Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1376: Crazy trial [third more]

Ge Zhenfeng clasped his fist and saluted his face. "The monarch is pleased to rest assured that Ge Zhenfeng will do his best, and he will die!"

"I wish the monarchs a good trip!"

"Give me the monarch to start!"

Everyone saluted together. ?????八一中?文网??ww?w. 81zw. Com

Ye Xiao smiled faintly and waved: "Everyone, we will see you again."

But seeing the white fluttering, the clothes are lingering, the whole person is so swaying, like a breeze, flying out of the hall.

Everyone followed them out and sent Ye Xiao to leave with respect.

I saw the top of the sky above the blue sky, the dark clouds from all directions, the general rushing from the air, in an instant, has already covered the sky, thunder faint, electric snakes linger.


Ye Xiaoxiao shouted, his body swayed and rushed into the sky!

Then there was an earth-shattering roar in midair, and it sounded.

The entire land seems to have trembled by this sudden roar.

In the silver snake dance, the body of the laughing monarch flashed, disappearing without a trace.

Everyone only saw the clouds all over the sky, and they were filled with thunder and thunder, and went to the south with a crazy madness!

When one person is dispatched, there will be a glimpse of the sky, like a wing of the sky, and it will be shaken and hit three thousand.

These vast momentums have made everyone feel like a wave of hearts, this is the prestige of the world's first master!

Sure enough, it is earth-shattering!


Among the jungles, there are lightning and thunder, and the wind is stirring.


The two minds are already open, and the endless desperation flashes in the eyes of the spirits of the ninth level, and the dust falls down.

The huge body overwhelmed the big tree in the jungle.

The power of its own will never be inferior to the nine-level spirit beasts of the nine-skilled sect of the ordinary sect of the Yuan Dynasty. They are dependent on each other. In this vast jungle, they have been fortunate for countless years, and they have never dreamed of their own beasts. Will die in the hands of a young woman.

As the giant body of the beast fell, and the smoke that was stirred up, the smell of the figure slowly emerged.

Her body, there are many scars, as well as the corners of the mouth, but also a few bright red; however, her nephew is only calm and cold, or should be said to be... cold.

The cold sword light flashed again, and the two heads of the two beasts were divided into two. The two rounded beads flew into the hands of the people with a cold chill, and the sword light flashed again, smelling the soul and the sword. First, it seems that the sky white rainbow generally gallops away!

The time is almost over, and my experience is almost the same.

You can feel that your level of improvement has reached a certain height. At least here, there is no room for improvement. More critically, I also encountered a new bottleneck in my mood.

Therefore, she did not hesitate to choose to leave.

"Now, the real combat power should be in the high level of the nine elements of the Tao Yuanjing... From the level of the peak of the Daoyuan, there is still a considerable distance; the strength of the Daoyuan is not the peak of the spiritual power. Without a strong enough state of mind to cultivate, it is always difficult to use all the powers of the foundation, comprehensive strength, and stop at the high level of the nine products... After all, it is a layer of difference..."

"But I will exercise my strength with new objects."

"Next, let's practice for me according to the Japanese Tianzong and the Star Cloud Gate."

"On this day, I have waited too long, and I see that I am trying to die, or two of them are not in the world!"

The smell of people shouted, the delicate figure, the grand sword, the combination of two, two, like a lightning, galloping out.

Throughout the vast jungle, all the beasts, whether they are high or low, the spirit has been opened, and when they hear this shout, they are collectively kneeling on the ground, and they are like a sieve. The eyes are full of fear.

This extinct animalistic bloodthirsty female madman is finally willing to leave...

Heaven can see the pity!

Bless me, the jungle spirits are endless!

This statement is not exaggerated at all. Do you know what this madman has done during this time? !

Since the woman entered the wilderness jungle as the starting point, it is the nightmare of the spirit beasts!

In just over a month before and after, this woman has fought a thousand times with the spirit beast!

It must be a thousand times!

Just in this month!

God...Our spirit beast is not a human being, no humanity, only animal nature, but it is also good to be able to be beaten down... Under the sun, how can there be such a crazy and powerful woman?

The most conservative estimate of the beast that died in this woman’s hand is over eight thousand!

Birds have poultry, and animals have animal language.

During this time, everyone rushed to tell each other, nothing to do not go out, it is best not to go out, there is no need to go out anyway... there is a madman outside!

This madman is extinct and the heart of the beast is always dead!

In fact, with the power of one person, the life and the pressure of the jungle, thousands of spirits and beasts do not dare to move!

Until... This woman killed the two overlords at the top of the beast in the jungle...

This massacre will come to an end!

Only willing to go!

This devil has finally left. It’s really... thank you so much...

All the beasts who confirmed this news were relieved and filled with tears.

Since then, there has been a name on this day of the year, and the day when the jungle is quit, as long as it is the repairer who entered the jungle in this day, even if it is low, as long as you do not actively attack the beast, Must not be attacked by the beast!

Because on this day, all the beasts of the jungle will quit!


The mountains and the rain are coming to the wind, and several families are happy. The few happy ones are different, but when they say that there are a few of them, there must be two levels of ancestral gates, such as Sun Tianzong and Xingyun Yunmen. After all, During these times, the two families can be said to be in vain.

Before the two sects agreed to one stone and three birds, in addition to destroying Ye Jiaji of Yejiaji, the cold moon Tiange’s pseudonym Ye Chongzhen was the Yejia Dagongzi Ye Xiao; it was also necessary to take advantage of the convenience of the Moon Palace frost. Raise the Qionghua Moon Palace and the Haicang Tiangong, so as to lead to chaos in the rivers and lakes, and then take advantage of the benefits of the fishermen.

But what I never thought was that... The plan was just beginning to be implemented, and the manpower had just taken the order and smugly started; the principal of the strategy, the heads of the two factions, had no direct trace.


The principals have disappeared. However, the orders they have issued have not changed. The plans that the heads have personally planned, and the plans that have been officially launched, can be changed casually?

Therefore, the original plan is still being implemented continuously!

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