When Reba got home, he was stunned by the dishes on the table in the restaurant.

I saw that the table was full of dazzling dishes.

There are also many dishes that I can't name, but just looking at them makes me hungry.

She didn't know that today, in order to reward Yaoyao, Chu Mo not only brought bear's paws, but also brought back a lot of game from Shennongjia.

"Mom, you're back late!"

Yaoyao looked at Reba and said with an unhappy face.

I couldn't wait to eat, but my mother never came back.

This made Yaoyao a little unhappy.

"Mom was wrong. "

"I'll be back early tomorrow, okay?"

Reba looked at Yaoyao and hurriedly admitted her mistake.

It's almost seven o'clock now, and it's getting late.

However, after the meeting in the conference room today, Reba and Yang Mi decided to strike while the iron was hot, and talked to the executives of those companies separately.

In the end, I talked with Yang Bo for a lot of time.

That's why I came back so late.

Hearing Reba's apology, Yaoyao said happily: "Okay." "

"Yaoyao forgive Mom!"

Reba smiled, then turned his head to look at Chu Mo and asked, "Chu Mo, what day is today?"

"Why is the dinner so hearty?"

Chu Mo looked at her and smiled: "Today Yaoyao learned an ancient poem, and I promised to reward her." "


"Yaoyao can recite ancient poems?"

Reba exclaimed in surprise.

"Yaoyao, recite it to your mother. "

Chu Mo looked at Yaoyao and smiled.

Since she didn't believe it, she asked Yaoyao to show her.

"Hmm. "

Yaoyao obediently agreed, and then began to memorize.

"Goose goose goose..."

After Yaoyao finished reciting, Reba looked at Yaoyao with excitement on her face and said, "Yaoyao, you are really amazing!"


After speaking, she pulled Yaoyao over and kissed her on the face.

"Yaoyao, what reward do you want?"

"Mom will reward you too!"

Yaoyao tilted her head and thought for a while, then said to Reba: "Mom, I haven't thought about it yet, I'll tell you when I think about it, okay?"

Reba laughed, "Okay!"

"Then wait until Yaoyao thinks about it. "

No matter what Yaoyao wants, as long as she can do it, she will definitely do it.

"Alright, let's eat. "

Yaoyao can't wait. "

Chu Mo sat down at the dining table and greeted Reba.

"Well, I'll wash my hands and come here. "

Reba agreed, and headed for the bathroom.

After a while, she came back from washing her hands and sat down at the table.

Looking at the dazzling array of meals on the table, Reba couldn't help but smack her tongue a little.

She pointed to the black thing in the center of the table and asked, "Chu Mo, what is this?"

The bear's paw had already been processed by Chu Mo and cut into small pieces, so Reba didn't see it.

Chu Mo smiled: "You taste it, it's delicious." "

"Eat it with confidence, it won't be pork anyway. "

Because of the customs of his hometown, Reba does not eat pork.

So after Chu Mo knew, he had never made anything with pork.

"Hmm. "

Reba agreed, picked up a small piece of chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

After taking a bite, her eyes lit up.

"Wow, Chu Mo, this is delicious!"

The meat melts in the mouth, leaving a fragrant mouth.

Chu Mo looked at her and smiled: "If you like to eat, I'll make some for you in a few days." "

Because there were only three people, Chu Mo only cut a small piece, and he put the rest away.

Wait a few days, just make it for the two of them.


Reba nodded in agreement, and then reached for the dish on the side.

It's a plate of mushrooms that looks very appetizing.

After putting it in his mouth and chewing it a few bites, Reba couldn't help but praise again: "Chu Mo, this one is also delicious!"

Then, Reba was like a gourmet, and every time he tasted a dish, he praised Chu Mo.

Chu Mo was speechless.

It's delicious to cook your own food, but there's no need to praise it just for a bite.

Chu Mo simply ignored her and concentrated on feeding Yaoyao.

After the meal, there was not much left on the table.

Today's Reba played extraordinarily, and she ate most of those dishes by herself.

This made Chu Mo stunned, and he didn't know how to put her little belly down.

After eating, Reba collapsed on the sofa, not bothering to move.

looked at Chu Mo and said, "Chu Mo, where did you buy all these ingredients~?"

"I'll go buy some another day. "

Today's Reba was an eye-opener, I didn't expect there to be so many dishes and meats that I didn't know.

And it's just as tasty as it gets.

She wanted to have more of them.

Chu Mo looked at her and replied, "Don't think about it. "

"You can't buy these things. "

It's okay to say that those wild meats are mainly because Chu Mo also got some nourishing spirit grass.

Even if you have money, you don't have a place to get it.

Reba was surprised: "Huh?"

"And how do you buy it?"

