"But, it's enough." Ye Yun let out a long sigh.

"The Blood Seal and the God King World have already fallen into my hands... There will be plenty of time in the future, slowly refine them!

No rush!"

Then, Ye Yun looked at the God King puppet.

"Is this... a puppet with the strength of the Transcendent Realm?"

Ye Yun patted the puppet with his hand and found that the puppet was motionless.

"How to use it?"


At this moment, a shadow descended from the sky.

"Congratulations, it only took more than 9,000 years to complete the refining of the Blood Seal."

"Huh?" Ye Yun looked at the shadow and felt a little familiar.

"Are you... Su Hong?"

The person in the shadow is 70% similar to Su Hong.

"Hi, Ye Yun." At this time, another figure appeared next to the shadow.

"We are now using special abilities to project to your side to communicate with you!"

The second figure that appeared was Su Hong.

"You are Su Hong?" At this moment, Ye Yun suddenly realized.

It's not that the other person looks like Su Hong, it should be that Su Hong looks like the other person!

The moment Ye Yun saw the two people, he knew that the person next to Su Hong should be his father, Su Feng.

"A powerful person in the Transcendent Realm... and a powerful person in the Perfect Transcendent Realm!" Ye Yun was also a little nervous.

Such a powerful person is much stronger than the Lord of the Holy Hall!

"Congratulations, this God King World... will be yours in the future." Su Feng congratulated Ye Yun.

"As for this God King puppet, you should have seen that it is just a shell.

Well, it is easy to drive this God King puppet! It is also difficult to drive it!

After all, it is a God King puppet. Once it explodes, it will be a Transcendent Realm strength! So if you want to activate the God King puppet, you must use something special...

That is, the blood in front of the God King puppet! It is called the God King's blood, or the Transcendent Blood.

You should have obtained a drop before, which is just enough to activate it! Ah, it can probably be activated for about ten minutes.

After all, it is a Transcendent Realm puppet, and the consumption is also huge."

"Transcendent Blood?" Ye Yun was stunned.

It turned out that the Transcendent Blood produced in the Skyfire Secret Realm before was the blood of this God King before he died?

"I only have one drop of Transcendent Blood, which means it can only be activated for ten minutes?" Ye Yun seemed a little unwilling.

"Can I use other Transcendent Realm blood to activate this puppet? If it is only ten minutes... it will not help me much."

"No." Su Feng shook his head.

"Other blood from the Transcendent Realm cannot activate this God King puppet! It can only be the blood left by the God King during his lifetime..."

"Ah?" Ye Yun sighed.

Then one drop... can only activate it once? This...

"Dad, don't hide it." Su Hong took over helplessly.

"Ye Yun, don't worry. Since it is a gift left for you, how can it only activate you for ten minutes?

Look at the storage ring on the puppet, there is a lot of God King blood in it.

It's all reserved for you."

Hearing this, Ye Yun's eyes lit up.

"Okay, I'll go and see." Ye Yun walked to the puppet and found that there was indeed a storage ring on the puppet's finger.

Ye Yun took the ring and explored it.

"Three hundred and seventy-four drops of Transcendent Blood?!" Seeing the number of these Transcendent Bloods, Ye Yun couldn't help but get a little excited!

More than three hundred drops of God King Blood can allow him to do a lot of things.

"It's embarrassing to say." At this time, Su Feng suddenly spoke.

"Originally, after I killed the God King, I used his corpse to refine a lot of God King's blood...

There were probably more than 500 drops. Later, I created the God King World, including its entire tribe, and used a lot of God King's blood.

Add to that the consumption of each Skyfire Secret Realm, and now you have only more than 370 drops."

"Enough, enough." Ye Yun was still very grateful in his heart.

"I can get the God King World and these God King's blood, which is enough! I don't ask for more God King's blood."

"Haha, you kid." Su Feng smiled, then put his hands behind his back.

"But I tell you, there is another way to extract the God King's blood! Do you want to know?

Oh, forget it, you said before that you didn't ask for more God King's blood...then forget it.

I guess you don't want to listen."

Ye Yun:...

"What is this method?" Ye Yun coughed lightly and asked.

"Since there is a method, I still want to know."

"Actually, it's simple." Su Feng didn't beat around the bush.

"Just use the blood of the God King to activate the God King puppet, and then control the puppet to refine the blood of the God King.

I have specially modified this puppet. In ten minutes, it can probably refine three drops of the God King's blood.

That is to say, as long as you want, one drop of the God King's blood can be exchanged for three drops!"

Ye Yun: !!!

Is it possible?

He had heard from the Lord of the Holy Hall that the refining of the blood of transcendence is very long!

Unexpectedly, Su Feng actually has a way to speed up the refining of the blood of transcendence by the God King puppet! Too powerful.

"I know, thank you for your guidance." Ye Yun bowed slightly.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, you practice well... I'm optimistic about you!" Su Feng laughed.

"I hope that one day you can also reach the perfect transcendence state! In this way, the power of our human race can be strengthened again!"

After saying this, Su Feng cut off the connection.

The figures of him and Su Hong slowly disappeared.

"We...are we human?" Ye Yun blinked.

Although Su Hong and Su Feng were from other origin worlds, they were also human.

The human race can be said to exist in every origin world!

"Is this why they have been helping me? Do they want to give the human race one more perfect transcendence?" Ye Yun had some guesses.

"It was mentioned in the previous letter that Su Feng said he had sown a lot of seeds...I think Su Feng cultivated a lot of strong people for the human race.

Only I have finally reached this step.

Well...then work harder and strive for my perfect transcendence!"

Then, Ye Yun looked at the God King Puppet, which was the biggest help he got on this trip!

"In the future, I will also have the combat power of the Transcendent Realm!"

After that, Su Feng stretched out his hand and placed it on the God King Puppet.


In an instant, the use of the God King Puppet and the authority of the God King World all appeared in Ye Yun's mind.

"The power and authority of the God King's world is the key to controlling the God King's world!"

Ye Yun's eyes lit up. With the authority of this world, he will be the strongest existence in this world!

No ordinary Transcendent Realm can be his opponent!

Just like the Lord of the Holy Temple in the Holy Temple of Time and Space, the Lord of Light and Glory in the territory of the Tuan Clan...

In his own territory, he is invincible!

"Okay, it's time for me to go." Ye Yun waved his hand, and the God King Puppet disappeared directly on the spot.

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