Reba: Stop Making Money, The Dogs In The Village Have Become The Richest Man

086 Win Glory For The Country! Maid? Owner? Burst! Tens Of Billions Of Dollars! Global Focus!

"The 30th Group is extremely rampant. We investigated the cars of the 30th Group. There are fraudulent displacement data and fuel consumption. Their displacement does not meet the standards at all. According to our understanding, the vehicles involved may reach More than 600,000 vehicles.!"

"Three zero wire industry, three zero copper extension and three zero aluminum industry have the problem of falsification of technical parameters of manufactured products, brother, do you know? The customers of these companies are the world's two largest aircraft manufacturers, one is empty class, one It's Boyne, if the two aircraft manufacturers know about it, they will definitely investigate urgently and hold them accountable."

"The steel products of 30 Heavy Industry have been tested by us on some freighters, and some of them are not in compliance with the rules. If the freighter suddenly has an accident in the sea, it will definitely be a big deal."

"In addition, the most popular one is 300 Motors. Brothers, do you know? They falsify the quality inspection of air conditioners, and falsify the inspection data of transformers. Their transformers are sold in many countries around the world, and they are even suspected to have flowed into their nuclear power plants."

"As for the Gaotian airbag, the moment their airbag explodes, metal fragments will pop out, causing fatal injuries to people, involving at least tens of millions of vehicles, including BMW and Mercedes-Benz, it is no exaggeration It is said that these compensations alone can cause Gaotian Company to suffer heavy losses, the most important thing is that trust is gone, bankruptcy is possible, and now their market value is more than 20 billion U.S. dollars!"

In half a month, the four of them, Huawen Disney, used all their strength to search for a lot of information.

After Zhang Yundian sat down, Huawen Disney and the others put the documents in front of him and said excitedly.

"Fake, just like them, they also claim to be craftsmen?" Lian Zac․ Borg couldn't help but cursed.

Zhang Yundian smiled, and was not too surprised about this matter.

Leaving aside the 30 Group, the Gaotian airbag incident in later generations caused their entire company to go bankrupt.

Later, everything in this company was acquired by Longguo 1630" company for more than 10 billion yuan.

Gaotian Bag Company has a history of more than 70 years, and it is also an enterprise with a long history.

"How much do you think these materials can lower the stocks of 30 Group and Gaotian Company?"

Zhang Yundian leaned on the sofa, looked at them and asked with a smile.

"The stock price of Gaotian Company is about to collapse, and it will definitely not be solved by a 30-50% drop. It is expected to fall 70-80%, or even go bankrupt." Zach Borg said!

Ma Si took a sip of coffee: "30 Motors' drop this time will definitely not be less than 50%, 30 Automobiles at least 30%, and the other companies under 30's will also drop at least 10%." Twenty changes.

"This is definitely a very lucrative profit, which is much more than the original Qianqiangsheng company earned!"

Huawen Disney was trembling with excitement: "We can earn at least 1.5 times, and, with the market value of companies like 30 Group, we can jointly invest 10 billion US dollars and use 4 times leverage!"

On the side, upon hearing this data, Ah Mohan became excited, even breathing a little short of breath.

He felt that he was a little ignorant, and the income was simply crazy.

Can you more than double your investment easily?

"The next step is how to detonate these materials. All the information must be detonated at the same time, so as to inflict deeper damage on them!"

Zhang Yundian looked at them.

This is a problem. Of course, he also believes in Hua Wen Disney's strength.

"My side can contact important media in Saudi Arabia to report and disseminate."

A Mohan immediately said: "You can even condemn the 30th Group, Riqi said that Zhou Bai would never have any business with them.

"The TV station, leave it to me." Huawen Disney said.

"Leave the network to me!" Zach Borg responded immediately.

Musk also immediately said: "I can contact some well-known doctors and university professors."

Zhang Yundian smiled and nodded, very good.

"Okay, the next step is the investment of funds!"

Zhang Yundian looked at them and said, "The five of us have a total of 10 billion US dollars, how much can you get?"

"I... I have a maximum of about 800 million U.S. dollars." Ma Si gritted his teeth and decided to borrow a sum of money.

"If I take out the money from Nokia, I can get about three billion U.S. dollars. If I don't take it over, I can get up to two billion U.S. dollars!"

"IM about the same!"

Huawen Disney and Zach Borg are two people.

"If you look for my father, I can get a lot here." A Mohan pursed his lips and said.

If he told his father about this, he could get tens of billions of dollars.

But obviously, he can't take as much as he wants.

"Then the two of you will have two billion dollars!"

Zhang Yundian looked at Huawen Disney and Zach Borg, confirmed it directly, and then looked at A Mohan: "A Mohan, you have 1.5 billion US dollars, do you have any objection?"

