Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1132: My brother laughs the monarch

Her little face is full of **** and attachments: "When I first came out with the frost, I was born with a catastrophe. Since I was born, I was deformed, disabled, and I couldn’t move..."

"My brother is just a child who is five or six years older than us. I don't have any means of earning a living. I can only go for someone to ask for a solution, ask everyone, and try to give us something to eat." When I can't ask for it, I will steal it... We have seen too many times. When he steals food, he is looking for a **** and a half-dead picture..."

"And we just waited to eat..." The frosty eyes were red: "In those years... my brother didn't know how much he had eaten for us, how much suffering..."

"Now, his two younger sisters have grown up..." The moon frost and the cold stopped talking at the same time, and the small mouth was flat, and when he saw it, he would cry out, but forcibly resisted; deeply inhaled and suppressed the sadness.卍卍?八一中卍文?网卐w-w`w,. , 81zw. Com

Ye Nantian Zhan Yunfei and others all have deep feelings of nodding. With their experience in life, one can imagine a young boy of six or seven years old, with two disabled sisters, who can live without any help.

For a time, I couldn’t help but sigh and sigh.

"Bringing the brother has always been a strange man who is not a world." Zhan Yunfei said from the heart of the lungs: "This kind of man is definitely a hero in the sky. But I don't know how to make a brother's name, now?"

The moon replied completely without thinking, "My brother is Ye Xiao, now..."

I always said that I was shocked to say that I had missed my mouth and hurriedly shut up and said that a small hand suddenly caught my mouth. No. 1 in the August 1st, w, w`w,. `8, 1zw. Com

The eyes of the moon frost have already come over, and the eyes are full of blame.

Moon cold knows that he has done something wrong and bows his head deeply.

I didn't notice that at the moment I heard the name "Ye Xiao", the scene suddenly disappeared silently!

Except for the three months of the moon frost and the moon, the faces of everyone else are all ugly!

Among them, the face of Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian is especially ugly, and the skin is as sad as paper, not the slightest blood!

This sudden and shocking news, when it was like a sunny day, suddenly bursting in the ear, the heart of two people suddenly jumped in an unprecedentedly dramatic situation!

Ye Xiao!

In everyone's mind, a consensus is reached in an instant, or a conclusion, Ye Xiao, said in the two populations of Yuegong Frost, is certainly not the young Ye Xiao who is sitting on the mat now!

It was the wind that swept the world, the Megatron River, and the sweeping monarch who swept the celestial domain!

Laugh at the heroes of the world!

I am a monarch!

Laughing monarch, Ye Xiao!

The absolute vengeance of the three major sects!

It’s just that I can’t think of it... The moon palace frost is cold, it’s just the laughing sister’s sister!

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian only felt that one of their hearts could jump out of the chest at any time. ??? gossip ◎ a novel? network w, w, w`. `8`1-z-w,. -c-o`m`

Because, when the siege of the monarch was in the same year, let the generation of Haoxiong die in the same battle... the two brothers and sisters, but participate in it!

It can even be said that the death of the monarch, part of the responsibility, is on both of them.

Even if it is very small, even if they are almost killed in the hands of the monarch!

But the result is that the laughing monarch is dead, and the two of them have survived, even because the wounds of that battle have been restored!


However, I learned that I have always been alone in the legend, arrogantly laughing at the world, laughing alone in the rivers and lakes, there are actually two sisters!

And his two sisters, just one of them is already terrible, once the two men join hands, it is a more terrible person than laughing at the monarch!

From the cold-blooded two women's recollections of their brothers, it is easy to see that the two women's feelings for this brother are so deep that they are unimaginable. If they know that they are also involved in dealing with the laughing monarch, how can they both? Let's let go of our brothers!

The more serious problem is, who else does not know that our brothers are besieging the monarch? !

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian instantly developed cold sweat on their foreheads.

For a time, I was so overwhelmed.

On the other hand, Ye Nantian and others understand this. Why did the two men of the Moon Palace suddenly change their minds and even change their positions?

"The reason why the two fairys changed their original intentions..." Ye Nantian said with emotion: "It turned out to be a dog..."

The moon frost was cold when it was cold: did they know? This is not good. Before my brother once solemnly stated that it is far from exposing the real heritage.

Moon cold is even more blameful.

"...It turned out to be the name of the dog...this name..." Ye Nantian sighed softly: "It was the name of the laughing monarch of the year. When I was chased by a couple, I met the confidante of the predecessor. Pity Fairy, Jun Xianzi gave birth to a guilty conscience to my husband and wife, but also pointed out that we may name the unborn child as Ye Xiao... I don’t want to laugh at the monarch’s predecessors, although they have fallen for many years, they still have the legacy. For my father and son, let the two fairies love the house and the black, let us go..."

"I don't think of it, we Ye Jia... After 18 years, I still owe a smile to the monarchs."

The moon frost stunned and hurriedly said: "Yes, that's it. Your son, it's exactly the same as my older brother's name. If you kill Lang Lang, it's not like killing our brothers; but I don't know if there is such a source. The sisters of our sisters are really doing the right thing."

"How can we make the big brother unhappy..." The cold and weak defense of the month; but it ushered in the sharp eyes of the moon.

The original and warm atmosphere on the table finally condensed.

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian are heavy.

If you say the idea just now, it is mainly because the other party will not pursue the two of them. Now the idea has turned to this news... Do you want to pass it back to the sect?

Just a gentleman's pity, it has already made three major sects, and it is like an enemy.

If you add the moon palace frost, two more big masters...


The future situation is really not optimistic!

Zhan Yunfei dry and smiled and said: "At the beginning..."

"We know what you have done in the three major sects." The frosty eyes of the moon frost suddenly became fierce. In an instant, the four eyes were like the four swords that pierced the sky, mixed with endless hatred and murderousness. Sen Ran said: "This account, we will sooner or later clear the three major sects!"

"However, now that we look at the words "Ye Xiao", we don't want to have an unhappy anecdote at this moment." Yue Han said: "However, blood debts must be paid for!"

At this moment, the two women’s faces have no such innocent childishness and warmth of memories, but they are truly murderous and domineering.

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