Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1166: Striving for fear!

"It's very useful? I naturally know..." Ye Xiaoyan's eyes turned: "But... so two are not enough. August 1 Chinese No◎ net? w, w-w, .-8-1`z , w,.-c-o-m-we are so many people..."

The second thing subconsciously turned over and white, I know that this greedy guy would say this, could not help but scream: This thing can only be eaten once in a lifetime, and then eat it a second time, it has no effect at all.

"I know, I don't want to eat it myself, there are others, pity, quantity, ice, and..." Ye Xiao did not hesitate, snorted and reached out to pick up the goods from the space: "Go get it! Hurry!"

The second grievances screamed at the tail, and the face was full of grievances after bullying.

Benedict knows that Benedict will definitely work for this goods, and that's it.

Forget it, if you want to eat well, you still have to make some effort. Anyway, it is not too annoying to get this stuff, just a little more than a little bit of gray!

Coincidentally at this moment, suddenly there was a riot.

"It’s so good, there are yin and yang fruit hanging down..."


"Everyone should not shake!"

"The opportunity is coming again!"

"Why don't you move, Lao Tzu is the master of this fruit..."


Immediately, a scream of screams...

I saw that the man who was screaming and put into action was buzzing and turned into a black ball.

Was caught by the fishermen...

Swearing, the yin and yang fruit will fall again.

Almost at the same time, someone rushed up. In August 1st, the text network w, w`w. 81zw. Com

But it was a scream and it was gone again...

Those high-level cultivators who were able to claim the king's dominance in Qingyun Tianyu, because of the sudden success of the second goods, took away a yin and yang fruit, and suddenly the mood exploded, rushing up.

Everyone is convinced that he is the next winner, the protagonist, and everyone else is accompanying his own supporting role, is cannon fodder!

Then, one after another, the spirits were destroyed, turned into a black ball, and caught by the fishermen at the other end.

For a time, the cliffs waited for the defenders who vyed for the yin and yang fruit, and they couldn’t even line up...

In the process of "fishing people", everyone is caught and annihilated. Although it lasts for a short time, almost a few breaths are completed. However, each time a repairer comes into contact with the yin and yang fruit, whether it is successfully picked, The original yin and yang fruit will disappear for a while; it will be taken up by the other fishermen and then put down again; although the process is not very long, it can even be said to be very short, but the people below After seeing a successful case, I can't wait.

Since someone has succeeded, the next winner must be me! - This is a common protagonist.

He can, I will be able to?

So in the next period of time, almost every time the yin and yang fruit was just put down, there was a group of people who seemed to be rushing up and rushing to fight...

Fighting for death!

Because the end result is that there is a bad luck, the person who first came into contact with the fruit, turned into a black ball, and the spirit is gone.

The unlucky one who died is often among the people who are currently rushing up, and the highest one.

Ye Xiao looked at her side and twitched her lips.

What is the reason for this world, how can it be so stunned?

Obviously, the activities of sending deaths are actually so eager; they seem to be rushing like chicken blood...

Finally, after six or seventy people have died, this craze has finally come down.卐卍? Bayi novel network w`w`w`. -8`1-z, w-. Com

"What about him, how can it be so evil!"

"Who is the man who just succeeded, how can he not swallow the vision of the fruit..."

"Rely, killing so many people in one breath, even a success is not..."

"Let's wait, wait a minute..."

"Maybe it’s like the previous two. Someone took a pair, and then no one can take it for thousands of years, so the chances of success are not new..."

"This is also an inaccurate thing. It is rumored that the second holy fruit is not separated from the one obtained by Wufa."

"Hey, my life is different, I think we may have to wait for thousands of years..."


The ear is full of sighs.

Apparently everyone around me was a little discouraged, and even sprouted.

At this time, there was another wave of fluctuations in the sky, and the two yin and yang sacred fruits were once again illusory, and they would fall down.

This time, no one has tried it anymore.

"For the time being, wait and see, I will also adjust."

"Well, wait and see..."

"The trough! That's..."


... In a scream, goodbye to a white shadow, if there is no trace, between the electric light and the flint, almost unspeakable.

The two yin and yang sacred fruits that appeared again disappeared with the "call".

There are only two empty hooks left!

What's even more amazing is that the two hooks clearly have no shaking.

I rely on it, the man just appeared again? !

Has he succeeded? !

However, how did this person take it?

How did he do that?

Everyone saw it and was amazed and shocked. Most people, envious and hateful eyes are blue;

As soon as you find this guy, everyone will immediately attack and attack!

This **** has two pairs of yin and yang fruit on hand!

What are you doing so much?

What's even worse is that you all get the holy fruit in your hand. You don't take it for the first time. Instead, you repeatedly get it again. What do you want to do, do you want to go to heaven? !

It’s just a bastard, ah...

Many of the following people are blue-eyed, and they are starting to flex their muscles, and the old-fashioned people who have been here for hundreds of years have never been shot, and their eyes are full of sincerity!

Two times in a row!

This is undoubtedly the first time in tens of thousands of years!

Start the river!

Never before...

Did the fisherman above change a newbie today?

In this life, everyone’s eyes turned red again and again.

For the first time, there may not be a second time. But for the first time in a day, there will be a third time!

This is the theorem!

People with this heart and the same mind, one mindfulness, all the same!

Many people rushed to the rush and rushed to the edge of the cliff to wait for the new fruit to appear.

Even if you can find the greedy person who gets the holy fruit, you will be able to use the amazing degree of the other party, and you will be eager to make people rush, directly swallow the fruit, and turn into the invincible power of Tianyu. Can you be better if you come to a kill? !

However, if you can successfully acquire a pair of holy fruits, it is your own way to achieve your own invincible power!

Only this time, the yin and yang fruit is exceptionally slow.



&1t; This year's New Year's Day, blessing brothers and sisters!

The new year, the new exhibition, everything, usher in the best start!

Feng Ling is here for everyone!

Proud to say: I am not broken! I didn't take time off...

After the end of the morning, I came back with the code word. Although I have always been worried about it, I always wanted to go out to live... but I finally resisted it.

Although it is very painful, but for you, it is worth it!

Because you are worth it, I give up something.


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