"Boss, it's my greatest luck to be able to join the Yunding Club!" Amohan nodded with a smile, and his face was full of excitement.

Although he said that he could get more, he also knew that when he first came, it was impossible to say as much as he wanted.

It is impossible to be more than the old employees of Yunding Club.

1.5 billion, if you can earn 1.5 times, it will be more than 2 billion!

In addition, he also understands that if the investment in Yunding Club exceeds 15% of the profit, he will give the minister 25%.

Even so, this can earn at least 1.5 billion US dollars.

Although he is a prince of Saudi Arabia, there are many princes of Saudi Arabia. The assets of him and his father are only about 15 billion U.S. dollars.

This also has to get rid of some fixed assets!

1.5 billion U.S. dollars, equivalent to one-tenth of their assets.

If I can earn so much, after I return to China, my father will pour me a glass of wine and sigh that my son is worthy of a great emperor!

Zhang Yundian smiled when he heard what Prince Amohan said, very good, very good.

As for Chinese Disney and Zach Borg, they have no opinion.

The four of them contributed a total of 6.3 billion US dollars, and they can contribute 3.7 billion US dollars.

"In the future, I can no longer call Zhang a brother. I really should be called the boss. If the boss is not too young, I will recognize my father in Chinese on the spot!"

Huawen Disney opened his mouth and said with a smile.

Damn, following this boss from Longguo, after this investment, he has earned billions of fucking dollars, which is more than the inheritance left by his father!

Zach Borg nodded in agreement.

This is why they flatter Zhang Yundian so much.

As for Musk, let alone.

Zhang Yundai smiled, took out his mobile phone and looked at Youqi: "Then let's go ahead and detonate these materials.w

"Okay, six days later, I will kill the 30th Group, kill the Gaotian Company, and eliminate harm for the people!" A Mohan was extremely happy. It happened that he had a conflict with the 30th Group last time. This time, we must be good. fuck them.

All the people smiled and asked the chef to prepare delicious food and celebrated well.

In the next few days, several people began to prepare.

Zhang Yundian didn't have to worry about the matters of the Three Zero Group, it was enough to leave it to the members of the club.

However, he was not idle, and kept checking some information about Nokia and their mego system!

If he wants to build a mobile phone next, it will not only be a system problem, but also the major accessories of the mobile phone.

Chips are purchased first, as for other things, Nokia's patents can be purchased.

As a mobile phone giant that once dominated the world, Nokia's patents rank first in the world.

Later generations of Apple once lost a lawsuit against Nokia because of patents, and lost 2 billion US dollars to them.

South Korea's Samheung also filed a lawsuit with Nokia because of patents, and in later generations also compensated Nokia's patent fees of nearly 100 million U.S. dollars.

It can be said that although the Noah-based mobile phone completely declined later, they spent a huge sum of money on patents every year.

This is also the reason why they rose again in the communication industry later.

Zhang Yundian bought their system, and also wanted to buy some of their patents, so as to save trouble in the future.

"Ding dong."

The doorbell rang, and Zhang Yundian, who was lying on the sofa, looked at Zhao Liying, who was beside him: "Xiao Zhao, Ximen.

"Oh, good boss!" Zhao Liying opened the door, saw Liu Tianxian outside, and beckoned her to come in.

Liu Tianxian wanted to come to Zhang Yundian a long time ago, but because he was busy, he refused!

"Sister Xiaolongnv, come here!"

Compared to calling her by name, Zhang Yundian prefers to call her Little Dragon Girl.

No way, every teenager has a dream of becoming a dragon knight.

Today's Liu Tianxian has been carefully dressed, a red skirt made her pure face a little bit of temptation, he directly opened his arms!

Liu Tianxian walked over with a smile and sat down directly.

Longevity, the dragon girl has rebelled and oppressed the knights!

More than an hour later, Zhang Yundian smiled and easily suppressed the evil dragon girl.

After a few minutes, the phone rang suddenly, Zhang Yundian saw the call from A Mohan, slightly curious, and immediately connected!

"Boss, I've already taken care of it. In addition, I know that you guys have a grudge against Xiaozi. Today I will give you a gift, so that you can take revenge!"

The phone was connected, and Ah Mohan's voice came.

Zhang Yundian raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked curiously, "Huh? What kind of gift is this?"

"Secret it first, Boss, come down, I will go downstairs to where you live!" Ahan said mysteriously!

"Okay, I'll go down now."

Zhang Yundian doesn't know what the hell he's doing, this A Mohan may be because his family conditions are too good, he doesn't have much social experience, he's about the same as a young man in his twenties!

When he came down, he was immediately seen standing there with a smile on his face, and beside him was a beautiful woman with an oriental face.

He was a little puzzled.

"Beauty, for the next half month, this is your boss!" A Mohan said to the woman beside him.

