving the news, Ye Yun's eyes flashed with solemnity.

“In the history of the human race, all geniuses who combined the five powers of all things were assassinated by the Tuan tribe?

This is indeed a bit scary..."

Ye Yun thinks he has a lot of cards, and it’s not that easy to kill him!


Those geniuses who combine the five powers of all things, who are not geniuses? That one has no trump card?

"I'm afraid some geniuses have more trump cards than me, right?" Ye Yun muttered.

"The assassins of the Tu'an tribe cannot be ignored... In the ranking battle, it is better not to expose the Five Elements Domain."

Originally, Ye Yun wanted to use the Five Elements Domain in the ranking battle to gain the attention and attention of the top leaders of the human race!

In this way, you can also get more training resources!

Now, Ye Yun's idea is to finish the ranking battle in a low profile and then find the Lord of the Temple.

Directly show the Five Elements Domain to the Lord of the Temple, so... he will still get the attention of the higher-ups of the human race!

There’s no need to worry about the Five Elements realm being exposed! Simply kill two birds with one stone!

"As the leader of the Temple of Time and Space, the Lord of the Temple controls half of the human race." Ye Yun thought.

"With such an identity and status, it shouldn't be possible for him to be a spy from a foreign race, right? It's absolutely safe to expose the Five Elements Domain to him.

If the Lord of the Temple could be a spy, then our race would have been doomed long ago..."

Thinking of this... Ye Yun also flew to the ring area.

"Okay, let's submit our identity first." At the entrance of the arena, Ye Yun submitted his identity to the staff.

"It turns out that His Highness is from the Tianyu realm. Please go to the Tianyu area to wait for orders. The ranking battle will not start until later." The staff member smiled.

"Okay." Ye Yun rushed towards the Tianyu area.

After Ye Yun left, the staff were still a little confused.

"His Royal Highness Ye Yun? Is he just promoted to the Heaven Realm? There was no such person in the last ranking battle!"

Cultivation in the Heaven Realm is generally based on ten thousand years.

Those veteran Tianyu realm players have participated in the ranking battle once every hundred years!

So it was quite novel to see new faces and staff!


"The ranking battle also takes several days to complete." Ye Yun came to the Tianyu area.

"First there is the ranking battle of third-class geniuses. The third-class geniuses fight among themselves to select the strongest ones.

They then move on to challenge second-tier talent.

In the end, the second-class genius challenges the first-class genius... and towards the end, there is a civil war between the first-class geniuses.

In addition to these, there are three areas for fighting: the realm of all things, the realm of Hunyuan, and the realm of heaven. "

Ye Yun rubbed his chin.

It was at this time that other Tianyu realm geniuses came in from the Tianyu area.

"Huh? New face?" Several geniuses were surprised.

Who is this? Why have I never seen it before?

"I know him." At this time, one of the geniuses pointed out Ye Yun's identity.

"He is the genius who squeezed out Da Huang and entered our star region. His number is 50!"

"Da Huang?" The other geniuses were stunned.

"Squeezing out Da Huang... doesn't that mean... he is in the Hunyuan realm?"

"To be precise, he was in the Hunyuan realm at the beginning." A genius whispered.

"Now that he can enter our Tianyu region, his cultivation must have reached the Tianyu realm!"

"This... he has only been in the star region for fifty years, and he has directly broken through?! Doesn't he accumulate?!" The geniuses were speechless.

"It took fifty years to reach the Tianyu realm from the Hunyuan realm. Wouldn't it be the lowest fusion of the two forces of all things?

That's too frustrated! It's simply embarrassing for our second-class geniuses!"

"Why bother about this? Anyway, there will be people to teach him in the ranking battle later!" A genius curled his lips.

"The third-class geniuses in the planetary region who have reached the Tianyu realm have all fused three forces of all things... just beat this guy up.

We don't have to do anything!"

"The main reason is that... he has lowered the overall level of our second-class geniuses!" Some geniuses bared their teeth.

"You know, the ranking battle is open to the entire universe! In the virtual world, you can watch the game directly!

When people see that among our second-class geniuses, there is a Heaven Realm who has merged two powers of all things...

Won't we be laughed at!?"

"You said so...That's true." Other geniuses also agreed.

"This guy, can't he just stay in the Hunyuan Realm? Accumulate for tens of thousands of years, merge three or four powers of all things, isn't it good?

He has to break through to the Heaven Realm! Bad luck! I want to kill him directly!"

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