Magic City, inside a luxurious villa.

Yang Bo stood up from the sofa violently.

The mouth exclaimed, "What!?"

"It's !! her"

The news of the announcement of the image ambassador of the Dragon Kingdom naturally has countless people paying attention.

Yang Bo will naturally not be surprised.

Before nine o'clock, he was already in front of the television.

After hearing Minister Shi say the name of the image ambassador, Yang Bo's whole body jumped.

He couldn't believe that this person could be Di Lieba.

And when he saw Reba slowly taking the stage, he had to believe it.

"I see. "

"I see. "

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Yang Bo's mouth, and now, he finally knew who the big guy behind the acquisition of his Eagle Emperor Entertainment was.

It must be the person behind Di Lieba, there is no doubt.

Recently, I have only offended one person, and that person is Di Lieba.

When I was at the party that day, I swept her out of the house.

This must be the person behind her, revenge on herself!

Then, Yang Bo suddenly remembered something.

Yesterday, there was gossip that A-list star Meng Tejiao was taken away by the police, and it is said that she is suspected of drug abuse and drunk driving and other crimes.

Probably spend the rest of your life in prison.

At that time, Yang Bo didn't care, thinking that this was false news.

Now it seems that this news may not be fake!

Meng Tejiao must be the same as herself, she was "cleaned up"!

Yang Bo couldn't help but feel a little frightened in his heart.

Who is the big guy behind Di Lieba???

Not only can people go to the magic capital, but also acquire their own Eagle Emperor Entertainment.

also made Meng Tejiao pay the price, this kind of energy has completely exceeded his imagination!

If he had known that Di Lieba had such a strong backer, he would have been too late to slap her up, how could he have kicked her out?

Yang Bo is now repentant, and his bowels are green

At the same time, in a crew in the Magic City Film and Television City, Zhao Liying was also watching the live broadcast with her mobile phone.

She has just finished her makeup and has not started filming yet.

So there is a little time.

When she saw Reba appear on stage, she was stunned.

"Reba ???"

Looking at Reba wearing a red cheongsam in the picture, she couldn't help but exclaim.

Last time, Reba was able to become the image ambassador of the magic capital, she was very curious and wanted to ask in person.

As a result, it was disturbed by Meng Tejiao's sudden appearance.

Unexpectedly, after such a short period of time, Reba has transformed into an image ambassador of the Dragon Kingdom.

This made her feel very ridiculous!

An actor who has not filmed for three or four years, and whose popularity is about to disappear, why can he be favored by the country?

She just couldn't figure it out!

What is it that makes Reba the image ambassador of the Dragon Kingdom?

Zhao Liying stared at her phone, and a huge fire of gossip ignited in her heart.

"When Reba comes back, I must take some time to treat her to a meal!"

"This time, Reba is completely on fire!"

Zhao Liying stared at Reba with a look of emotion.

She is now envious and jealous of Reba, and she also sincerely wishes her.

That kind of mood is like the sentence said on the Internet, I am afraid that my sisters will have a hard time, and I am afraid that my sisters will drive a Land Rover.

"Liying, what are you looking at?"

"I'm ready to film. "

The director not far away shouted at Zhao Liying.

"Oh, I'll be right here!"

Zhao Liying agreed, then reluctantly put away her phone and walked towards the director...

Gargi Entertainment, Inc.

At the moment, the employees were all excited.

No one was in the mood for work, they all got together and stared at the computer in the office.

What is played above is the scene where Reba stands on the stage.

Not long ago, they already knew that Di Lieba, who originally belonged to Jiaqi Entertainment's artists, had become the big boss of the company.

And the former big boss Yang Mi became the second boss.

Now, seeing the big boss of the company become the image ambassador of the Dragon Country, of course, makes them extremely excited.

This is a skyrocketing for the company!

They can get more opportunities and better development in the future, and of course they are excited.

At the same time, employees also have a sense of honor from the heart.

The ambassador of the dragon country, but the boss of our company!

The entire Jiaqi Entertainment Company has entered a state of jubilation...

At this moment, the stars who are paying attention to this matter, as well as countless people who eat melons.

I know all about Di Lieba.

The first ten hot searches on the scarf were instantly occupied by the four words Di Lieba.

"Who is Di Lieba.?"

"Di Lieba has become the image ambassador of the Dragon Kingdom. "

"Little star Di Lieba. "


In Reba's personal super talk, countless melon-eating people poured in.

Those fans who have been supporting Reba are naturally ecstatic, and they have posted in Chaohua, and the screen is full of congratulations.

Di Lieba, who originally had only a few million fans, exceeded 30 million fans in just a few minutes.