"Extremely anxious."

The woman smiled sweetly at Zhang Yundian, bowed her body, and communicated in English: "I am Xinjie Yui."

Zhang Yunding???

New stem Yui? What the hell?

Isn't this the hottest female star in Little Days?

Known as the dream wife of half of the boys in my little days....

Good guy, this is what A Mohan said, let yourself take revenge?

Looking at the popular female star in front of him, Zhang Yundian nodded silently.

Well, I really need to win glory for the country.

Zhang Yundian patted A Mohan on the shoulder: "Have you eaten yet? Let's go to the side to eat some."

"No, boss. Amohan nodded with a smile.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Yundian brought him to a restaurant not far away, and A Mohan also brought a girl, so there were four of them.

One thing I have to say, women in small countries are very good at serving people.

Pick up vegetables, blow soup, and even feed meals.

The most important thing is to call the master!

Well, Ya Lei, such a cute and beautiful girl, with a star halo calling her master, who can resist?

How should I put it, one word, cool!

After a meal, Zhang Yundian took his sister and waved goodbye to A Mohan.


Seeing Zhang Yundian's leaving back, Ali smiled with satisfaction.

"This young man from the Dragon Kingdom is really powerful. He is only 21 years old, and Fubusi has given an assessment of his worth of more than 30 billion US dollars. Moreover, Fubusi obviously did not check all his assets. Prince, you really want Befriend him well."

Beside Ah Han, a middle-aged man said in amazement.

To prevent accidents, they investigated some information about Zhang Yundian.

"Of course, Boss is easy to get along with." A Mohan nodded.

"Master, would you like some water?"

Back in the room, New Steering Yui looked at him and asked immediately.

"No, I want to take a shower!"

Zhang Yundian shook his head, and while Zhao Liying and Liu Tianxian were stunned, he walked towards the bathroom instead.

Although Secretary Zhao is well-informed, this is the first time he sees a woman calling her boss!

Well, the realm of the boss has improved again.

"That...isn't that woman the popular actress Yui Shingan?"

Liu Tianxian, who was on the side, couldn't help asking Zhao Liying.

"Yes, it's just an actress, just the boss's plaything." Zhao Liying said flatly.

Little day female stars are nothing more than international female stars!

After following the boss these days, she understood that any actress is just a plaything in front of a rich man like the boss.

As long as you have money, you can find any woman.

In the bathroom, Zhang Yundian didn't know how much A Mohan spent to find this girl for him.

But he didn't ask either.

Ah Mohan, a prince from Saudi Arabia, is very righteous, and it is obvious that he wants to please himself.

"It's about to start!"

The next day, Zhang Yundian was sitting on the sofa, with the angel on the left and the goddess from Little Days on the right.

He compared it, and felt that Tianxian was more beautiful.

I looked at the time, watched TV leisurely, and quietly waited for the time to come!

After dozens of minutes, a piece of news began to be broadcast on TV: a disaster happened in Xiaotian.

And it was a very big earthquake disaster.


Looking at the picture on the TV, Xinjie Yui couldn't help exclaiming, his face was full of worry 3.5.

Zhang Yundian smiled lightly: "What's the matter, where the disaster happened, are there any friends or relatives of yours?"

"There is no owner, it's okay!" Xinjie Yuyi watched the TV report, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yundian originally thought of pulling this girl to let her experience the feeling of an earthquake, but after thinking about it, forget it.

In less than ten minutes, his cell phone rang.

"Boss, did you see the news just now, there was a disaster in the small day, a big disaster, it should be God who can't stand it anymore, and wants to punish them.

"Haha, Boss, I suggest that we immediately expose the incident between the 30th Group and Gaotian Company, so as to make their place more lively!"

The phone was connected, and the excited voice of Huawen Disney came from inside.

In the face of interests, what is a small life?

At the time of this disaster, if they break out the 30 and Gaotian company incident again, it will definitely cause the stock market to plummet in the whole day!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they will earn [much more than expected!]

"Okay, let's get together and get ready for action!"

Zhang Yundian immediately responded with a smile.

He set the time to start action in two days, which is also to prevent them from thinking too much.

Now Huawen Disney is taking the initiative to start taking action, which is exactly what he wants.

This time, he will ruthlessly pluck the wool of the little days, making their so-called craftsman spirit a complete joke!

Half an hour later, Zhang Yundian and the others came to a permanent meeting villa in the Yunding Club.

Zach Borg, Masik, and Amohan had expressions of excitement on their faces.

"Oh my god, let's pray for the little days!"

A few people said hypocritically, their mouths were about to split open with joy.

"Haha, I didn't expect that, God help us." Wen said with a big smile!

Zhang Yundian looked at them, with a smile, eyes flickering, and said:

let's start!".

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