Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1720: Are you a swordsman?

Drumming in the heart of the bird

This guy is young, can he have such eyesight?

Although this guy is young, he can conquer the two extremely fast spirit beasts, but he can't be underestimated...

I am afraid that this is a little troublesome...

Although the bird was originally a veritable treasure in the world, once the identity was revealed, the situation was greatly unsatisfactory. The bird was not guilty, but the treasure itself was a big sin...

The invincible heard the words and slammed, and then the "squeaky" sword was unsheathed, and the blood-stained light was revealed in the eyes. The look was completely calm down: "Ye Xiao, you are poisoned by the name of the sky three feet. Today, when you are full of evil, you will die!"

Ye Xiaoxiao feels stunned. Since he debuted, he seems to have a lot of things on his own, but the theory of sinfulness is still heard, but even if he has already relieved, he smiles faintly, back two steps, and his arms are shocked. Underneath, the eagle screamed and flew up into the sky; the second was confident and slightly moving, instantly disappearing into the eyes of everyone. (8) (1) Chinese website Ww┡W. 81.Zw. COM

At the same time, Ye Xiao’s palms stretched out and he had more swords in his hands.

It is the long-lost star sword.

When the sword is on the swing, the stars will flash, and it will be like a galaxy, suddenly appearing under this sky.

Ye Xiao's eyes are locked in the shining star sword sword body, did not look invincible, quietly said: "Fang invincible, the blessing of no evil, no one is self-interested, now you are recruiting death, but it is no one especially?"

Since Ye Xiaodeng has been in the dusty days, the repairs have been triumphant all the way. However, until now, the basics have all dealt with strong enemies with the mind. The only time for the scorpion is to make a fuss, but it has never met a battle. Actual opponent.

Although the monarch's cabinet is not lacking in the strength of the people, but since Ye Xiaoqiu himself has been repaired as a breakthrough in the Sacred Realm, as in the previous period of the Divine Realm, it is unobtrusive to see the strength of the same level of the samurai; If you try to recruit, both sides will not display fatal killings. This kind of discussion is not meaningful in Ye Xiao’s case. This trip to the sea without a sea has always been a battle, but there are at most three strokes per battle. The two styles can completely solve the opponent, and they simply can't talk about the game.

Only at this moment, the encounter side is invincible, a strong person who has cultivated itself far away from each other and is in a big realm of each other. Ye Xiao’s heart can’t help but burn.

Even though Ming knows that this guy is much stronger than himself, this campaign is not optimistic, but Ye Xiao believes that he has an endless card in hand, and may not lose to this guy.

The most important thing is that this campaign is a good opportunity to take a chance to test your real repairs to what extent.

I am confident that I can achieve the same level of invincibility. I always think that I have no actual combat. I don’t think that it’s not the same as my own, but I’m higher than myself, even if I can’t match the red-colored god. However, it is definitely a power that belongs to the long-term habitat.

The peak of that series is the first time I played against it!

But this is also the battle that Ye Xiao is eager for!

Verify your true strength and consolidate your roots in the Holy Land.

The same feeling is that the other side is invincible, the face slowly dignified, and the two arms swelled, the little bird flew high, do not know where to go.

The war will start, the pet is on the body, there is always inconvenience. If the opponent's strength is not good, there is no pet on the side, the impact is not big, but if the opponent is strong, the strong battle of the strong is the difference between life and death, but it can not be ignored, naturally have to be placed first.

The other party also drove away his own pet, apparently also afraid of pets suffering, distracted in the war...

That side is invincible, but where does it know, Ye Xiao has driven away the pets, but it is only a matter of fear that the second eagle is in distress, and the second eagle is not terrible. It is far more terrible than staying in front of you!

"This sword star!" Ye Xiao's hand starry sword shines coldly, he said with a blank expression: "Naijian is the iron of the sky, the heart of the stars, the sea bottom, the Dongshan colorful fire refining system, lasted 17 years Thousands of hammers and sorrows are only completed; the sword weighs sixteen pounds and seventy-two, and it is unbreakable and unbreakable! It breaks gold and cuts jade, and cuts iron like mud!"

The invincible eyes flashed a trace of surprise.

Now in this world, such a battle is the decision of life and death. Since it is a life-and-death battle, naturally, the enemy can't understand the less the better. The more cards he has, the better. Before the war, he will introduce himself to the enemy. The details of the weapons can be said to be unique. I never imagined that I had encountered one now.

It’s just that the other party is so frank, and the seniors themselves can’t lose face.

"You are a swordsman?" The invincible eyes are even more dignified.

"Exactly!" Ye Xiao's face is not sad or happy, but his eyes are focused on the invincible sword.

Fang invincible took a deep breath and raised the sword in his hand: "This sword is unknown, blending the stars of the iron, the heart of the steel, the pulse of the three mountains, the steel of the clouds, and so on, for six years, the sword On the day of the formation, the light is shining in Dongshan, and it is smashed in all directions. This sword is heavy in seven pounds and sixty-two; it is invincible and is a heavenly spirit."

"The top swordsman? The good sword!" Ye Xiao's eyes showed a color of appreciation.

Soldiers, please be satisfied, only the weapon that suits you best is the best choice. However, weapons like medicinal drugs are generally graded according to many factors such as material, caster level and even time and place. For the inflow, the goods, the middle products, the top grades, the goods, the Yipin, the dreams and so on.

More than 90% of the weapons in the world must be classified as non-invasive, that is, the so-called big road goods, weapons that are forged by ordinary steel materials, and the weapons of ordinary products are cast by the hands of the ordinary steel after hard work, with its essence forging The weapons that can be made can be used to protect the weapons of the Chinese and above. They are all weapons made of rare cast materials, which are worthy of the name of the gods.

If you meet the past, the farewell sword is the standard of the middle class, but it is only the best of the gods, but even the only soldiers of the next product are extremely rare and rare, and the non-perpetrators have nothing.

Of course, after the re-casting of Ye Xiao, the farewell sword has already reached the top of the list, and it is also the leader among the top grades. In fact, the weapons in the hands of the monarch's cabinet, after the re-casting of Ye Xiao, are not as good as the next step. The parting sword, but basically has reached the top level.

The nameless sword in the hands of the invincible is also the top-class **** soldier. The good sword quality is even more important after the re-casting of the farewell sword. It is the best of the top-quality soldiers. If it is not invincible, it is real. The hero of one side, strength, and inability to keep this sword!

And a rare **** soldier in the red dust sky is not only a symbol of strength, but also a great boost, plus a lot of points!

"Your sword is not bad." Fang said indifferently.

Invincible is also a well-known person. Although he can't understand the true meaning of Ye Xiao's name, he only shows that the sword is superb, and it is not necessarily weaker than his sword. After thinking of this war, I will be able to get another famous front, and the greed in my eyes can’t help but even worse!

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