Realizing This Is A Wuxia World After Cultivating For 300 Years

Chapter 300 The plan to unify the Divine Power Star

Inside the palace, Cui Heng and Li Mingqiong sat across from each other.

The Yellow Turban Warrior has been summoned back by him and is standing by.

Today's Yellow Turban Warriors are different from those of the past.

Not only was he promoted to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he was also endowed with spirituality by Cui Heng and became a real living being, not a puppet.

"How was the investigation going out this time?" Cui Heng asked the Yellow Turban Warrior.

"Reporting to the Immortal Lord, a war broke out on the Shenwei Star. The ordinary people suffered heavy casualties. It is like a purgatory on earth." The Yellow Turban Warrior reported, "Both warring parties should be believers of the so-called White Lotus Virgin."

"Master, it seems that the situation of the Divine Power Star is indeed what Zhao Kun and Shen Baisheng said." Li Mingqiong nodded and said, "Although there are many believers in the Holy White Lotus here, there are many schools, and they are fighting each other. "

"Well, if we want to manage this place well, we must eliminate the White Lotus Immortality Sect." Cui Heng said solemnly, "We must also guide ordinary people who believe in the Holy Mother of White Lotus back to the right path.

"Mingqiong, this work is left to you. You can bring some people to gather those who no longer want to believe in Our Lady of the White Lotus, and then establish a Great Zhou Kingdom here. After demarcating the initial territory, order to clean up the country. The White Lotus Wusheng Sect.

“This will win the support of some people, and will definitely attract backlash from more people. Schools that were hostile to each other in the past may also unite when facing a common enemy.

"With your current level of cultivation, although you can completely defeat the Creator, if there is a hidden Taoist master in this crape myrtle world, you still won't be able to deal with it.

"I will ask the Yellow Turban Warriors to help you. By then, unless the Lord of the Heavens comes, there will be no problems and no danger on your side.

"However, the tone must be set, and it must be determined from the root. Gods also exist to benefit ordinary people. Therefore, gods must be restricted by the orders of the human world.

"Our Lady of the White Lotus has no regard for the common people, fools the mortals, ignores the safety of the people, arbitrarily deceives faith, incites believers to conquer each other, and does not follow human laws. She is a heinous sin and is a complete evil god.

"Be punished!"

These last two words can be regarded as his setting the tone for Shenwei Star.

The Holy Mother of White Lotus will be executed, and the Great Zhou court will order the Yellow Turban Guardian God to wipe out everything here and re-establish a new order so that all people can live safely.

There are two main reasons why the Zhou court did not do this directly.

On the one hand, it is to avoid being caught off guard by a Taoist master who suddenly appears.

After all, this is the Ziyang Realm, and it is possible for the fragments of the former Ziyang Heaven to hide Taoist-level existences.

On the other hand, it is also because most people on Shenwei Star are accustomed to believing in gods.

Even if Our Lady of White Lotus is overthrown, they will still want to find another god to believe in.

If there is a lack of faith, it will also be detrimental to the construction of order and safe life.

"Yes, Master!" Li Mingqiong agreed with a smile on her face and high morale.

Conquer the Star of Divinity, unify the Star of Divinity, and finally rule the Star of Divinity!

This is the plan she will implement next. It is also a verification of her practice over the past hundreds of years, and it is also an opportunity for her to progress in her practice.

If the entire Shenwei Star can really be brought under the command of Dazhou, it will be enough to make her cultivation level improve by leaps and bounds, and she may even directly reach the middle stage of Shenting, which is already comparable to the middle stage of Nascent Soul in terms of realm.

After all, the life stars in the Ziyang Realm are completely different from the life stars in the starry skies of other realms.

In other places, whether it is a realm or a starry sky, its core is the central star, and other planets, including life stars, are actually subsidiary.

The Purple Sun Realm is different. The three life star reminders as the main stars are extremely huge, even many times larger than ordinary stars. There is a small star rotating outside the planet.

Just talking about the surface land area, this divine power star is 30,000 times that of Daozhou star, and 200,000 times that of the current territory of Great Zhou. If it can all be brought under the rule of Great Zhou, it will definitely be a big deal for Li Mingqiong. A great creation.

"Very good." Cui Heng nodded lightly, very satisfied with Li Mingqiong's fighting spirit, and smiled, "Liu Litao, Zhao Guang, and Lu Zhengming are not weak in administrative ability. They can be sent out to govern the place."

"Yes, disciple understands." Li Mingqiong nodded.

When she was on the flying boat, she had communicated with all three of them and had some understanding of them. She knew that they were good at each and she had already made arrangements in her mind.

"That Ren Ping can be used as a typical role model and a powerful tool to promote the Great Zhou Dynasty." Cui Heng reminded again, "If used well, it can be better than thousands of armies."

"The disciple plans to make him the main force in promoting the state religion." Li Mingqiong said with a smile, "If he has good conduct in the future, he can also be made an envoy to protect the country and respect the gods. This will have a more role model effect."

