Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1103: My name is good?

So after Ye Nantian had a simple socializing, he left with a simple situation. Bayi ★??●中文网★

Going home to entertain everyone in the cold moon Tiange and the Yunxiaoyun Palace.

Of course, Ye Nantian also knows how to be poor and chasing. The reason for being a person to stay in the front line has already hinted at Ye Jia’s elders, and he has come to entertain other family members. The owners have nothing to do with it, and they have not left, and the general trend is clear. It is now the key to hurry to investigate the situation and to be close to Ye Jiala.

Even if it is like Li Jia, who used to be right with Ye Family, he has been cheeky and left.

After all, everyone knows that from now on, the days of the gods have changed!

Dare to be enemies with Ye Jia, that is to find a way to die, not far from death!


Ye Jiasheng treats the exhibition of Yunyue and Zhu Jiutian of the Hanyue Tiange, and of course, the people of the Cloud Palace.

No matter how humbly the people of the Clouds and Clouds come, how are the real strengths of the people? The self-respecting is to find yourself uncomfortable, and the cold moon Tiange, even if they claim to be the brothers of Ye Xiao, the nominal elders of Ye Family, Do you dare to play?

For the Ye family, these people are also legendary masters, the top strong, dare to be sloppy!

Fortunately, everyone in the Yunyun Temple and the exhibition Zhu are still very face-to-face, that is to say, they are almost infinitely polite, and they can be said that they are happy and happy.

His son’s talents are different, and he can enter the cold moon’s sacred elders’ eyes. Although it’s unexpected, but for Ye Nantian, it’s not difficult to accept that his son is so good, the high man should cry and cry. Seeking to earn income under the door - this is the true thought of Ye Nantian's heart. Bayi ■◆■▲中文网●

But it is only a matter of why the Essence Cloud Palace wants to help Ye Family, and the attitude is still so low, Ye Nantian is puzzled; a few questions are hidden in the room.

But for this matter, Li Yunqi did not know why, even knowing it did not know why it was not. I only know that it is the death order of the elders of Xuan Bing. Other than that, I don’t know anything else.

What is the reason, what is the inside story, and even more than one question.

However, for Yungong up and down, the order of the elders of Xuan Bing, that is, the golden rule, no need to question, only need to be executed, 100% absolutely unbiased execution!

People in Yungong can do it without questioning, but others are still confused.

Even if I know some of the so-called 'inside' Ye Xiao, this is also a fog.

Even if there is a considerable degree of help, it is not worthy of Xuan Bing doing this...

This is too big, right? !

As for the other person who knows the "inside" of the cold and snow, but already at the beginning of Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiu Tianpu, it has already disappeared. No one knows where he hid.

He has to hide.

Because not only does he know the origins of the two artists, but also the people of Zhu and Zhu are very aware of his identity.

If it is in front of Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian, it is easy to call Ye Xiao... The consequences are simply unimaginable!

Even if Ye Xiao, Han Bingxue is so daring, this impulse will not drop!


In fact, the sincerity of this big hand is not only that Ye Xiao does not understand. It seems that even Xuan Bing, who is already outside of Wanli, is somewhat confused. The same can't understand, how can he order that order at that time? ?

Even if I love the house and the Uk... but that practice... seems to have been overdone. Bayi ■ ■ Chinese? Wen ★ network.●

Really analyze it, it seems like there is a kind of... pleased taste?

Just thinking of these two words, Xuan Bing elders can not help but shame on his face.

At this moment, the mysterious elders can only feel the hotness on the surface...

This is really...


After a full meal and a good start, Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian couldn’t wait to pull Ye Xiao to the side and interrogate him.

"You kid, what is the real name? Isn't it going to tell the truth now?" Zhan Yunfeihu's face, squinting and dawning.

"That is, hurry to get from the real!" Zhu Jiutian also squinted.

"I am called Ye Xiao." Ye Xiao blinked and looked innocent: "Is there still a fake? Before the incognito, now I am home, can I use a pseudonym? Who is going to lie to fool? I fool myself, or Do you fool yourself?!"

"..." The two men heard the words almost fainting in the past: "But you are not saying... you are Ye Chongxi? You kid... you, you..."

The two of them looked different and full of anger, but from time to time overflowed and feared the past experience.

Ye Xiao.

This name is really a past that left the two people too unbearable, and the unforgettable hatred!

Also, every night at midnight, it’s hard to be frustrated and discouraged!

So when I heard the name, I couldn’t help but take a nap.

But now... my little teacher actually called this name!

Doesn't this mean that it is inevitable to mention it every day, and it is mentioned, always mentioned? !

This is awkward and tidy.

"Speaking of my name... When I came up, my father told me that this name must be hidden, and I can’t mention it..." Ye Xiao is a very honest spreader: "In general, one sentence is to let I don't expose my real name anyway... you said I can do something..."

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian fainted at the same time.

Lying in the trough!

Relatives? !

Such a strong reason... my generation is speechless.

"That is, your real name... is actually Ye Xiao?" Zhan Yunfei said desperately: "The leaves of the leaves? Happy smile?"

Ye Xiaowan said in a sincere manner: "The exhibition brothers you explained very well, I will not repeat."

Zhan Yunfei snorted subconsciously, and his face was as dead.

Zhu Jiutian is also a singer, long time speechless.

It’s really a dream and I can’t think of it. My little teacher has such a domineering attitude to the entire Qingyun Tianyu.

Ye Xiaoyan asked from a pure face: "What? Is there a problem with this name? Happy smile, very happy?!"

Zhan Yunfei was dejected: "No problem, there is something wrong, it is too happy."

Ye Xiao smiled smugly: "I didn't really like it originally, but then I thought about everything happy, laughing and opening, and my heart is not wide. It is not the ideal state of practice for my masters. Not only that, but it looks like Very nice, is it?!"

The expression of Zhan Yunfei at the moment is like a person who has just turned a mile of rice. He said, "Well, it’s nice..."

Although his heart is actually: I heard the name is heart mad, a cold sweat, gaze straight, scalp fried, legs shaking, back court tightening...

But after all, it is not said.

The shame is still second, the key is that this problem is difficult to solve. After all, people call this name. Can you still make people change their names?


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