Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1399: Ask the mountain gate [fifth]

However, because there is a master in front... and the master is to save himself!

It’s fascinating to know how to do it, even if it’s a wolf-hearted dog, you can’t do anything like this. Bayi Chinese Network w?w?w?. ?8?1?z?w. Com

Let Master take a deep affection to sleep in the ground, but he and the man who is deeply loved by the master double amphibious?

Then, am I still a person?

No, this is not something that people can do!

At least, it’s not something I can do with people!

But the more so, the more contradictory, the more struggling and the more painful it is.

Under such contradictions and pains, the other desires of the people in the heart of the heart will be more vigorous, and the impulse to destroy the stars and clouds will inevitably become more and more blazing!

You, kill my master!

It also completely destroyed my lifelong happiness!

Damn it!

Damn it!

All **** extremely!

Now, standing on the ground of this star Yunmen, I saw Ye Chang’s long and handsome figure in his eyes, as well as the handsome face of his own dreams...

The more indescribable and insulting of the stars and clouds in the hearts of the people, the more unstoppable, and even into a state of hysteria!

At this moment, the sound of a whistling sound like a sword in the back, but a group of costumed women, from far and near, the sword came; but like the sky, suddenly fell a large piece of plain clouds.

The girls quietly descended behind the crowd, silently lined up, one by one, waiting, the face was awe-inspiring, suffocating.

"How come you?" Jun should have a pity for a surprise.

The comer is the manpower of the Tianya Ice Palace.

For the sake of the Tianya Ice Palace elders, at this moment, the self-satisfied eyes are full of smiles, but the face is indifferent, seemingly full of expression, looking at Jun Ying pity, after a moment, finally can not end, whispered : "You are reluctant to accompany your future husband to come to revenge, we as a mother, can you really stand by!"

"Mother family!"

Jun should be pitiful and suddenly hot, his eyes are red, his tears are full of instants, and he hastened to curb his emotions. He laughed and said: "It’s hard for you..."

"Of course it is hard for us! Haha..."

Tianya Ice Palace, three hundred female disciples said in unison: "We are all around the Tianya Ice Palace, always stand with the palace master, fight together! Together, face all!"

"The thing of the palace is our thing, the enemy of the palace is our enemy!"

"Whoever dares to bully our palace, we will never agree!"

"Even if the other party is laughing at the monarch, that won't work!"

Three hundred women together, the volume is not to say that it is shocking the world. It is obvious that the momentum is inconsistent. The young woman of the gang is a supporter of the family.

Take a reminder to shock this new grandfather!

Good for our palace owners, or if our mothers are not vegetarian!

Ye Xiao touched his nose and began to smile.

The two items of the cold and the cold are the ones who look at each other and see a full smile from the other side.

The thoughts of these two people are simple and rude: If the young couple closes the door, they will do something. Where can you know the girls? Can't bully her? How is that possible? The martyrdom battle between husband and wife has always been in full swing, and it’s a real knife. If you can’t fight it, you’re not disappointed!

The two of them were squinting, and they were all unhappy and full of demeanor.

Ye Xiao hurry to express his loyalty: "You are so crowded, I can't afford it... I can't be arrogant... I will be obedient..."

The elders of Tianya Ice Palace snorted and said: "Look at the monarch, but this is a note, if the words and deeds are different...When is the sword of the palace unfavorable?!"

I couldn’t help but hear it again. Haha laughed and said: "I said that you are a family member, but you are too wide... and that 'tube' way, can you be simple and rude? One thing, how can I still use the sword? As for it, it’s not...

People close the door and do something... As if you all know yes? Besides... The temper of your girl, who dares to bully her? Who can bully her? I really think that my older brother and I are together, I am afraid that my older brother is suffering more. You listen to my older brother's sad voice, ‘he will obey!’ How to be true and sincere, empathy, is the most sincere and most direct open heart! ”

"On the other hand, it has also proved that the girls of your Tianya Ice Palace are all one..."

After fiercely speaking, this sentence has not been finished, and it has been stopped by countless sharp eyes.

Jun Ying’s face was flushed and he looked at him with anger and anger.

This cargo is obviously because of the previous things to retaliate against yourself!

A mouth is the same as the prime, really should fight!

But this will be the same as the little uncle who plays the big scorpion, how can he do it on the spot, so I don’t take it seriously!

Under the cold snow and snow, I was amazed by the outsiders. Everyone felt that the character was hearty and slick, and they were quick and quick. They never squatted, but they personally experienced the sorrowfulness of this buddy, and they took revenge for the villain. From morning till night, they seized the opportunity. It’s just that the knife is bloody, and it’s extremely accurate. It seems that I want to take back the avatars of the brothers from him. I have a long way to go!

Tianya Ice Palace elders are also silent for a while, but she still knows the fierceness. Seeing that this is still the same as the general rhetoric of the year, the singularity of the slashing scorpion, silently said: "You lazy guy It’s a good thing to say, but the weight of it needs to be grasped by Ye Guye. If the palace owner is not happy, he is not happy, we don’t ask questions, just ask sin...”

This statement, only one word can be described - domineering!

One more, very domineering!

One more, too much domineering!

Everyone pays for it and laughs.

There is a belly in the heart of the ice and snow: As for your strength, you also want to ask for sin... The boss can blow you all because of a fart...

Do not look at yourself a few pounds.

Ye Xiao’s huge gods have already had things in the past, and the people in the Cloud Gate are not all evacuated, but many people are hiding in the hidden places. I don’t know why.

Even if he is bullied under the nose, he still refuses to show up. If there is no conspiracy, most of them will not be counted. The enemy is dark, but it is not suitable for waiting.

Ye Xiaoxin thought, and immediately said: "Ye Xiao, fierce, come to worship the mountain, where is the person who is the master of the Cloud Cloud Gate?"

Although the people of their own have basically arrived, the most important vengeful person in this campaign is always based on Ye Xiao and Li Wuquan. At this time, it is natural to report the names of their two people.

But Ye Xiao did not report the name of the person.

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