Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1758: Two goods

The tsunami continued to reverberate, and a long figure was far and near, very close. The next moment was like a self-defense flash, and the clothes were fluttering. It was already behind the two women, grabbing both hands and grasping the collars of the two women. Just like a chicken, I went back and squatted behind myself. Then I sipped a sigh: "You two dead hoes give me honestly! Look at the big brother to give you a gas! Dare to think of my sister, I want to Thank you for your heart!"

The moon frost and the cold mood are inexplicable, the tears have already rolled down, and the cockroaches nodded, like two little cockroaches, watching the back of the big brother. (8) (1) Δ Chinese Δ network Ww『W. Δ81.Zw. COM

It’s just that it’s still full of despair, but at the moment when Big Brother’s arrival, at the moment of hearing the voice of Big Brother, it’s already fearless and timid!

Even though the horrible black dragon is not far away, it is full of embarrassment, but the two sisters are no longer afraid!

The big brother’s help, brought to the two people is a kind of security that is completely and completely completely unfounded but incomparably true and true!

Looking at the back of the big brother, as in the thatched cottage that year, no matter how hard, what kind of bully comes to the door, as long as the big brother is in, the two sisters are safe and worry-free!

Nothing to worry about!

Black Dragon had already prepared for the two women to cope with desperate efforts. They did not want to suddenly break up the bureau, destroying their own good deeds, and slowly recovering the huge claws. A pair of murderous eyes stared at Ye Xiao, and the eyes were ridiculed. look.

"You ants, is the big brother of the two small beautiful people?" The black dragon's eyes are all contemptuous: "Do you think that you are a big brother, dare to take Joe in front of the king?! Don't wash your two sisters quickly. Clean and send it, do you have to wait for the distinguished Dragon King to be hands-on? Too shameless?!"

Ye Xiao slowly raised his head and stared at the black dragon in front of him. His eyes were undisguised and murderous!

This black dragon is huge and has no friends. It is between the two peaks, and the whole road is blocked tightly; the body is full of feet, but the head is almost as big as a house!

And it has to be a house as big as a yard.

Because of its one eye, it is about the same size as a room.

The black dragon is full of strong breath; Ye Xiao is in front of it, really like an ant.

But Ye Xiaoxin has no fear at all.

He did not say a word, the dispute between the tongues was meaningless, but the rest of his life and death, the left hand palm spread out, the monarch sword emerged out of thin air, the mans are arrogant, the right hand stunned, holding the hilt of the monarch sword The cultivation of the whole body is extremely concentrated at this moment.

This black dragon is tyrannical and undoubtedly much stronger than himself. His own ten is not an opponent.

When Ye Xiao just saw the other party, he realized it in his heart. But even if you are hundreds of times more powerful than me and want to hurt my family in front of me, that is absolutely not possible!

In the cold eyes of the moon frost, Ye Xiao at the moment is like a mountain, and he is in front of himself, and all the storms are isolated from the other side.

However, at this time, in Ye Xiaoxin's heart, he has already prepared himself desperately.

His heart is already full of anger and murder!

A black dragon in the district dared to bully my sister, ready to die, today is the day of the dragon!

In the black dragon's eye, this will be full of banter colors, watching Ye Xiao, this small reptile, actually want to kill with the king?

Just as Ye Xiao’s own work was pushed to the top, and the moment he waited for it, the two goods that had been squatting on his shoulder suddenly grew up, and the small body was in the air, an elegant tumbling, floating on the ground. Smugly snorted.

Ye Xiao’s eyes almost didn’t come out.

Because the second goods are saying: This little loach, hand it over to me.

Ye Xiao almost did not faint.

Small mud?

Handed over to you?

Have you dealt with it?

Although Ye Xiao knows that the two goods are vast, knowing that their origins are extraordinary, knowing that their tricks are complicated, the means are brilliant, and the crown is perfect, but even if you are advanced, but... if you change to a true repair, the strength is full. It is only the standard of the five elements of the Holy Yuan Dynasty; this weight does not seem to be enough in front of this black dragon? !

Not to mention the huge size difference between the two.

As the saying goes: That is not enough to stuff your teeth!

This sentence is perfectly interpreted here!

The second body of the small body, for this black dragon, really is not enough to stuff the teeth!

But the next moment.

The second cargo floated from the ground.

As the wind floated up, the body of the two goods suddenly burst out of heavy pressure.

It is a supreme king who is united in heaven and earth!

As this momentum gradually spreads, the body of the second goods will gradually grow bigger!

Black Dragon’s eyes looked at the two goods slowly rising, the power was forced, and the eyes were in doubt. As the pressure continued to increase, the look of Black Dragon’s eyes changed one after another, and the meaning of horror became more and more difficult to conceal...

When the body of the second goods became larger than the size of the hill, the black dragon’s eyes finally showed a color of fear.

That is enough to threaten your own life!

The king of the two goods, the majesty of the king, continues to scatter and continues to strengthen!

The absolute repression of the level is becoming more and more obvious and more and more irresistible!

Two goods are out!

The second cargo, especially in the outside world, is undoubtedly too rare, it is simply the first time!

In Ye Xiao’s inertia cognition, the second goods are a nest, and the outside is loaded with the cute goods...

Of course, this is the murder of Ye Xiao who has never seen the second goods with her own eyes. All the poultry that had been smashed by the entire smashing city with the Golden Eagle before, plundered many natural treasures, and the tragedy of a certain spiritual fish and piles. A certain cockroach is simply a slap in the face of a cute painting!

The two goods are full of disdainful voice-overs: with the goods, dare to compare with Benedict? Lift it too!

Ye Xiaomu stunned and looked at the two cargoes to grow up petite body all the way, but the blink of an eye, actually turned into a giant like.

And the supremacy of the supremacy between the heavens and the earth is becoming more and more intense and more and more difficult to resist.

Gradually forming, the gradually rising power is like a mountain and a tsunami, rushing to the black dragon!

Opposite the black dragon eyes, the changes from the initial shock, to the panic, to the surrender, until ... stunned, did not dare to have a half-action worship, but only in an instant!

This is the specific pressure that belongs to the level.

It is also the spiritual beast from the bones, which exists in the soul and is an instinct to the king!

Ye Xiao looked at the two goods and watched the black dragon in a majestic manner. In the heart, it was difficult to connect the former emperor and the self-sufficient self-sufficient smugglers to the one that was reported. Instead, they inexplicably remembered two sentences.

"The world is unparalleled, the first spirit of chaos!"

"The world has two masters, chaotic thirteen spirits!"

This moment, Ye Xiao feels that he seems to understand something, but it seems that nothing is understood, only infinite shock!


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