Realistic Game

Chapter 720: the kingdom of the gods

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This group has gradually integrated into the world of the aborigines, and a large part of this is due to the rapid expansion of the Light God Cult.

Of course, the rapid expansion of the Light God Cult is only a strong and effective catalyst. The most fundamental reason is due to the strength of the players, both in terms of strength and thinking.

Because when Mo Lan intimidated the two empires, because when Lin Yu Wanjun easily defeated two seventh-order statues, the players had already entered the sight of the nobles.

I didn't pay attention at first, but now I have noticed that it only requires simple statistics and investigation. When a huge group of players is presented to the nobles, even the nobles with a little brain are silent.

When the average strength growth rate of this huge player group was calculated, all the nobles fell silent.

In fact, at this time, many people of insight began to recruit players, form player armies, and form player escorts.

Some people think that the player is a rebellious fourth natural disaster, and they all think that it is impossible for the player to accept the recruitment of nobles.

But when the price offered by the nobles was equivalent to 10,000, 20,000, or even 100,000 a month in reality, the player agreed.

What jokes are you watching, food and drink are provided, money is paid every month, and tens of thousands of yuan a month are spent playing games. Tete Meow is so fragrant!

Which migrant worker can withstand the temptation of this?

Working for someone is not a fight, and working for a noble is the same.

At this stage, many nobles secretly organized player power and recruited a group of combat players to drive it.

Of course, these are smarter aristocrats who know how to adjust their thinking concepts, put players in a class of nobles like knights and talk to them, and give them respect instead of beating and scolding their subordinates and slaves.

This kind of noble is not absent, there is indeed, but the fate can be imagined.

Talking well, the player may play with you well, if you make the player lose his temper, then the player is a complete fourth natural disaster!

You must know that there is no law in the game to restrain them, and there is no family or responsibility to restrain them in the game, so after a few major incidents, all the nobles who quietly recruited players to fight reacted and quietly changed their attitudes and attitudes. means.

And the impact of this behavior is that the status of the entire player group is invisibly higher.

Of course, what catalyzed these to the extreme was the rapid expansion of the Light Religion and the frustration of the Light Faith in the player management area.

This directly led to the two empires in the north and south issuing orders one after another to organize player legions and recruit players to assist in the management of the city!

For a time, the north and south empires called the army of millions of projectors, and a new decree that looked familiar to a large number of players was issued. In this wave, with the help of the players, the adapted nobles soared into the sky, and they paid more attention to the players. The influence of the old aristocrats who resisted the players and could not change their thinking concepts gradually declined, and even began to decline, going downhill.

And the countless players who participated in it can only sigh.

"Mom, this money is too delicious!"

However, another negative effect followed, that is, the second price reduction after the last drop in the value of the game currency.

After all, game currency is not real money. In order to convert the game currency earned in the game into usable money, it must be exchanged in the market.

Due to the large-scale changes that almost affected the entire game this time, a large amount of game currency has flowed into the hands of players, which means that a large amount of game currency has flooded into the market.

What is rare is more expensive, this is the law of all commodities operating according to the laws of the market. As a form of commodity, game currency exists and must be affected by the laws of the market.

However, compared with the long time span and large price drop at the beginning of the first game, the price drop this time only lasted for a very short period of time. Stable in the original price range, only a dime lower than the original.

This game seems to be more and more popular, and even the game currency market has become extremely large, and even the sudden increase of game currency by millions of people has not caused great fluctuations in the price of game currency, as if Nothing happened.

However, according to the law of market demand, the influx of so many game currencies did not reduce the price, either someone deliberately stretched it, or...there was a problem with the original price.

However, no matter what the exchange rate between the game currency and the real currency is, as long as it doesn't break out, it won't affect the situation in the game.

All in all, players have gradually integrated into the system of the aborigines, becoming popular people in front of the aristocrats, or emerging aristocrats.

It's not that they gave in. It can only be said that compared to Mo Lan and the others, the methods and methods chosen by many players and guilds are much softer, just like the fine spring rain, moisturizing things silently.

But what is strange is that in such a big movement, the Saya Empire still has no response.

If that’s the case, it means that the rulers and nobles of the Saya Empire are too ignorant, too stubborn, and too slate, but the most outrageous thing is that neither the Church of Light nor any other church went to the Saya Empire. Missionary, or failed to go in missionary...

Of course, this actually aroused the curiosity of many people and made people murmur a few words.

Of course, people occasionally ask this question on the forum, but often there is no reply to this kind of question, and it gradually becomes silent and silent.

Time is like flowing day by day, and with the passage of time, the scope of belief in the God of Light and the number of believers skyrocketed day by day, and the power of belief in the God of Light increases exponentially every day .

No one can stop the spread of the belief in the God of Light, because at this stage there is no one more people to believe in than the selfless God of Light.

But there is no pure light in the world, if it does exist, it is only a utopia in a dream.

And once this utopia is tainted with reality, there must be extreme darkness beneath this light.

In the current sphere of influence of the God of Light, everyone is equal, even if the king and the lowest-ranking slave are equal in the eyes of the God of Light.

In the kingdom of the God of Light, no one needs overwork, no one can command others, no one can be above others, no one can live their own life as they want, where they manage people's He is the most fanatical and selfless servant of the God of Light.

In the kingdom of God of Light, everything is so beautiful and so aspirational...

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