Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1350: People in the clouds! [Fifth]

These ginseng are swaying the flowers one by one, and even the leaves are like eyes, staring at Ye Xiao; full of vigilance. Eight?? One Chinese network? w?ww?. ?81?zw?. Com

At this point, Ye Xiao looked even silly.

Where is this group of children? This is exactly a group of ginseng!

And all of them have been cultivated and shaped, and with the knowledge of God, you can transform into the top ginseng baby of adults!

Recalling the spectacular scene of a group of little ghosts playing, Ye Xiao took a deep breath and subconsciously: "This... How many years have it been cultivated? What kind of ginseng is it? What kind of aura... can..."

This is simply unbelievable.

Although this incredible, calm, but still incredible!

After Ye Xiao passed, he only heard the screaming voice screaming and screaming again.

"The thing just happened, continue, this is not over! I told you, you have thrown the big green worm under your feet on my leaves, so mad, extinct ginseng... this hatred, hate, I am not wearing the sky with you!" A crisp voice.

"I didn't mean it. It wasn't intentional. How could we eliminate the paradox..." The other turned against the white eye and retorted.

A groaning voice: "I prove that you are deliberate! You are deliberate!"

"Yes, otherwise it will not be so accurate! It is not so deliberate, if it is deliberate... How far can it be allowed?!"

"It’s hard to fight! I’m so desperate!”

"Wow, that's a big green bug..."

"Absolutely don't share the sky, I support you to kill you and kill them."



After listening to this century-old debate, Ye Xiao was almost dizzy, and the more he felt his head was not enough.

You are all formed, and the gods are good and good. As for a small green worm, you don’t wear it all?

Also, what kind of ghost is the extinction of the ginseng, is it actually derived from the extinction of humanity? !

In front of him, the woman of the genius turned around and said softly: "Don't be noisy, everything is like... What do you like? Let outsiders laugh."

"Wow, wow... the goddess actually spoke..."

"It must be told to me, tell me!"

"It is clear to me, too happy, I want to be quiet!"

"Rely, don't you want to be a goddess, want to be quiet? This will not tell you that the goddess will only tell me..."

"You are getting out, the goddess likes me the most, telling me..."


One by one, the ginseng dolls are happy to go straight on the ground, and the two that are still doing the same are dancing hand in hand.

The end is dancing, laughing like a sea...

I dare to make such a naughty fight for the little guys, just to say something to this woman.

"This little naughty..."

The woman helplessly grabbed her forehead with her hand: "I always go to their place, it is really a bad test, ridiculous and generous."

Ye Xiao haha ​​smiled and said: "This is the kindness and embarrassment of the maiden, deliberately not to check, let everyone happy haha..."

The woman smiled; then Ye Xiao saw another dramatic change in the scene.

For example, the fabulous woman of the glory disappeared!

Instead, it is a magnificent palace with majesty to the extreme; a white man standing in front of the palace with his hand.

At the moment of seeing this white man, Ye Xiao even had a feeling: the pressure that this person caused to himself, he seemed to be unable to breathe.

The white man’s eyes looked at Ye Xiao, faintly said: “Is this Ye Xiao?”

After waiting for Ye Xiao to answer, he nodded: "It looks really good, almost comparable to the deity..."

Then he said: "Snow, you said, am I fooled?"

The voice of the previous woman sounded, mixed with a smile that couldn’t help but said: "No, you don’t say that it’s almost like you were..."

The white man was angry and said: "Is it obedient? These **** say that this kid looks like me. At least 80% of the faces are the same. I am interested in letting him come over and see me... but now it seems Where is it like?"

The white man is furious: "The few little **** are really deceiving too much! Deceive yourself to lie to yourself, but now I have cheated on my head!"

"In all fairness, except that the appearance is not very similar; other ... is still not like, the momentum is not like, the temperament is not like; when you were in the flow, the evil spirits are stunned; at first glance, there is no seriousness... but in front of you This Ye Xiao, although not necessarily a righteous gentleman, is actually more extravagant than you were in the past, this is an innate gift, you can't come."

Said the woman.

She seems to be deliberately angry with this white man. The white man looked at the dish and said with awkwardness: "What gift, what kind of elegant and noble... I didn't show it at all? Also, why do I swear, don't talk nonsense."

The woman in white snorted and said: "What do you think in your heart, are you clear that you are fooling yourself?!"

The white man groaned and said: "Where can I... retreat 10,000 steps and say that although he is very good, I still have to be better in the past... When you saw me, I was immediately taken by me. Fascinated, this is always true?!"

The woman blinked: "Well, you must remember what you said, you are responsible for every word you say! Don't say that I am jealous of you, a handsome guy!"

The white man was immediately dumbfounded, and he hurriedly apologized, and he was very whispering.

Ye Xiaoxiao mouth: This goods is so afraid of his wife, it really is to throw away our man's face, white and so amazing momentum, I was almost overwhelmed by this man, too shameful...

I read this, but I saw a man and a woman in front of me slammed a bit, then...

"Giggle..." The woman suddenly smiled and swayed, and she couldn’t help it: "Mo Xie, you can be considered to be in the end today. Some people say that you have lost the man's face... Hahaha, laughing at me. ”

The black line of the man's face turned to look at Ye Xiao, Zhang Zhang mouth, only a speechless.

This guy actually dared to think so...

how dare you? !

How dare? !

Ye Xiaoping barely maintained his calmness, but his heart was amazed, huh? They actually knew my thoughts, the most secretive thoughts in the world, and they were barely able to see through them!

"I just looked at it, but I didn't intend to overwhelm him. I really didn't have that idea..." The man grinned and rolled his eyes: "If you have seen it, I will send him back."

"Why are you sending people back? How can this be done?" The woman yelled: "You have all brought people over, how can you let people go at a glance, how can you not say this?"

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