Reba: Stop Making Money, The Dogs In The Village Have Become The Richest Man

035 Unexpected Surprise After New Year, Happy Twist, Zhao Liying

Zhangjiazhai's relocation and dividends shocked the entire Qiaodong Town.

There were even rumors that the mayor wanted to be naturalized in Zhangjiazhai but was rejected.

The people in the surrounding villages also know that Zhangjiazhai has risen completely and has become the top village in the country.

The New Year is approaching, and the Chinese New Year atmosphere in Zhangjiazhai is very strong.

"The family worships the ancestors, the patriarch and the patriarch pay respects!"

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, all the villagers in Zhangjiazhai gathered in front of the ancestral temple.

There are young people beating gongs and drums.

In front, Zhang Gaoming paid respects to a respected elder from the Zhang family.

"Patriarch, young patriarch, take the lead in kneeling."

Zhang Gaoming, Zhang Yundian and his son stood in front, and the other six or seven hundred men in Zhangjiazhai stood neatly behind.

followed by prostration.

It is the custom of Zhangjiazhai to worship ancestors on the first day of the new year, and it is also the custom of the Zhang family.

On the tripod made of three tons of gold, thick incense sticks are burning, and the thick and majestic Zhang family ancestral hall is full of solemnity.

With the end of the ancestor worship, the new year begins!

Happy New Year, eat dumplings, set off firecrackers.

This year's New Year is extraordinarily lively.

For the past ten days or so, Zhang Yundian has been very leisurely. The sound of firecrackers and the cry of children made him feel very comfortable.

What is the point of working hard?

What is the point of making money?

Isn't it for these?


"Young Patriarch, the three Rolls-Royce Phantoms you ordered have arrived."

Leisure days passed quickly, on the eighth day of the eighth day, Zhang Yunli came to Zhang Yundian to report.

"Oh? Just right, I'm going to get ready for work today."

Zhang Yundian smiled and nodded. When he came outside, he saw three luxurious Rolls-Royce Phantoms, and his eyes lit up.

In this era, the Rolls-Royce Phantom is worth nearly ten million, and it is truly the world's top luxury car.

"The remaining two are in the village for my father and the others to use."

Zhang Yundian told Zhang Yunli and the others: "Let's drive one, let's go, the company in the city."

"Yes!" Zhang Yunli and the others agreed.

Soon, Zhang Yundian drove towards the city in the latest Rolls-Royce Phantom.

"Young patriarch, the vehicle needs to be refueled."


The vehicle was parked at the gas station, attracting the attention of some people. This kind of luxury car is extremely rare and precious in this day and age.

Zhang Yundian looked at the onlookers outside and smiled. Ninety percent of the boys love cars. A good car can still bring him a little vanity.


At this time, Zhang Yundian noticed the gas price at the gas station ahead, and suddenly thought of something.

He took out his mobile phone and searched, and found that the current price of gas is ridiculously cheap.

"Since the financial crisis, the price of international crude oil has dropped from US$165 a barrel to US$54.3 a barrel."

Looking at the information on the phone, he kept recalling the information about the financial crisis in the past few years in his mind.

Last year's financial crisis affected almost all industries, the Great Depression caused the price of crude oil to plummet.

But starting this year, the economy began to recover, and everything in all industries began to skyrocket.

"Oil will go up!"

Zhang Yundian was sure in his heart that although he didn't remember how much oil could rise, he was sure that it would rise 100%.

Immediately dialed Manager Song's phone number and said, "Manager Song, wait for me in the office!"

Half an hour later, Zhang Yundian came to Zhangjiazhai Investment Company.

"Young Patriarch!"

"Young Patriarch!"

The employees shouted respectfully, Zhang Yundian came to the chairman's office, and Manager Song followed.

Turn on the computer and check the current international oil price.

"Manager Song, I will give you a task next. I will transfer 3 billion to you later, and start buying international crude oil futures with 100 times leverage."

Zhang Yundian opened his mouth and ordered: "After the position is full, if there is a drop, please notify me immediately."

There is a chain of contempt in the investment world, which is called: Those who play venture capital look down on those who play futures, those who play futures look down on those who play stocks, and those who play stocks look down on those who play funds.

Venture capital is also called limelight, just like his previous investment special envoy, in limelight, according to authoritative company statistics, the failure rate of limelight is as high as more than 60%.

As for why you don't like stocks when playing futures, it is because futures can use leverage.

With one hundred million in hand, it can be leveraged ten times, or even a hundred times.

If you make a profit, you will earn blood, and if you lose, you will lose your fortune.

In international crude oil futures, Zhang Yundian plans to invest 3 billion yuan and maximize the leverage, which means he can leverage 300 billion yuan of funds.

With a slight increase, you can earn hundreds of millions or billions, but with a slight drop, the money will be gone.

However, for crude oil futures, he is still very confident.

It depends on this wave to be able to get rich in a real sense this year.

Last year, although there was a lot of investment, it can basically be said that there was no return of capital or cash.

It seems that more than 500 million dividends have been paid out, but the distribution to each person and household in Zhangjiazhai is only a million.

At present, the assets in the hands of the Zhangjiazhai villagers are nothing more than the house plus one million cash.

A deposit of one million, even now, cannot be called a rich man.

"It's the young patriarch, I'll go get ready!" Manager Song replied from the side.

Zhang Yundian nodded and talked with him for a while before leaving.

"If this investment is successful, Zhangjiazhai will be rich in the true sense."

Thinking in his heart, Zhang Yundian came to the office of Zhangjiazhai Satellite TV not far away.

The person in charge of Zhangjiazhai Satellite TV is also General Manager Zhang. He is already waiting and reports: "Young patriarch, the TV series "Snail House" has been filmed, and the other party notified us that it can be broadcast at any time. In addition, you asked me to buy the broadcasting rights of Xi Yangyang. Some old drama broadcast rights are also bought, which is very cheap."

"If You Are the One has already made all the preparations. The first episode has already been recorded. At the Voice of Longguo, we have already talked with several singers. The first episode should be recorded within a month."

General Manager Zhang reported one by one that Zhangjiazhai Satellite TV has been preparing for several months and is ready to go online.

Zhang Yundian nodded: "You contact Peng Shaolin and explain the issue of publicity. It's best to go online within ten days."


General manager Zhang nodded, then continued with a smile: "By the way, young patriarch, there is good news. I received a lot of messages from young artists after the Chinese New Year. They want to join us. Young patriarch, do you want to see it? In addition, Hu Ge Liu Shishi's contract has been signed, and they can come to the company after the filming of Immortal Sword III."

Zhang Yundian nodded: "How many young artists are looking for you? Show me."

"Okay, it's all here!"

General Manager Zhang immediately handed him the prepared list.

Since last year, Zhang Yundian has spent nearly one billion in the entertainment industry. At the beginning, all the stars thought he was the wronged one.

I also think that as reported by Penguin News, Zhangjiazhai Film and Television Company will close down soon.

But with Huapi's box office of more than 200 million yuan and the rise of Weibo, the views of all artists have changed drastically!

Especially with the rise of Weibo, almost all celebrities are now on Weibo, and they also see that Weibo has a great effect on their publicity.

Therefore, some artists couldn't help contacting General Manager Zhang, wanting to change jobs.

Looking at the list, Zhang Yundian found that many of them were starlets he had never heard of, but when he saw two names, he was slightly taken aback.

Happy Twist!

Zhao Liying!

I'm going, is this a New Year's gift from God?

What a surprise!

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