"Let me take action?" Lord Qi just looked at the Lord of Light and Glory coldly.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? If I take action again, I will be severely injured by the backlash! I will no longer be able to fight for this world."

"You are unable to fight, but we can win!" The Lord of Light and Glory seemed a little anxious.

"As long as Ye Yun dies, the remaining Transcendent Realm is nothing at all. They can't destroy the space channel!

When the time comes, we will win! The Spiritual Map God will be very happy!"

"Who cares whether the Spiritual Map God is happy or not?" Lord Qi sneered.

"I came to attack this world just to refine this origin world! Lingtu God has more than a dozen perfect transcendent realms under him, all staring at me.

If I am seriously injured by the backlash, what does it matter if I occupy this world? I can't refine this world if I am seriously injured!

When the time comes, this world will be refined by other perfect transcendent realms, and I will have nothing!

Why do you think I helped Lingtu God to attack this world? Huh???

Hearing this, the Lord of Light and Glory was silent.

Yes, Lord Qi is a perfect transcendent realm after all... He just wants to refine an origin world, and doesn't care who wins or loses...

Even if he offended Lingtu God, what does it matter?

As long as he has his own origin world and hides in it, the Lord of the World in the origin world is truly invincible, and he is not afraid of anyone!

"Damn it, if Lord Qi doesn't take action, what else can I do to stop Ye Yun?" The Lord of Light and Glory clenched his fists.

And Ye Yun also sent a voice message at this time.

"Haha, Lord of Light and Glory, it seems that you are not very united internally!"

"This guy even sent a message to laugh at me!!!" Lord of Light and Glory widened his eyes and looked at Ye Yun with anger.

"Damn it, damn it, if I can catch him, I must... No, I can't beat him either, damn it.

If I can catch him, I must let others teach him a hard lesson!"


In the human territory, everyone was constantly observing Ye Yun's battle situation while exploring the location of the space channel.

"That perfect transcendent realm really didn't make a move! Good, good! If the perfect transcendent doesn't make a move, those people can't hurt Ye Yun!"

The Lord of the Holy Hall breathed a sigh of relief and was completely relieved.

"Haha, you care so much about your disciples?" The Mercenary Alliance Leader joked.

"Heh." The Lord of the Holy Hall looked at the Mercenary Alliance Leader.

"You are just jealous that I have such an excellent disciple. If you have such an excellent disciple, I'm afraid you would be more worried than me."

The Mercenary Alliance Leader was speechless for a moment.

It's true. If his disciples were so outstanding, he would definitely take extra care of them.

"Everyone, stop arguing!" Mengyou Supreme suddenly looked happy and laughed.

"I found it! I found the location of the space channel!"

"Oh? Great! I'll send the coordinates to Ye Yun and tell him not to explore around anymore." The Lord of the Holy Hall came over immediately.

"Where is the location? Send it to me!"

"This space channel is still moving..." Mengyou Supreme sent the coordinates to the Lord of the Holy Hall.

"But the speed of movement is not fast. As long as the Galaxy Emperor goes there quickly, he can catch up!"

"Don't worry, leave it to Ye Yun. There will be no problem." The Lord of the Holy Hall sent the space coordinates to Ye Yun again.


In the territory of the Tuan tribe, Ye Yun was still exploring around, looking for the space channel.

"This space channel should move. Master and his team discovered it once before. At that time, the space channel was nearby.

But now it is gone. It has been moved away... I don't know if the range of movement is wide."

When Ye Yun was observing everywhere, suddenly, the Lord of the Holy Hall sent a message through the virtual world.

"Hmm? Is it the coordinates?" Ye Yun couldn't help but feel a little surprised after seeing the message.

"Okay, okay! I didn't expect Master and his team to find out the new coordinates... I'll go there now."

Ye Yun flew out directly according to the coordinates!

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Light was shocked!

"He rushed straight to the direction of the space-time channel... Did those few people in the Transcendent Realm discover the coordinates?"

The Lord of Light looked up and looked at the sky. He could also sense that the Lord of the Holy Hall and the Supreme Mengyou were spying on this world.

"Damn... I was discovered now. What should I do? What should I do?"

The Lord of Light thought for a long time and couldn't think of a way to crack it.

"I can only ask for help from Lingtu God... This situation is no longer something I can solve."

With this thought, Lord Guanghuang silently chanted in his heart and began to contact Lingtu God.

When Lord Qi saw this scene, he curled his lips.

"As the old world master, Lingtu God's foundation and strength are indeed much stronger than ordinary world masters, and much stronger than the perfect transcendent realm.

However, forcibly interfering with other origin worlds... Lingtu God may not be able to do it.

Do you really think that Lingtu God is omnipotent?"

After successfully contacting Lingtu God, Lord Guanghuang immediately asked.

"Great Lingtu God, what should we do now?"

"I can send you a treasure that is enough to break the situation." Lingtu God responded.

"However, the space channel we built is still in the cooling stage, and it cannot be used to transport things. If you want to transport things, you can only build a temporary channel.

Building a temporary channel will be rejected by the original world, and it will take 10,000 years to create one.

That is to say, after I teleport you this time, I can't build a temporary channel again within 10,000 years.

Are you sure you want to teleport again?"

"Great Lingtu God, as long as you can guard the space channel this time, you can lead the army to come in person in less than 5,000 years!" The Lord of Guanghuang bowed.

"This teleportation is definitely worth it! Please teleport!"

"Okay." Lingtu God didn't say anything more, and directly created a temporary space channel, and then teleported a storage ring.

Afterwards, this temporary space channel began to blur and dissipate.

"Is there really a treasure that can break the situation?" Lord Qi was a little surprised.

"The more precious the treasure is, the greater the cost of transmission... The treasure that can break the situation at this moment must be a rare treasure!

Spiritual Map God is willing to spend so much money to transmit the treasure?"

At this time, the Lord of Light and Glory took out the treasure from the storage ring and got the method of using the treasure.

"Oh oh oh oh!!! So that's it! Good!" The Lord of Light and Glory laughed three times, and then shouted to the other Transcendent Realms.

"With this treasure, we can really break the current situation! Everyone... Follow me to defend the space channel!"

And Lord Qi also saw the treasure in the hands of the Lord of Light and Glory clearly.

Lord Qi:...

Hmm? This style... Could it be that it is the thing that Spiritual Map God just developed?

If it is this thing, it can indeed break the situation, but....

This thing is not a rare treasure...

Well, it is estimated that the Spiritual Map God has put everything on me. As long as it goes smoothly, I can get this world.

Spiritual Map God, still understands me! Hahahaha.

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