And its rapid growth.

Looking at this situation, breaking 100 million fans is just a very simple thing...

"Hello everyone, my name is Di Lieba. "

When Di Lieba said this, Shi An had already retreated to the audience.

At this time, Reba was the only one left on the stage.

She stood there like the brightest star in the night sky, shining brightly.

Looking around the stage and looking at the people with different looks, Di Lieba continued: "I am very grateful to the government for giving me this opportunity. "

"I have the privilege of being the first ambassador of the Dragon Kingdom. "

"It's a great honour for me. "

"I promise...."

Reba stood on the stage and spoke in a flat tone.

After saying that, there was a burst of applause from the audience.

Reba smiled again at the audience, then bowed deeply.

Seeing that Reba finished speaking, Shi An clapped his hands and walked onto the podium with a smile.

He picked up the microphone on the table and said to the audience: "I believe that Miss Di Lieba will be able to become a qualified image ambassador." "

"Live up to the trust that the country places in her. "

"Next, please use the warmest applause to invite the leaders to appear and present a certificate to Miss Di Lieba!"

The leaders were already on the scene five minutes before the press conference began.

And wait in the lounge at the back.

However, he did not inform the media about this incident today, except for a few insiders, no one else knew.

"What? The leader is here too?"

"It's incredible!"

"Do the leaders want to present the awards in person?"

"What an honor!"

The crowd in the audience exploded in an instant, shouting in surprise.

Looking at everyone's reactions, Minister Shi stretched out a hand and pressed it down.

shouted into the microphone, "Everyone, please be quiet!"

Under his control, the scene fell silent again.

Minister Shi repeated again: "Everyone, please use the warmest applause to invite the leaders to the stage!"

After speaking, he was the first to applaud on the stage.

Everyone in the audience reacted and hurriedly applauded with Minister Shi.

In an instant, the applause resounded throughout the room, stronger than any time just now.

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, the leader slowly walked out from behind.

As he walked, the leader smiled and waved his hand to the audience.

After meeting the leaders, the applause at the scene became even stronger.

It was not until the leader walked up to Di Lieba that the applause gradually disappeared.

Looking at the leader in front of him, Reba hurriedly bowed and said, "Good leader." "

For the leader, she has a heartfelt respect.

The leader smiled and said to Reba, "Miss Reba, congratulations on becoming the first ambassador of the Dragon Kingdom. "

Reba hurriedly replied: "Thank you, leader, thank you for your support." "

Without the support of the leaders, it would have been impossible for him to receive this honor.

"Haha, you're welcome. "

The leader smiled and waved his hand at Reba. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then he turned around, picked up the certificate of honor from the tray held by the hostess, and handed it to Reba.

Reba took the certificate with both hands, then held it to his chest, and bowed to the leader again in thanks.

"Now, I would like to invite the director to speak!"

Shi An took the stage again and handed the microphone in his hand to the leader.

The audience burst into applause.

The leader took the microphone in Shi An's hand, faced the audience and said with a smile: "Good morning, everyone." "

"Today is a special day. "

"After discussion, we have decided to appoint Miss Di Lieba as the image ambassador of Dragon Kingdom. "

"I believe that Miss Di Lieba is up to the task..."

After a few brief remarks, the leader put the microphone on the podium.

Then, he shook Reba's hand, and then stepped back.

He still has a lot of things to do, and although the time he has lost here is only ten minutes, it is already very precious to him.

After the leader left, Shi An came to power again.

smiled at everyone in the audience and said, "Everyone, I announce that the press conference of the image ambassador of the Dragon Kingdom has come to a successful conclusion. "

"Let's congratulate Miss Dilireba again!"

The audience burst into warm applause.

Reba bowed to the audience, and then stepped back.

Many of the officials in the venue also began to leave, leaving only some news media staff.

There will also be an interview with Reba and Minister Shi later, so they didn't leave.

After Reba stepped down, he returned to the lounge again.

As soon as she entered the house, Yang Mi rushed towards her.

"Reba, show me the certificate of honor!"

Through the TV in the lounge, she had already watched what happened after Reba came on stage.

She is very curious about that certificate of honor now.

"Hmm. "

Reba smiled and handed the certificate of honor in his hand to Yang Mi.

Yang Mi took it in her hand and couldn't wait to look at it.

After reading it, she returned the certificate of honor to Reba.

Full of envy, he said: "Reba, there is also the leader's autograph on this certificate!"

Reba smiled and said, "Reba? I haven't opened it yet!"

After she received the certificate of honor, she did not open it.

I don't know what's inside yet.

