Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1254: Ultimate bloom [second more! 】

However, Xuan Bing believes that he is always his own strength. Although he is not abandoning such treasures, he is not very interested. He has never traveled to the rivers and lakes for a long time, but he has never used it. The pearl is suspected of being dusty, and then I feel that there is such a life-saving thing on the body, even if it is carried away, psychologically still rely on it, more or less will hinder the heart of his own strong, the way forward.卍八一小说No net w, w`w`. `8-1, z`w,. , c`o, m`

After the end of a tour, simply take it down and seal it in the Cloud Palace as a heritage treasure.

When the ice heart month received the smell of people, when Xuanbing saw this little disciple, he now smells the high qualifications of the people, and can be said to be the crown of all the younger disciples of the entire Yunxiaoyun Palace.

As long as you can grow up, you may climb to the height that the predecessors of the Cloud Palace did not reach.

In view of this, Xuan Bing has given this dusty "fog" for a long time, as a card for life-saving and life-saving; while telling the use method, it is even more severely warned: unless the life is at stake, Otherwise, this last resort must not be used.

The power of "Fog-Heavy" is amazing, but the power required for it is equally astonishing. Before it was repaired to the Taoist territory, it was simply unable to rush. If force is not caught, it will be cited. Come back to the rest of the effort, then there is only one dead end!

I heard that people are quite fond of lotus flowers. After getting the "fog", I love the treasures and simply put them all on my clothes. I have no way to avoid people. I have seen the people of "Fog". There are very few, even if there are people who know the goods, but they never think of such a weapon, they will fall on a little girl who is still not in the dream, and they will be used as accessories. Concealed in the dress, but no one noticed. Eight? One small? Say net w, w`w-. , 8, 1`z`w-. Com

At this moment, it is the moment of life and death crisis, the only way to smell people is to ... with their greatest strength, to force the fog!

Remember the power of the fog, try your best to block the enemy, and let Master have a chance to leave safely!

As for the others, such as their own ability is not enough to provoke the fog, and even the fog and the rest of the force to fight back, smelling people really can not care, they will die soon, still care about those who have nothing, meaningful? !

The smell of the person is constantly spinning in the air, and the ridge that emerged with her has shocked all the enemies that have been chased, a white mist, slowly rising, I don’t know where it came from, I don't know where to go.

As the white fog became more and more full, the smell of the body shape, stunned into the thick fog, seems to have nothing, if true, but still in a graceful rotation.

Bing Xinyue did not take the opportunity to look far away. Instead, she screamed and rushed back, but even she was incompetent and close to the smelly body.

Once the "Fog-Holland" move was moved, the enemy and the enemy did not discern, and the smell of people and now all the minds, have been immersed in this move, not to say a few shouts, even if the landslide, she can not hear.

On the other hand, Tan Qingfeng and other people have their swords, and Jianguangjianqiumang flashes out a dozen feet, forcibly attacking this piece of fog, but like a mud cow into the sea, there is no effect, no breakthrough.

The entire area, with the emergence of white fog, gradually becomes like a muddy soil, so that people have a hard time to pull out, can not walk, can not move freely. ?§◎八No一?中文?网 w, w-w-. 81zw. Com

The next moment, a voice full of light spirits quietly sounded, it was a singer singing in a low voice.

"Jiong Yunzhong flowers..."

The white fog is getting thicker and thicker, and the wind is getting more and more urgent. There seems to be a piece of flowers, which appears in the fog of the clouds, and the sky is uncertain and magnificent.

Tan Qingfeng took a deep breath and looked at it with unprecedented care. He reached out and stopped everyone from continuing to attack. Shen Sheng said: "Everyone is careful, this may be a ban, don't try to attack, save yourself, and beware of changes."

Everyone in the field is a practitioner, and they all quite nodded.

In the clouds, there was another light voice coming out.

"Tiangong Wu Lihe..."

The white mist, after the self-defense, from the thick, more and more, to this meeting, it is like a strong gathering from all directions, even the space around the square, all covered, more gradually thick. Countless petals, seemingly in the white mist, when the time is hidden, the lotus buds of the lotus flower are also quietly growing, it is, the little lotus is sharp and sharp!

“There is a thousand mountains and trembles!”

The voice of this person has already faintly trembled. In her sandal mouth, there are more blood drops, five senses and seven scorpions, but also bloodshot, spilling out.

With her current cultivation, forcibly urging this move, even if it is hard to fight, it is simply not looking for a dead end. What is more, ultimately, can it be successfully supported until the moment of this power blooms? Still undecided.

In fact, the smell of people can support this moment, there is another big helper, Tan Qingfeng!

Tan Qingfeng is old and heavy, and the hole candle machine first glimpses the big tricks that people are brewing, telling everyone to be careful, don't be violently attacked, to prevent being caught off guard, in general, this is right. ,

However, it is also a great help to the smell of people. The white fog that was born by the fog of the fog has the effect of dispelling the eyes and ears, but also the effect of dispelling the attacking tactics of the other side. However, this effect is not without cost, and there is a ceiling. If it is smelling people, such as the ice heart month, the general situation of the six elements of the road is repaired, naturally there will be no disadvantages of lack of vitality.

However, the current level of the singularity of the singularity is not at all, but with the perseverance of a spurt of force, the white fog can also play a role in concealing the role of the opponent’s offensive, not to mention the slightest Almost, if everyone is still arrogant, whether it is the secret of someone’s attack, the hidden white mist, or the consumption of a lot of white mist, can make people swear by people earlier. fall from the sky.

However, Tan Qingfeng’s careful reminder, indirectly, contributed to the trick of smelling people and completing the fog!

After a while, although the real power of the fog-filled trick has not yet been truly presented, it has already begun to have countless sharp winds, flying out of the white mist.

One of the strong winds happened to be shot at Tan Qingfeng.

Tan Qingfeng had been on the alert for a long time. She saw the sword in the first place. The sound of "When" sounded like a gong and drum in the morning bell. The sword creaked, and Tan Qingfeng screamed fiercely.

Only a force of the wind, let this Tao Yuan Jiuji master, feels awesome! ?

What is even more frightening is that this move of the other side is obviously not completely formed!

Tan Qingfeng’s heart was sharply turned, his face was changed, and he screamed: “Back!”

The voice has not fallen, he has already stepped back.

However, just as his body just floated up, he was about to start pushing backwards, the smell of people hidden in the thick white mist, the hatred that came out of his eyes, and the seven-eyedness of Juan Xiu’s, suddenly like a fountain. Gushing out blood...

At this moment, the volume of her speech is already low.


I finally read the last word, all the spiritual power in the body, and the vitality, the power of God... At this moment, it is completely exhausted!

All converted into the power of the fog!


&1t; Second, ask for a monthly ticket!

I continue to code, the next wave of updates, look at ... should be three hours later. >

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