"Very good." Cui Heng praised and said with a smile, "You are a person who practices the way of national destiny. You should be better at governing the country than your teacher. You must have a plan in mind.

"Master, I won't say anything more. I'll just check your administrative results when I get back. This shouldn't be difficult for you."

"Master, please rest assured!" Li Mingqiong nodded solemnly, full of confidence.

Kamui is not Cui Heng’s final destination.

After arranging things here, he took Hui Shi to Taican Star.

Of course, there are also Chen Tang and Ming Zhen.

There is no shortage of people who lead the way.

Tai Cang Star is much more powerful than Shenwei Star. It has five immortal sects and two creators.

However, the Calamity Star Pavilion where Chen Tang and Ming Zhen were born does not have a creator, only a few kings of saints are in charge.

Therefore, Cui Heng's journey to the Calamity Star Pavilion was completely smooth, and no one noticed anything unusual until he led three people to the central Patriarch Hall.

The various disciples were still carrying out their activities as usual, as if they had not seen the four of them at all.

In the end, it was Cui Heng who took the initiative to remove his hiding methods, and Xu Jiuchen, the King of Saints who was practicing in the Patriarch's Hall, saw the four of them.

"Junior Brother Chen, Mingzhen?!" Xu Jiuchen noticed the two of them immediately, with an extremely shocked expression on his face, "When did you come back?"

At the same time, he also noticed Cui Heng and Hui Shi next to him. He frowned again and became wary, "Who are these two?"

The Patriarch's Hall is one of the most important places in the Disaster Star Pavilion. Historically, only the King of Saints of his family can enter, and outsiders will never be allowed in.

But now Chen Tang and Ming Zhen actually brought two outsiders here silently.

What is this going to do? !


"This is……"

Chen Tang and Mingzhen opened their mouths and looked at Cui Heng hesitantly. They didn't know what Cui Heng meant yet and didn't dare to introduce him without permission.

"What are you doing?" When Xu Jiuchen saw this situation, his vigilance immediately turned into a sense of crisis. He looked at Cui Heng and Hui Shi in surprise and said in a deep voice, "Who are you? What did you do to Junior Brother Chen and Mingzhen?" What?"

At the same time, he directly sent out a message, calling several other kings of saints in the sect to surround the Patriarch Hall and evacuate ordinary disciples, ready to fight at any time.

"You can be considered a guest." Cui Heng nodded lightly. Without waiting for Chen Tang and Mingzhen's introduction, he said to Xu Jiuchen with a smile, "You don't have to let them surround you outside. I'll help you call them in and listen to me." Bar."

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding void rippled like a lake, and then several figures appeared out of thin air in the Patriarch's Palace.

Wei Guang, Wang Shen and others were among them.

As long as the King of Saints is still in the Disaster Star Pavilion, they are all concentrated here at this time.

However, this sudden forced "call" really startled these people, and they all screamed in surprise.

"How can it be?!"

"What kind of method is this?!"

“Has the Creator come?”

These kings of saints looked at Cui Heng in shock, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

Xu Jiuchen, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, was even more horrified. His eyes looking at Cui Heng were full of disbelief, as if ordinary people had seen a ghost.

That's outrageous!

So many kings of saints were photographed into the Patriarch's Hall without any sound. What kind of method was this? !

Xu Jiuchen took a deep breath, managed to calm down and said: "What exactly do you want to do? Our Disaster Star Pavilion is just a small door, and we should not have what the Creator wants."

"There must be ancient books from the Ziyangtian era, right?" Cui Heng said with a smile and a gentle voice, "Don't worry, I don't have any ill intentions."

No malicious intent?

I don’t even believe it!

"Go get your ancient history books from the Calamity Star Pavilion. The older the better, preferably the ones left over from the Ziyangtian period."

Cui Heng didn't beat around the bush and said straight to the point, "You can go and get them separately. Whoever presents me with a book that I think is useful, I will help him practice Taoism and directly become the Creator."

These words sounded like thunder in the ears of Xu Jiuchen, Wei Guang, Wang Shen and other saint kings, deafening.

Help you become a Taoist body and directly become the Creator? !

Are you kidding me?

How can I help with this kind of thing?

Even the legendary Taoist master at the peak of the seventh realm would not be able to help people develop Taoism.

Reason is telling them that this kind of statement has no credibility at all.

But at this moment, Chen Tang and Ming Zhen suddenly ran towards the library as if desperately trying to get in, rushing in.

In a short time, under the surprised and astonished eyes of everyone, the two of them almost completely emptied the library.

"Immortal Lord, this is the core martial arts book of our Disaster Star Pavilion. It also contains the cultivation experience of the ancestors of the past generations." Mingzhen knelt down in front of Cui Heng respectfully.

Then he took out another booklet, held it in both hands and presented it to Cui Heng, saying in a low voice, "This is a classic book written before the Ziyang Heaven collapsed. Please have the Immortal Lord read it."

Xu Jiuchen and others looked at the two people with astonishment.

Are you guys kneeling too fast? !

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