Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1374: Each of their duties [first! 】

Ye Xiao told him to finish, and then solemnly said: "You, I will say this last time, this wave of rivers and lakes will be the most serious and widespread in the history of Qingyun Tianyu; its destructive power , lethality, will be unprecedented.? Bayi Chinese network w?w?w?.?8?1z?w?.?com"

"So everyone has to be quite psychologically prepared, perhaps... after this war, among the people we are present, including myself... there will be countless people who will never see each other again, or they may, I know myself in the future."

"This is a battle of destiny for life and death! Never stop holding any luck."

"Set it to death and then live."

"Let's live in the dead!"

Everyone's face was heavy and he nodded slowly.

In the face of such horrible forces, opponents, and enemies, once the war begins, even the laughing monarchs dare not say that they are fully confident that they can survive. Do others have this qualification and the ability to say this?

Faced with it, perhaps there are tens of thousands of Tao Yuan Jiu Jiu masters, and do not know how many Tao Yuan masters...

What a huge force is this?

"Now, let me arrange a job..." Ye Xiao Shen stunned and looked at Ge Zhenfeng, saying: "Ge old master, you are among the crowds, the most old-fashioned, highly respected, please be responsible for the co-ordination of these people, And... there will be various forces coming to form alliances and other matters... It is necessary to let everyone form a monolithic piece in the shortest time. This matter will be the foundation of the alliance, and there must be no scorn."

"According to the monarch's order!" Ge Zhenfeng abruptly promised.

"The people present, who are not tired of the family, are alone, and all stay in the Ge family for the time being. They have the power behind them, or belong to the family..." Ye Xiao said: "Return to your own power, Arrange everything; and in the shortest possible time, reorganize your team and move toward it."

Ye Xiao stressed: "In order to prevent the accident, all the brothers who go home must be divided into groups according to the way, and they should not be separated. After the order is completed, they will return here together. I speculate that... maybe encounter in the return journey. To block the squad... people gather more and can also take care of each other and lack complementarity."

"Now any power, a little power, we can't afford it, it's precious." Ye Xiao's voice is extraordinarily solemn.

The people agreed loudly.

Everyone thinks in their hearts: "The monarch is very thoughtful. On the road to intercept this incident, we are in a dilemma. I didn't even think of this layer, and I received another layer of grace from his old man..."

"Peng Zhi! Laomu, old money... You are three rivers and lakes scattered, here, for the time being, as my spokesperson... On behalf of me, take everyone and do everything." Ye Xiaodao said: "Yes, that is everything. Ready! Do you understand?"

Peng Zhi and other three people who were called to the name felt extremely daring, shouldered heavy responsibilities, strode forward, and clenched their fists as the chest: "The monarch is assured, the three of us can be seen by the adults, even if they are broken, they will never dare to bear Trusted!"

"Well." Ye Xiao nodded and smiled. "Because they are not familiar with each other, I will first order them three people to be responsible for it... After all, this is an old acquaintance; perhaps among the people in the field, there are repairs higher than them. Or, who have been wise to help them... can participate in their own assistance... We are all ourselves, and we must not give birth to it in our hearts. Right now is the autumn of crisis. Any little bit of sin, once it breeds, can cause unimaginable terrible consequences."

The people said in unison: "Don't dare."

Some people with high conscious ability are superior, and they are really dissatisfied under the heart. However, they are also on the go: Yes, the monarch does not know me, naturally I don’t know how my ability is. Peng Zhi, they accounted for this. To the first opportunity, but the old acquaintance of the monarch, the monarch adults do not appoint them here, who can call? Anyway, it will only create more confusion.

As for the Peng Zhi trio, there is no more discomfort in my heart.

Being able to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility, acting on behalf of the laughing monarch, is already a great glory; and the monarch has just said it again, we are his old friends, old brothers...

This title, evaluation can be much more than what the spokesperson is, and the three people are excited to faint, and there will be any opinions.

"Everyone has their own affairs, and my leader is naturally not able to idle..." Ye Xiao sighed and said: "I have said before that the face of this catastrophe is the homeland of the entire Qingyuntian domain. Forces, we need to unite with all the forces that can unite to face this catastrophe. Others say that we are the best people in these situations. On the contrary, those who are high-ranking, cares, and many Scruples, it is difficult to integrate... So, I am going to look at the specific situation in person, regardless of whether or not I can eventually unite, there is always a common enemy..."

Everyone nodded and said yes.

The famous big faction has strong natural strength, but it is for this reason that they are even less likely to join hands with these people.

Well, it’s not so much “impossible” or “unwilling” to be more appropriate. After all, the pride of the famous group, in so many years, everyone has learned too much, even if there are common enemies, the alliance has not I am optimistic!

If it weren't for this time that the real knife was on the head of the house, then everyone would not come forward.

People's famous big schools, self-protection ability is certainly much stronger than their own.

"But this time is very different from the general. We have a laughing monarch who is the leader of the new world. The security factor is actually much stronger than those of the big names..." I want to, and I have a sense of glory.

"In addition to contacting the major forces, I have to contact some friends." Ye Xiao thought about it and felt that he would give everyone a reassurance and further stabilize the people's heart. "I don't want everyone to say... Our actions against mysterious organizations are not alone, and there are naturally additional help."

Ge Zhenfeng’s spirit was invigorated. “Don’t ask the monarch, these help... is it?”

Everyone also widened their eyes and straightened their ears.

Laughing monarch said that people who want to contact, can you be a leisurely generation?

Ye Xiao smiled and said: "Since I am laughing, I should inherit the red dust and contaminate this wave of catastrophe. Then, Jun Ying pity and her Tianya Ice Palace will naturally stand on our side."

Everyone heard the words and suddenly rejoiced.

Over the clouds and rain, laughing at the monarch, the sea of ​​the world should be pity!

This pair of fairy monks, hand in hand, this battle, who can beat the world? !

Not to mention the fact that there are a number of big gates in the world, and it is also a powerful force!

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