Yang Mi urged: "Take a look!"

"Hmm. "

Reba agreed, then opened the certificate of honor and took a look.

Sure enough, at the bottom, there is the autograph of the leader.

Reba smiled, closed the certificate, and put it away as if it were a treasure.

Then he said to Yang Mi: "Sister Mi, let's prepare." "

"There will be a reporter interview later!"

For a while, Yang Mi will also attend with Reba.

"Hmm. "

Yang Mi agreed, and then the two began to prepare.

Ten minutes later, Reba returned to the stage again.

Minister Shi and the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda were already sitting there.

Reba and Yang Mi also hurriedly sat down.

Seeing this, Shi An smiled at Reba and said, "Miss Reba, are you and Miss Yang ready?"

Reba nodded and smiled at Shi An: "Minister Shi, we are ready." "

Just now, she and Yang Mi re-discussed the questions that the reporter might ask.

Shi An smiled: "Okay, then let's start?"

"Hmm. "

Reba nodded.

Shi An picked up the microphone on the table and said lightly: "Okay, the interview has officially begun." "

"Now you can raise your hand and ask questions. "

As soon as the words fell, all the reporters in the audience raised their hands.

Shi An glanced at it, then pointed at a female reporter and said, "You come first." "

He knew this reporter, this is a well-known reporter of national television, and he is also familiar with Shi An.

The female reporter stood up in surprise, and then said, "Miss Reba, I want to ask you a question, is it okay?"

Reba nodded and said, "Of course." "

The female reporter spoke: "First of all, congratulations to Miss Reba for becoming the image ambassador of our country. "

"The question I want to ask is, how is Miss Reba feeling now?"

Reba looked at her and smiled politely, and then replied into the microphone: "Thank you, of course I'm very excited now." "

"To be honest, until now, it feels like a dream. "

Reba spoke her mind.

The female reporter nodded, and then asked: "Miss Reba, I want to ask you about your future plans, after becoming an image ambassador, will you still film in the future?"

Reba thought for a while and replied: "I haven't thought about this question yet, but in the future, I will most likely not be able to film." "

Now I manage the entertainment company with Sister Mi, and every day is also very fulfilling, if there is no script suitable for me, Reba will naturally not be filming.

"Okay, thank you, Miss Reba, I'm done with my question. "

The female reporter smiled at Reba, then sat down.

Shi An nodded and said, "Okay, next." "

The journalists raised their hands again.

Shi An casually pointed to one, and the reporter stood up.

He looked at Yang Mi and asked, "Miss Yang, I want to ask you a question, everyone knows that you and Miss Reba have always had a good relationship. "

"Now that Miss Reba has become the image ambassador of our Dragon Country, do you think she is still suitable to stay in Jiaqi Entertainment (Qian Li's)?"

After Reba becomes an image ambassador, both her fame and her value will skyrocket, and an entertainment company like Jiaqi Entertainment is naturally not suitable for Di Ali Reba to stay.

Faced with this sharp question, Yang Mi smiled slightly, looked at the reporter and said: "You may not know that Reba is now more than just an artist in my company. "

"She has now become the big boss of Jiaqi Entertainment. "

"It can be said that even I am a wage earner under Reba. "

Obviously, these reporters didn't pay attention to Reba and Jiaqi Entertainment before, otherwise, they would still be able to find out some news.

"Well, I'm sorry, I don't know. "

The reporter sat down.

Shi An pointed to the audience, and another reporter stood up and said to Reba, "Miss Reba, I have a question for you." "

"As far as I know, you haven't filmed for the last three or four years. "

"Excuse me, is this because of what?"

Reba looked at him and smiled: "There is no special reason, it's just that there is no suitable play, plus there is something wrong with the body, and I have been conditioning my body." "

She and Yang Mi have thought about this question for a long time.

Yaoyao's matter is definitely inconvenient to talk about now, at least wait for the heat to drop before considering it.

"Okay. "

The reporter nodded, and then continued to ask: "Miss Reba, there are many netizens who are more concerned about your emotional problems. "

"Did you have a boyfriend during the years you took a break?"

After speaking, the reporter stared at Reba with a curious expression.

The others all looked towards Reba.

Looking at the curious eyes in the audience, Reba smiled and nodded, "Yes." "

Chu Mo and himself both have children, it shouldn't be too much to say that he is his boyfriend, right?

The reporter instantly became excited, looked at Reba and asked, "Miss Reba, is your boyfriend also a star?"

"Can you tell us about it?"

This is exciting news, he just asked casually, but he didn't expect Reba to really answer!

Reba shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, it's not convenient to disclose it now." "。

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