"Can this be opened up perfectly?" Su Hong couldn't help but be speechless.

"Why is this Huan Youyou so talented?"

Su Hong looked at the scene in front of him and found it difficult to accept it!

It took me so many years of practice to develop it perfectly... This Huan Youyou was developed after only 100 million years of practice!

How unfair!

"There's nothing unfair." Su Feng also looked at the scene in front of him.

In the picture, Huan Youyou looks like he has just made a breakthrough.

"I showed this scene deliberately, do you think why?"

"Why?" Su Hong didn't understand either.

Originally, he and his father were discussing cultivation matters, but suddenly...his father came up with this scene.

The picture is what Huan Youyou has just opened up perfectly.

In this way, the previous dialogue took place.

"That aura... was transformed by the luck of the universe." There was a hint of solemnity in Su Feng's eyes.

"The fate of the universe?" Su Hong was stunned.

"You mean...this universe is helping Huan Youyou break through? Why?? Huh?"

"The son of luck was born in response to a calamity." Su Feng tapped his fingers.

"I'm afraid there's going to be a catastrophe in Ye Yun's world! Moreover, it's a catastrophe that may overturn the entire universe!"

"Great catastrophe? Is it the Tu'an tribe?" Su Hong couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know." Su Feng waved his hand and the screen was cut off.

"Anyway, the catastrophe is coming. I hope Ye Yun will be fine..."

"Well..." Su Hong fell into deep thought.

In Ye Yun's original world, he wanted to help, but he was not strong enough.

After all, the catastrophe that affects the entire universe may not even be enough to see transcendence! Not to mention that he is a perfect Daoist realm!

Well, one hundred million years of practice has also allowed Su Hong to reach a state.

"We train so many cultivators, and it's hard to find just one Ye Yun. If possible, I would like to help Ye Yun personally." Su Feng looked up at the sky.

"It's a pity... going to the original world without an owner will suppress me too much! Going there is in vain."

The original world of Wuzhu has world consciousness... Just like suddenly helping Huan Youyou break through, this is considered to be the result of world consciousness.

Once the consciousness of the world perceives a master like Perfect Detachment, it will reject it with all its might! After all, an external perfect transcendence is too threatening to the entire world.

In this way, under full rejection, the strength of perfect detachment may not be as good as that of ordinary detachment.

Therefore, perfect detachment will basically never go to the original world without an owner.

"Well..." Su Hong fell into deep thought and said after a moment.

"Father, since we can't help him, why don't we give him another chance?"

"Oh? Tell me what you think." Su Feng looked at Su Hong.

"It's the thing you refined for me." Su Hong turned over his hand and took out a four-petal flower.

"Oh?" Su Feng nodded.

"Well, then give it to him. This thing is useless anyway."

Su Hong looked at the flower in his hand. This was the treasure his father had refined for him!

The effect is to travel to other original worlds.

He used this to go to other original worlds to practice various practices, collect various resources, and then perfect his own perfect laws!

Each origin world contains different resources, which are very precious!

Similarly, he also used this to go to the original world where Ye Yun was.

"Okay, I'll contact Ye Yun right away..." Su Hong nodded.

Then, he was ready to contact Ye Yun.


Above the blue star, Ye Yun was a little sad at the moment.

"It turns out that the eternal heart is not truly eternal."

The eternal heart can give eternal life, but! A very important point is the soul!

If it is the eternal state, the soul is integrated into the law and is naturally immortal...but the eternal heart cannot strengthen the soul.

At first, it would be fine for ordinary people to live for tens of thousands of years, but the longer they live, the more likely problems will arise!

Millions of years, tens of millions of years, even hundreds of millions! Their mortal souls will undergo irreversible collapse...

For example, his father's soul began to collapse after living for too long.

It took Ye Yun some effort to prevent the soul from collapsing, and then let his father fall into a deep sleep.

In the sleeping state, the life span of the soul can be greatly extended.

Later, Ye Yun was worried that something would happen to his mother and Lin Miaoqing, so he let them both fall asleep together.

Only my daughter is extremely talented! Having already reached the realm of eternity, the true eternal immortality, he did not fall into deep sleep.

"No wonder...even with the Eternal Heart, there are still many powerful people who are alone." Ye Yun sighed.

It is really difficult to truly live forever.

"Sleeping is only a temporary solution. My parents' talents are too poor. It would be great to be able to reach the realm of all things.

Miao Qing's talent is relatively good, but she is only considered a genius on Blue Star... She has reached the end of her cultivation to the Heaven Realm!

Want to reach eternity again? Disaster! It’s really difficult! "

Ye Yun also felt a little uncomfortable thinking that his relatives were leaving him.

"I have also asked Master, but there is basically no solution... Even if Master uses time and space to resurrect them... there is no way.

After all, the soul is already old, and it’s useless no matter how energetic the body is! "


Ye Yun let out a long breath, feeling a little confused for a moment.

This was the first time he felt confused since he started practicing!

It was at this time that Su Hong came. Of course... it was a conversation across the air, and Su Hong did not come to this origin world.

"Ye Yun, I have something important to tell you!"

"Huh? Su Hong?" Ye Yun looked up and saw Su Hong's figure floating in the air.

"What kind of big thing is worth you looking for me in person?"

"Your universe will have a great catastrophe!" Su Hong's expression was very serious.

"This catastrophe may even destroy your universe!"

"Destroy our universe?" Ye Yun was a little unbelievable.

"Really? There are so many transcendent realms in our universe, plus the God King world under my command... How can our universe, which is so powerful, be destroyed?"

"Really, as for what the catastrophe is, I don't know, and I don't know when it will start." Su Hong said affirmatively.

"So, in order to cope with this disaster... I came here to give you a gift.

However, you need to come to our origin world. After all, I can't cross the origin universe to give you things."

"Will you let me go?" Ye Yun nodded.

"Okay, I'll go there later."

"I'll tell the Su family to pick you up, and we'll meet later." Su Hong cut off the contact.

Then, Ye Yun suddenly thought of something.

"Wait! Su Hong has been to many origin worlds and has much more experience than me... I can ask him how to make people truly immortal!

Maybe he knows that? Oh! I forgot to ask just now..."

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