Reba's Skin Care Products Were Exposed, But It Was Free Shipping On Pinxixi

Chapter 71: Mountain Children’S Items List Exposure (1016)

Di Lieba is very unhappy these days.

It is very slow to detect the same product.

But on Su Hua's side, she urged left and right, but there was no response!

No matter what she asked these days, Su Hua just told her not to worry!

How can there be no rush!!

Now seeing the new product pictures and effects sent by Jiang Feng, Di Lieba's heart itch.


I really want to use this product!!

Just seeing Jiang Feng's description made her heart itch!

[Jiang Feng: This is an upgraded version of Dabao SOD honey, the protection time is about eight hours, and its moisturizing ability is very strong, and it has a certain ability of whitening and regulating the water-oil balance of the skin. The most important thing is that it has a certain repair ability. 】

[Jiang Feng: The price of this product is 699 yuan, and the materials and ingredients used are very good. 】

Underneath a long paragraph of questions, he posted a picture.

That picture is the top version of Dabao.

The above is marked in detail, the difference between the top version of Dabao and the ordinary version.

Each dimension is compared.

And the top version has a repair ability.

Ability to repair!!

A fucking lotion that can whiten and moisturize is not bad.

Sister Mi can have a defensive barrier ability with the primary version, which is awesome!

Now it still has the ability to repair!!? 01

Just seeing this picture, Reba's heart itch.

Reba couldn't help but replied the message.


Just thinking about it, Reba felt the hairs on her back explode.

Sister Mi is now the backbone of the company!

But the team around me still has problems!

This is too scary!

Such a bottle of lotion really has the ability to isolate and protect! And it can protect for eight hours!

For them, this is simply a magic weapon!



There are not many orders for new links at this time.

After Reba clicked in, she found that Dabao's top-level version of SOD honey was actually a separate link.

This surprised her a little.

In the VIP group, someone had already discovered this matter, and they started chatting in the group.

[Li Keke: Everyone is a distinguished VIP, do you want to make an order together? 】,

[Li Keke: Reposted a link to Pin Xi Xi. 】

This link is the latest product in Jiang's company.

Jiang's top Dabao SOD honey.

Many people in the VIP group are still in the stage of facial cleanser.

When I saw this new SOD honey for a moment, I was all blown out of curiosity.

[Is this a new product from Jiang’s Company? This time the product is 699, which is a little more expensive than the previous one. 】

【How expensive is it? There is also a normal version, only 20 yuan for 100ml, 500ml for 699, and it is much easier to use than other lotions! 1

[There is a new product! My village is connected to the Internet, sorry! I will buy it now!]

At this moment, someone suddenly posted a marketing account news.

[Link, I seem to have products from this company in the list of items donated to children in mountainous areas by Da Mimi! And every child said it was easy to use Da Mimi's company Weibo to post these Already!!】

After the news was sent out, the group exploded.

Yang Mi is top class!

Every year at this time, Yang Mi will donate to the children in the mountainous areas, and the amount of donations will be around 5 million.

It used to be donations.

Items donated this year!


In this item, there are actually Jiang Feng's facial cleanser and Dabao SOD honey!?

This actually made the group members in the group feel a little bit of pride.

Everyone clicked into the marketing account news one after another.

The press release issued by the marketing account became a hot search in less than an hour.

The hot search terms are also very interesting.

List of items donated by #杨米.

#杨米, questionnaire.

#杨米公司 buys Pinxixi products.

[Baguajun: Hello everyone, this is Baguajun. Today Baguajun heard something very interesting. 】

[Baguajun: In the past, Yang Mi donated money every year. This year, the donations turned out to be goods, and there were more than a dozen items. Not only the familiar shoes, clothes, stationery and other routine supplies, but also one thing that made people feel uncomfortable. What surprised Mr. Bagua! Jiang's Dabao SOD honey, Jiang's rejuvenating facial cleanser. 】

[Baguajun: When you see this, you must think that Baguajun is talking nonsense, isn’t it just a skin care product, what’s so strange!]

[However, when Mr. Bagua took a second look at this skin care product, he discovered that it is a product that fights Xixi!!]

All the data of this product of Jiang Feng Company are posted in detail below.

And all the reviews, prices, and even the rankings in Pinxixi.

[Baguajun: Picture/picture, I was still thinking at the beginning, why did Yang Mi and her company choose such a product, or even...why would they choose such a company to buy things for the mountainous area? child. 】

[Gossip gentleman: But when I saw the evaluation of this product, I knew the answer. 】

The evaluations in the picture are carefully selected very long long evaluations.

The first evaluation is an evaluation of a plateau child.

The picture above is a mother wearing a Tibetan dress and holding a child.

And to everyone's surprise.

Mother's face was dark and glowing plateau red.

But the face of the child in her arms was white and tender, just like a child raised carefully in the city.

[My Chinese is not good, so I can only force someone with good Chinese to help us type this character. This product is very good. My son's skin is much whiter after using it. 】

【I hope this store will continue to open. This facial cleanser is only 29.9. We don’t have to sell sheep or cattle, but we can still afford it. It’s great!】


The second long comment was about a little girl from an orphanage.

[The little sister in the orphanage told me that I must help them post a good review online to support this company. 】

[Picture/Picture, this is a group photo of me and my sisters, they are all children in the orphanage. In fact, our orphanage has a lot of people donating money, and the living conditions here are really good. 】

【Eat well, even if you wear second-hand clothes, you won’t be frozen. 】

[It's not that no one sent supplies, clothes and shoes before, but the sisters all said that they like this set of skin care products the most. 】

[I didn't understand at the time, so I asked them why. 】

【They said that when they used this set of skin care products, they felt that they seemed to be one step closer to being an ordinary child. 】

[Yeah, their dreams are very ordinary, they just want to be an ordinary person, have enough food and clothing, occasionally have new clothes, wash their faces with facial cleanser instead of pure towels, and have a bottle of body wash for themselves , rather than shared. 】

[In addition, this product is really easy to use, cheap, and cost-effective, and my sisters like it very much. 】

These evaluations released by the marketing account.

Everyone who saw these comments was silenced in one fell swoop.

They knew before that there are differences in this world.

This world is an unfair world.

Some people were born in Rome.

And for some people, her lifelong goal is to be an ordinary person.

Some people have to buy a whole row of four or five hundred lipsticks at a time.

But some children can be happy for a long time even with the cheap facial cleanser that can give away a lot of items at 29.9.

Netizens who saw this marketing account suddenly became interested in Jiang Feng's products.

And in the last sentence of this article on Marketing,

It also broke the defenses of many netizens.

[Yang Mi and her company said - "The most expensive is not necessarily the best. I don't want them to get used to this product in the future and find that they have to work hard to buy it. It feels bad. I hope When they grow up, they will find that the things they like can be touched if they work hard, instead of those face creams that cost thousands of dollars, and they can only look at them forever.”]

Below this, the quality inspection report of Jiang Feng's products is pasted.

This report is directly linked to Pin Xixi's link.

Almost everything that can be detected has been tested.

All are qualified. .

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