Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1130: Weird warmth

"What the **** is this world..." The cold snow is sighing; the white clothes are like snow, and the eyes are very sad and very resentful: "I am so graceful, dusty, and loved, and I see the flowers of the Yunshijiazi... actually There is also a day when people drink water and know how to go.


Wine is good wine. Eight? One Chinese 卐¤ network w-w`w,. -8, 1zw. Com

The dish is a good dish.

And, the most important thing is that these people, for the first time in their lives, are sitting at the same table for dinner and drinking!

Between each other, even with sufficient psychological preparation, there are still some subtle feelings of invisible constraints.

If there is no such thing today, perhaps Li Yunhao, who is in the Cloud Palace, will not have the opportunity to eat with the Moon Palace frost all his life.

Or, there is no such qualification!

There are also Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian, which are similar.

Although they are equal in status to Sister Frost and their strengths are in the same rank, the gap between them is not very large in the strict sense, but it is always different between men and women.

Everyone at the dinner table seems to be very silent. Every time they say a word, they are all words and words; because of the atmosphere of this meal, they are quite dull, especially when it comes to sensitive topics, such as how to change their minds. Why do you do this... Wait, everyone is not interested in the word.

But after this meal, the attitude of the moon palace frost cold, so that everyone has an illusion, looks like the legendary Moon Palace frost is not the same? Are they really the moon palace frost? The specific feeling...

The two women have no legendary cold, high-spirited, high-spirited, and so on.

What is even more exaggerated is that the attitudes expressed by the two women are clearly two little girls who have just debuted.

All the strong people in Qingyun Tianyu know that the moon palace frost is cold and pure, and it is not stained with dust. The so-called non-dyeing customs are not only unreasonable, but even the basic etiquette for human beings is not in the heart, such as right and wrong. Black and white, righteousness and righteousness are all in their hearts. The reason why this situation will be formed is that the Moon Palace deliberately isolates the two women from the outside world. Secondly, they themselves also close themselves. Thirdly, they practiced. The power factor...

Therefore, although the two women have amazing strength and status, they are famous in the world; however, they still retain a pure heart.

But nowadays, the attitudes shown by the two women are beyond everyone's expectations.

It can brighten everyone's dog eyes!

"This is delicious, very delicious." Moon cream squinted and stretched the chopsticks to a plate of sugar syrup; the entrance was instant, and the eyes were lighted, and then one piece was put together and placed in a small mouth; Satisfaction.

"It's really delicious." The moon is also a kind of clip-like piece; the little face is full of coziness.

"Don't you eat a piece to taste?" Yueshuang looked at Ye Xiao, who was sitting between the two. The round eyes were full of smiles and deep in the eyes. It was a deep attachment that was not noticed by people: "Come, you Also eat a piece. ◎?八?一中?文网NoNoNo?w`w, w,.-8,"

Actually, I gave a smile to Ye Xiao.

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian and others saw each other, and the mouth of the mouth subconsciously twitched.

"Good introduction, it is really delicious." Ye Xiao haha ​​smiled, chewed: "Sweet is a little sweet, but sweet but not greasy, can eliminate the greasy feeling of these meat dishes. Well, lotus root with this meat most Ok, this is the ground meat, very fragrant and very fresh, but also very chewy, you try."

After all, Ye Xiao put a piece of ground dragon meat in the dish in front of the moon frost; immediately saw the moon cold and licked his mouth, and quickly caught a piece and put it on the plate of the cold moon.

Only the remaining four people are immediately collectively petrified!

Ye Nantian mouth is still twitching constantly, his face muscles gradually groaning, looking at his son's eyes, it is like seeing the gods!

I almost got out.

This **** stuff!

People give you a piece of it, it is polite, the most important thing is that the girl is pure in thought and will not think of other aspects...

But you are a big man, actually use your own used chopsticks to give two women a dish?

And still give this... two women with food?

Are you not asking yourself for trouble?

If it is kind of a little bit clean, the chopsticks you used are dirty, on the spot...

Do you think it is very rare?

Isn’t that bad?

Is the public chopsticks next to it a display? I don’t even know the minimum dining etiquette. It’s really no image!

With the personality of the two legends of Frost and Cold, it is simply too organic to say that it is good!

Is this something bad? !

No, the son leaked Laozi to make up the leak. Anyway, he can't put his son in, but how can he make up the leak? This is a problem!

However, Ye Nantian, who had just turned his mind, had not had time to put the trapping action into action, but he saw the moon frost trailing up the piece of meat. He did not hesitate and put it into the small mouth without bitterness. While squinting and squinting: "It’s really chewy, just like when you chew a cow as a child..."

"It's like this, not only chewing on the head, but also tastes very good." The same gangsters on the side of the moon swelled up and tried to chew, and the beauty was satisfied: "Good!"

"If you are delicious, you will have two more. If you eat from your family, you should open your mouth and eat it." Ye Xiao smiled and smiled softly, and gave each person two pieces.

Everyone stays awake and looks at Ye Dagongzi. Then he looks at the public chopsticks at hand. If he has nothing to do, he uses his own used chopsticks, and a chopsticks borrows a chopsticks for the dish. But for a moment, the moon in front of the moon is high. The piles are piled up and full of dishes.

The two women are constantly ignorant, but they are headless, and they eat only a lot of dishes on their plates.

Other people who are unknown are re- petrified!

"The two fairies have a good appetite and eat more. See how the two fairies are a little thin..." Ye smiled with a smile: "Women should stay in shape, but they are too thin and not too fat. Look good."

Zhan Yunfei Zhu Jiutian heard the news and was shocked. I went there. The younger brother is really too lacking in the experience of the rivers and lakes. How dare you say that these female lawyers are collectively taboo?

Female practitioners are absolutely common problems - dead love is bright, words such as fat, unsightly, poor body are just a big taboo, the younger brother has basically rounded up these taboos in one sentence, this is to die Trend!

However, the next scene of life made the exhibition Zhu two people, continue petrification, plus dumbfounded!

"We are very good now, we don't want to be fat!" The moon frost and coldness also turned white eyes to protest, but the so-called protests only then, and then continue to help the drums to eat, eat, and eat. .

"Amount..." Ye Nantian held a glass of wine in the air, apparently also shocked by this scene, almost instinctively muttered: "Please, please..."

I don't know what he is "please"!

Zhu Jiutian picked up the glass, followed this voice, and stayed down...


It fell in the nostrils.

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