Li Keke has been following the demon for the past few days and has been wanting to use that facial cleanser.

without it.

It feels so good to use.

It's cool and refreshing.

And it is not difficult to pass, very comfortable.

Most importantly, after using it, the smooth feeling on the face is fascinating.

It took three days in a row.

For some reason, she felt that the self in the mirror seemed to be slowly changing towards the perfect state of plain makeup just after washing her face.

On the first day, the dark circles under my eyes were a little lighter.

The next day, I felt a little less tired.

On the third day, it was a little bit whiter.

If it has nothing to do with facial cleanser, she doesn't believe it! ! !

Could it be... this company really produces a good product?

can't you?

When this idea appeared, even she was startled.

what happened?

How could she think that a twenty-nine-nine-yuan thing could have so many amazing effects?

Isn't this crazy?

She is crazy!

Maybe her recent skin effects are all due to other skin care products?

If previous skin care products worked,

It should have worked long ago.

How could it be possible to wait until now! ?

She also knew that this reason was not valid.

If other skin care products are effective, she won't always be in this state without makeup.

Li Keke is a beauty blogger.

Every day is high-intensity with makeup.

Although she was very conscientious and used all kinds of barrier cream and other things that can isolate and protect the skin.

What lamer, sisly, and even star products like Estee Lauder, all hit her face.

But the skin is still like the surface of the moon lacking water.

Pores are pitted and pores are very large.

can now.

In just three days, so many changes have taken place.

How could it be because of his previous skin care products?


Jingle bell, the phone rang.


"Hey! Cocoa!"

"I'm here, Brother Xu, have the test results come out?"

"Yes, this product does not contain any harmful substances." Xu Jieming looked at the result and exclaimed: "It is basically some herbal essence, and there are many other things that I can't detect yet."

"No harmful substances?" Li Keke almost wanted to scream.

If this facial cleanser is free of harmful substances, it's proven! !

All these effects of it are true! !

Li Keke covered his mouth in surprise, he was dumbfounded.

Xu Jieming next to him was still babbling: "Hey, Keke, are you listening!?"

"...I...I am here!!"

She gasped, "Brother Xu, is what you said true?"


Xu Jieming was at a loss: "The materials are very good, and..."

"Although I can't detect the mysterious substance in this facial cleanser, it is an ingredient that is very good for the skin."

Even Xu Jieming himself was surprised.

This cleanser actually works!

And those effects are real.

sell so cheap.

Can I get my money back?

It's not a question of whether you can get your money back.

The few things he used, although I don't know the ratio of each,

But it worked out really well.

This effect, even if it sells for a few hundred, someone should buy it! !

It just sells at cost price.

Isn't this merchant sick? ? ? ? ? ?

After hanging up the phone, Li Keke was in a daze for five minutes.

My head is full of facial cleanser.

Finally, when she saw the facial cleanser, she immediately jumped up from the bed.

"No! I want to stock up on a hundred of them!!"

"This company is so poor, if production ceases in the future, where the hell am I going to cry!"

"Buy, buy, buy, must buy!!"

"Buy him a hundred first!"

She jumped up from the bed all of a sudden, and started to buy facial cleanser in a panic.


purchase! !

One hundred facial cleanser packages! place an order! !

After placing an order,

Li Keke opened the group, and suddenly found that someone in the group was Aite her.

[@李可可, cocoa! Have you tested it? What about the test results of that facial cleanser? 】

Seeing this Art, Li Keke woke up instantly.

Someone in the group liked her.

Such a good thing!

She must Amway to fans!

Happy reading every day during Spring Festival in the Year of the Rabbit! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity period: January 21st to February 5th)

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