Chu Mo made an excuse and said, "It's not bought." "

"It was sent by a friend. "

Hearing this, Reba came to his senses, sat up from the sofa, looked at Chu Mo and said, "Chu Mo, have friends come to the house today?"

"Is he still in the Demon Capital?"

"Shall we treat him to dinner tomorrow?"

For Chu Mo's friends, she really wanted to get to know them.

This was one of the ways she understood Chu Mo.

Chu Mo saw through her careful thoughts at a glance, shook his head and said, "He's gone." "

"I'll talk about it later. "


Reba said disappointedly: "That's it!"

Then, she looked at Chu Mo with a look of hope and said:

"Chu Mo, next time you have a friend who wants to come, let me know, okay?"

"I want to get to know your friends. "

"Good. "

Chu Mo smiled and agreed.

I have so many friends in total, but in fact, Reba knows almost the same.

The rest are only their classmates.

But since graduating, I haven't had much contact with them.

Hearing Chu Mo's answer, Reba laughed with satisfaction

At the same time, now the entire Internet has gone crazy!

Due to the large number of people attending the meeting in the afternoon, the news that Di Lieba became the boss of Eagle Emperor Entertainment quickly spread.

At the beginning, when this incident was exposed, it was regarded as fake news by countless people.

But after the current owner of Eagle Emperor Entertainment issued a statement to quit Eagle Entertainment.

And all the people were astonished.

flocked to Reba's scarf and asked Chaohua about the truth of the matter.

Naturally, Reba won't reply.

But Yang Mi indirectly admitted the matter on the verification numbers of various social media.

"Congratulations to my good sister for becoming the big boss! I wish Mengyao Entertainment can make great progress and go further in the days to come!"

Netizens who saw this news all went crazy.

Yang Mi's best friend, isn't it Reba?

Mengyao Entertainment, isn't it the Eagle Emperor Entertainment that has been renamed?

In an instant, Di Lieba's takeover of Eagle Emperor Entertainment was turned upside down by the media.

No one would have thought that Di Lieba, who had just been elected as the image ambassador of the Dragon Kingdom, would actually make another big news!

That's Eagle Emperor Entertainment!

Dragon Country's No. 1 entertainment company, Di Lieba actually took over?

This incident shocked everyone again.

The words Di Lieba, after only one day later, once again dominated the hot search on the screen scarf. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Reba's fans have increased rapidly again, and now the number of fans has exceeded the 200 million mark!

This is something that has never been done before!

Since the establishment of the scarf, she is the first person to break 200 million fans!

If there were no accidents, no one would have been able to break this data at all.

In Reba's super talk, it is naturally a "singing and dancing!"

The fans cheered collectively to celebrate the historic moment.

"Dilireba, my goddess!"

"I said that Di Lieba is the best female star in the Dragon Kingdom, everyone has no opinion, right?"

"Agree with Upstairs!"

"Jack up!"

“+1。 "

All kinds of posts praising Di Lieba occupy the major superwords around the neck.

All of a sudden, Di Lieba vaguely had the momentum of a national goddess...

No one would have thought that Reba, as the protagonist, was straddled a man at this time, and was thoughtfully massaging the man. []

"Chu Mo, how is this strength?"

Reba pinched Chu Mo's shoulder and asked with a smile.

"Yes. "

Chu Mo opened his mouth and replied.

Regarding Reba's massage, Chu Mo actually refused.

But she really can't stand Reba's soft grinding and hard bubbles, if she doesn't agree, she will talk endlessly around her.

Helplessly, Chu Mo had no choice but to agree.

"That's fine!"

Reba smiled and continued to press it.

Yaoyao was lying next to Chu Mo, quietly waiting for her parents to finish the massage.

Then it's your turn!

Yesterday, my father massaged me with the comfort, Yaoyao misses it a lot!

After more than half an hour, the family massage ended.

Put Yaoyao between the two, and the family of three rested.

After Reba and Yaoyao fell asleep, Chu Mo's figure flashed and left the room.

Came to the backyard.

Begin to close your eyes and cultivate.

Nothing was said all night.

At six o'clock the next morning, Chu Mo opened his eyes and sat up from the ground.

As soon as he reached out, a talisman appeared in his hand.

This is a stand-in, but an improved version of it.

After Chu Mo's cultivation was promoted to the Jindan realm, he re-carved some talismans.

These talismans are much stronger than before.

For example, this stand-in talisman was previously injected into Chu Mo's divine sense. It can only last for one day.

Now, it can last for a week.

It's a big step up from before.

Chu Mo pinched the trick in his hand, and the stand-in charm disappeared, and then an identical Chu Mo appeared in place.

