"I tell you!" The eyes of the Gilded Devouring Beast were full of murderous intent.

"Even if the Lord of the World comes in person today, I will also seek justice!!! Why did you humans capture my son!

Let my son out!"

"This is a misunderstanding." The middle-aged man explained hurriedly.

"I have just investigated... It was an ascender named Xiao Ming who captured your son...

I wanted to find him and ask him to return your son to you... But, alas... Xiao Ming ran away directly!

He is no longer in the Ascendant Headquarters... Even if you smash the Ascendant Headquarters! Your son is not here!"

"Hehe..." The Gilded Devouring Beast just sneered.

"Do you think I will believe you when you say these words? Who knows if it is a despicable method of your human race!"

"That's right!" The Starry Sky Devouring Beast also nodded.

"Who knows if what you said is true or not? Now, I give you ten minutes to hand over the little devouring beast! Otherwise...

The entire Ascendant Headquarters will be buried with it!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's face turned pale.

In the entire Ascendant Headquarters, he is the only one in the Ultimate Realm! Even with the protective shield, he can't hold out for long...

And the little devouring beast had been taken away long ago, how could he get it?

"Is it... God really doomed us Ascendants?"


Below, in the Ascendant Headquarters, countless Ascendants have already stood together.

"These are actually two Devourers?!"

"Oh my god, Devourers are so rare... We actually met two!?"

"What are these two Devourers talking about with Wenhuojun?"

"It seems they are talking about a little Devourer..."

"Little Devourer?"

"Yes! We had an Ascendant named Xiao Ming before, who caught a little Devourer, and now they are here to seek revenge!"

"These two Ultimate Devourers seem to want to destroy our Ascendant Headquarters..."

"Ah!? This... Can they destroy us?"

"It's hard to say! In our Ascendant Headquarters, there is only one Ultimate Realm, Wenhuojun... Not to mention, Devourers are definitely the best among the same level!"

"Yes, God is fair. Devourers are extremely rare because of their bloodline problems! But they are also powerful! Generally speaking, warriors of the same level cannot be opponents of Devourers!"

"Could it be that our Ascendant Headquarters is really going to be destroyed!?"

For a moment, the entire Ascendant Headquarters was a little uneasy!

In the headquarters, the tall and thin man had just passed the test and officially joined the Ascendant Headquarters.

Then, two devouring beasts were also found.

"Will we be destroyed?" The tall and thin man was in a bad mood.

How could he face a life-and-death crisis just after joining the God Realm!

"It's hard to say..." Ma Liang also seemed very worried.

"Although we have Wenhuojun, those two devouring beasts are not vegetarians!

If there is no external help, we may really be in trouble..."

"The God Realm... is too dangerous!" The tall and thin man shuddered!

He thought of what Ye Yun said before. Indeed, the lower world is safer! At least you won't die!

"Is it too late to go back to the lower world now?"


In the air, the middle-aged man, Wenhuojun, was still negotiating with the two devouring beasts.

"Why don't you believe me? You're wasting time here... Maybe the little Devourer has been sold out by that Xiao Ming!

You guys go find Xiao Ming quickly! Don't make things difficult for me!"

"Then you remove the shield, and we'll search thoroughly. Once we're sure there are no little Devourers, we'll leave." Gilded Devourer said.

"Impossible!" Wen Huojun flatly refused when he heard this.

"Without the shield, with your strength, you can kill all the Ascendants in an instant!

I can't leave everyone's lives in your hands! You'd better leave quickly!"

"We can't leave! If you don't let us check, how can we know whether what you said is true or not?" Gilded Devourer shouted angrily.

"Let you check, so what if you kill people wantonly? Anyway, I didn't lie!" Wen Huojun snorted.

"Damn humans, we didn't lie either!" Gilded Devourer said angrily.

Just like that, Wen Huojun was still in a stalemate with the two Devourers.


"Forget it!" The two Devourers lost their patience.

"Since you can't open the protective shield, then flatten this place! Let's break this protective shield directly!"

"Everyone... wait a minute!" At this time, a voice came from afar.

"Who is it!?" The two Devouring Beasts looked at the source of the voice.

"Su family, Su Huoyun." Su Huoyun came over with two followers.

"It's someone from the Su family..." The Gilded Devouring Beast exhaled a breath with his nose!

This Su Huoyun is just a mere master of the realm. In terms of strength, he can kill with one breath! But...

There is the Su family behind Su Huoyun.

"Are you, the Su family, going to get involved in this mess?" The Starry Sky Devouring Beast asked.

"No, no, our Su family came here for other things." Su Huoyun shook his head.

"Just seeing you guys confronting each other here, I want to help you resolve the conflict!"

"Just you? Junior!" Gilded Devouring Beast said disdainfully.

"If it weren't for your surname, you would have been dead!"

"My surname is exactly what I am proud of." Su Huoyun didn't care, just flipped his hand and took out a mirror.

"I also heard the confrontation between the two... Since your main goal is to find the little devouring beast, why don't I help you find it."

"Oh? You still have this method?" Gilded Devouring Beast was stunned.

"It is our Su family's method." Su Huoyun transferred energy to the mirror.

"Oh? I have already detected that the little devouring beast and Xiao Ming are now in the ninth-class area... You can rush over now, it's not too late."

Hearing this, Gilded Devouring Beast and Starry Sky Devouring Beast were stunned.

Is this news true?

"I swear on the reputation of the Su family." Su Huoyun shrugged helplessly.

"If it is false, how about you come to destroy this place again?"

"This..." The two devouring beasts looked at each other.

"Okay! I'll trust you this time. I hope you didn't lie to us!"

Then, the Devourer left here directly.

After all, their main goal was to save the little Devourer, which had little to do with the Ascendants.

"Just left?" Wen Huojun scratched his head.

It had to be someone from the Su family! Just a few words to persuade him to leave!

"Huoyun, thank you so much this time." Wen Huojun was a little excited.

"If you hadn't taken action, our Ascendant headquarters might have been in trouble!"

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