"Mr. Chu, is this your girlfriend?".

Hearing Han Xiong say this, Chu Mo thought for a while and replied, "Sort of." "

"Your girlfriend is so beautiful. "

Han Xiong glanced at the photo again and praised Chu Mo sincerely.

Chu Mo smiled: "Thank you." "

Han Xiong asked suspiciously: "Mr. Chu, take the liberty of asking, is your girlfriend a star?"

I looked at her as if it was familiar. "

At the first sight of Reba, she felt like she had seen it somewhere.

I couldn't help but ask.

Chu Mo smiled: "Mayor Han is right, she is a star." "

It can be seen from this incident that although Reba has not shown up for several years, there are still a lot of people who pay attention to her.

Han Xiong nodded and said, "That's it!".

Unexpectedly, Mr. Chu actually had a celebrity girlfriend, which surprised him.

"Mr. Chu, is your girlfriend in trouble?".

"I wonder if I can help?".

Han Xiong continued.

He had just heard something, as if Mr. Chu was in a little trouble.

Chu Mo groaned, looked at him and said, "I did encounter a little trouble. "

"Today at noon..."

Chu Mo told him about it.

After listening to Chu Mo's words, Han Xiong said angrily:

"How unreasonable!".

"Mr. Chu, leave this matter to me!"

If that person is still in the Demon Capital, then it will not be a problem to find him yourself.

With Chu Mo's identity, even if he is exposed without knowing it, he will have to bear legal responsibility.

Chu Mo smiled: "Mayor Han, will there be trouble?"

What I want is not for that person to delete the content posted, but to make these messages on the Internet disappear completely.

Han Xiong smiled: "How could it be." "

"I'm sure I'll do this little thing. "

"Mr. Chu, please rest assured!".

Although there is some trouble on the contact information department's side, it is still within the scope of his disposal.

This was a good opportunity for him to perform in front of Chu Mo, of course he had to cherish it.

"Okay, then it's troublesome Mayor Chu. "

Chu Mo agreed to come down.

The other party has said this, and it is a little unkind for him to refuse.

Han Xiong immediately waved his hand and said, "Don't bother, Mr. Chu, you sit down for a while, and I'll arrange it now." "

Without further ado, I have to get things done as soon as possible before the matter is completely fermented.

"Good. "

Chu Mo agreed.

Then Han Xiong stepped aside and started to make a phone call...

Chu Mo took out his mobile phone, edited a text message, and sent it to Reba.

"Don't worry about this matter, someone will solve it. "

After sending the text message, Chu Mo put away his mobile phone, sat on a chair and quietly waited for Mayor Han's wife to wake up


"Sister Mi, look at the message sent by Chu Mo. "

Reba handed the phone to Yang Mi and said.

"What did he say?".

"I'll see. "

Yang Mi hurriedly took the phone.

Seeing the above news, Yang Mi was laughed angrily.

"Reba, do you believe what Chu Mo said?"

"By tomorrow, it's too late!"

Yang Mi returned the phone to Reba and hurriedly said, "No, I'll ask the assistant how the contact with the poster is." "

After speaking, Yang Mi took the phone and ran to the side to make a call.

After a while, Yang Mi sat on the sofa with an angry face.

"Sister Mi, what's wrong?".

Reba looked at her and asked suspiciously.

Yang Mi looked at Reba and replied angrily: "Reba, it's so annoying!".

"The assistant has already contacted the poster, but this guy actually opened his mouth and wanted two million!".

"It's insane!".

If it costs hundreds of thousands, Yang Mi may agree to him.

But if you open your mouth, you will need two million, how is it possible!

Reba exclaimed, "Two million?"

She was also taken aback by the number.

Although she took out two million, it also broke her bones.

Yang Mi sighed: "Alas. "

"The assistant is already negotiating terms with him. "

"I hope we can negotiate the price soon!".

If she could talk about less than one million, Yang Mi might grit her teeth and agree.

At that time, the company will also provide some for Reba.

Reba hesitated for a moment and said to Yang Mi: "Sister Mi, otherwise, let him send it!"

"Let's leave him alone!".

Anyway, now that the drama is yellow, he has nothing to do, so let him continue to expose it.

What's more, Chu Mo didn't appear before, and he was able to claim that Yaoyao was an adopted child, but now that Chu Mo is with him, he will not be able to hide this matter sooner or later.

This time, it was himself and Chu Mo who were photographed, and Yaoyao did not appear.

Next time, if someone photographs a family of three, it will be even more unclear when the time comes.

It's better to take this opportunity and admit it calmly.

"How's that going to work!".

"You won't be filming in the future!".

Yang Mi immediately screamed.

When Reba heard this, she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

If you don't film, what will you do in the future?

It seems that I can't do anything except filming!

At this time, Reba remembered the text message that Chu Mo had just sent.

So he said to Yang Mi: "Sister Mi, Chu Mo said that he would solve this matter." "

"Why don't we wait until tomorrow?"

After experiencing Yaoyao's serious illness, she now has a special feeling for Chu Mo.

She felt that what Chu Mo said must be true!

Yang Mi looked at Reba with a surprised look and asked, "Reba, you don't really believe what he says, do you?"

Reba nodded and said solemnly, "Sister Mi, I believe it!"

"The last time Yaoyao was sick, I didn't believe Chu Mo, and I went to the police. "

"This time, I believe that Chu Mo will not lie to me. "

"He said he would solve this matter, then it would definitely be resolved!".

Yang Mi opened her mouth, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Could it be that Chu Mo can really solve this matter?

Yang Mi couldn't help but look forward to it....

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