Looking at the "remade" version of himself in front of him, Chu Mo separated a trace of divine sense and entered his body.

After a while, the eyes of that "Chu Mo" became vivid.

There is little difference from the ontology.

As soon as Chu Mo waved his hand, the figure walked out of the formation and walked towards the manor villa.

He himself leaped into mid-air, and then shot away in a northwestern direction.

He doesn't plan to return to the magic capital these days.

You must find out that ancient sect as soon as possible.

With the existence of this stand-in talisman, I have six or seven days on my own.

This time is enough to explore the Changbai Mountains by yourself.

More than ten minutes later, Chu Mo's figure appeared in the sky above the Changbai Mountain Range.

This is where he marked yesterday.

"I hope I can find out that ancient sect this time!"

Chu Mo muttered to himself, then exuded his divine sense and began to explore...

In the blink of an eye, six days had passed.

In the past six days, Chu Mo has explored almost all of the Changbai Mountain Range.

It's a pity that the ancient sect has never been found.

At this moment, he was standing on top of a ravine, looking at the huge crack below.

It was the only place he hadn't explored.

This canyon seems to be bottomless, it is pitch black inside, and the divine sense can only explore the canyon for 300 meters, and then it can't see the situation below.

It stands to reason that the ancient sect will not be underground.

The last time he swept through this place and found that his deep divine sense could not penetrate, he ignored it and continued to go elsewhere.

Now, he's back here.

"Dead horses should be treated as live horse doctors!"

Taking a deep look at the canyon crack below, Chu Mo's figure slowly fell downward.

In a short time, he descended two hundred meters.

At this time, he had entered the depths of the crack, and there was no light around him, and it had become pitch black.

Chu Mo was shocked, and a spiritual fire appeared on his body, illuminating a radius of ten meters.

Chu Mo continued to fall downward,

After a while, they came to about 200 meters underground.

"Squeak, squeak..."

The sound of grinding his teeth came, Chu Mo frowned, and his falling figure stopped.

The mana in the body flowed, and in an instant, the spiritual fire on the body began to expand outward, illuminating a radius of 100 meters in an instant.

So he saw a horrific scene.

Countless huge bats are flying towards them from all directions.

Each of these bats is half a meter in size, with green eyes and claws like sharp daggers, which makes people look terrified.

"Is this a mutation?"

Chu Mo looked at those bats, and a trace of surprise flashed on his face.

It's good that an ordinary bat can be the size of a palm, how can it grow so big.

In an instant, those bats rushed to the spiritual fire on the periphery of Chu Mo's body.


As soon as it touched the spiritual fire on Chu Mo's periphery, the bat was ignited instantly, and a puff of green smoke came out of its body, and it turned into a cloud of black charcoal in less than a moment.

But those bats seemed to have no spirit (Zhao Zhao) wisdom, and when they saw their companions dying, they still came back to Chu Mo without fear.

For a while, the sound of sizzling was endless.

Patches of bats were burned to death and fell downward.

It wasn't until five minutes had passed that Chu Mo's surroundings quieted down.

In the time he had just made, he had made a rough estimate that at least thousands of bats had died.

At this point, the crack is filled with the smell of barbecue.

Chu Mo disposed of those bats and continued to fall down.

This time, it fell a full two hundred meters again before Chu Mo stopped.

By this time, he had reached the bottom of the crack.

Chu Mo glanced around by the light of the spiritual fire, and saw that the ground was full of the corpses of those bats.

He frowned, exuding his senses, and probed the bottom of the crack.

After a while, Chu Mo let out a soft "huh".

"Is there really a ban?"

His divine consciousness was five hundred meters away in front of him, and he was stopped by the formation.

Chu Mo was overjoyed in his heart, and quickly swept over there.

A moment later, he came to the place where his consciousness had just been stopped.

It doesn't look like it's any different here than anywhere else.

Chu Mo narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and shot out a spiritual aura, waving it forward.

I saw a white light suddenly lit up in front of me, and the aura I shot out was bounced back as if it had touched a barrier.

"I didn't expect it to be here!"

A hint of joy flashed in Chu Mo's eyes, and he was just about to test the strength of the formation.

A huge suction force suddenly appeared and swept towards Chu Mo.

"Huh, what kind of formation is this?"

Chu Mo screamed secretly, his whole body was shocked, and the aura in his body was running wildly, and he began to fight against the suction.

That suction seemed to feel Chu Mo's resistance, and it instantly became even bigger.

Chu Mo only held on for a moment, and the whole person was sucked into the formation.

"Not good!"

Chu Mo shouted, and the whole person was sucked into the formation.

Without the illumination of the spiritual fire, the bottom of the entire crack became dark again.

As if no one had ever been here... Husband..

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