Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1653: Tianyin Bilu

On the handsome face of the son, the time is full of pale, watching Ye Xiao, who is talking, just like watching the most horrible monsters and monsters, suddenly it is like a nervous murmur: "This is not Really... This can't be true... How can the strength of your group of people make so much progress in such a short time... This is impossible... it is impossible..."

"That is Yunhai Xianshan! Yunhai Xianshan... This is the legend of heaven and earth..."

"This world has never been impossible." Bayi Chinese network Wくw ★ W√.81くzW.CoM" Ye Xiao softly explained: "As you see now, you think, it is impossible But we feel... this is just an inevitable result..."

"Or else, how can they die? How can we win?"

Ye Xiao smiled: "Yu Gongzi, your heart is obviously still need to be tempered. Of course, you have no room for exercise, and your time is running out!"

The son of the prince was fearful and fearful, but slowly, but he remembered something. Suddenly, he burned in the air. He only felt that an unnamed fire in his heart had risen.

In this world, anyone can teach me, only you smile, not!

The one who taught me must not be your smile!

He couldn’t stop Huo Ran’s turn, and a hole with a dark red luster appeared in his hand. When he waved his hand, the hole slammed out a slight whispering sound, suddenly pointing at Ye Xiao, and his face rose. Red, cried: "Ye Xiao, before saying that good life and death is a battle against five games, we have lost four games, this gambling is that I lost, but I still have the right to ask you to fight a game, you There is still a life and death between me!"

Ye Xiaoyan opened his eyes and smiled faintly: "Oh, the son of the son played a good calculation, knowing that you are a mortal, but you still have to resist, want to pull me on the road? How I forgot In addition to being very bragging, in the martial arts, it is said that he is also a genius, but he has to look at whether the son of a scorpion is a wonderful skill, or whether he is better at winning the field!"

箫公子 angered: "Ye Xiao, put away your condescending face! You are not worthy of commenting on me, even more unreasonable to me! Who do you think you are, I am!"

Ye Xiaohe laughed and said: "The gentleman who has always been gentle and gentle can't help but export it to be dirty? It's just that you really misunderstood my goodwill. I really regret it. I regret you and I will have less in this world after World War I. A wonderful person who is brave enough to brag, I don’t even know how many people who have taught you skills, and dream back at midnight, lamenting, and not adding talents, um, it’s only!”

The scorpion angered and rushed out, three steps out, a subconscious blouse hem, said: "Ye Xiao! Although all four of us are ruined, but the shot is your man, now you and the son Yes, do you have the ability to take away the life of this son?"

Ye Xiao slowly came to the end and said: "I said that I have, for your own life, you must not believe it. Even if you accept it in your heart, you will not admit it. If you do, let the facts speak, the reality is a moment, 岂Isn’t it more irrefutable than saying everything?!"

He Gongzi nodded and said: "Okay! Just see the real chapter!"

Looking around, there are many people in the house except Ye Xiaojun's main cabinet, but there is no second person in the party. I have to face all the people in the monarchy. I suddenly trembled in my heart, and I don’t know why. There was an unprecedented pride in my heart, and I laughed: "Ye Xiao, even if I am alone in the face of your monarchy, what are the fears?"

Ye Xiao said gently: "I understand your mood at the moment. You can also understand your own intentions for your own courage. There is really nothing. In fact, whether you bring four people or bring four thousand people, the final result is still That's it, that's it."

"In other words, in any case, you will certainly have the glory of this singular face to the monarch."

"Where the man you brought, the moment you step into the boundaries of the pavilion, you are already stepping into the gate of the ghost, and you will have life again."

Ye Xiaowen's gentle and elegant hand: "Hey, son, you are so chattering, is it for me to see what you brag about? Or let me teach you your mouth? Oh... this is my no, you The trick is to work hard, how can I teach you your mouth, hurry up, I really can't wait!"

"Ha ha ha..."

All the monarchs around him were all laughed at by their own servants, who didn’t spit dirty words, but actually laughed more than the more disgusting people who exported them into dirty.

These are full of ambiguity, or simply exaggerated words... cough, I believe that as long as it is a man can understand?

"Ye Xiao, you are so happy to forget the shape, if you have the guts, then I will listen to my song, and the sound of the sky will be alive."

"This life has not yet listened to the skills of the son, Yemou is honoured, and finally has to open the ear, but know that it is happy, or disappointed." Ye Xiao stood tall, his face always mixed with leisurely smiles, Everything is in the hands of everything.

The son of the scorpion took a deep breath, and suddenly the whole person floated up in the void, and the dark red hole was smacked in the mouth, and the snoring of the snoring, faint and present, its sound is far away, like a biography Come.

The body of the scorpion’s long body floats in the air, and it seems to be a beautiful trajectory in action. His snoring, although always in low and low squeaking, gives birth to a kind of There is nothing but a subtle emotion.

Everyone who hears the snoring seems to have seen his childhood, his own beauty, his own... the parents who have died, but how many times have appeared in their dreams to make friends...

The snoring and snoring seems to be telling the story of the world’s death and death from the ancient times.

Many monarch defenders, while listening to the distortions, have been involuntarily red.

Ye Xiaojing stood up and listened to the snoring of the son of the son, but there was a long-lost picture that emerged in the heart of the lake.

Young begging, being beaten, being chased by people, being bitten by a bad dog... I am carrying a frosty cold, two small yellow-skinned little hoes, trying to survive, hard days...

A lot of snow and snow, the three little people huddled together, warmed up, but still shivering, especially on that day, they were interrupted by the legs, two hoes holding oneself on one side, using the body as I am cold, and three people use life to interpret the truth...

Later, when the brothers and sisters were dispersed, they would learn from the teacher and set foot on the road of the monarch...

All the way to the rivers and lakes come and go... How many times have you died, and traveled around the vast Qingyun Tianyu...

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