Reba's Skin Care Products Were Exposed, But It Was Free Shipping On Pinxixi

Chapter 73 Chen Jin'er Tries Dabao Sod Honey (110)

When Chen Jin'er heard Su Hua's affirmative answer, she was suddenly happy.

"Mom! Did you secretly ask Sister Mi and Sister Reba for me?"

"I asked for you."

"Really? What did they say?"

Su Hua smiled: "I'm still busy, I've already learned from them, and I've bought all the things they said."


"Of course! Mom will definitely let your skin return to normal within a semester."

Originally, she didn't want to bother Yang Mi and Reba about these matters.

But the daughter got too badly sunburned.

And her daughter has been begging her, so she can't help it.


Upon hearing this, Chen Jin'er excitedly blew a kiss to the phone.

"Mom I love you so much!!"

"You don't know how inferior I am these days!!"

“Mom is awesome!”

During this period of time, Chen Jin'er's original white skin was tanned to red and black by military training.

Even with sunscreen.

But you can't always hold sunscreen to replenish sunscreen during military training.

This also caused her entire skin to turn dark.

Not only is it dark, but there are also traces of sunburn and redness in many places.

I have used a lot of aloe vera gel and skin repairing essence.

But it's been months and no progress at all.

Every time I look in the mirror, I see my ugly self in the mirror.

Chen Jin'er was in a very depressed mood.

In the mirror, I was no longer as beautiful and cute as before.

Looks like 013 an ugly duckling.

The more she looks in the mirror, the more she feels inferior.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Jin'er was in a great mood.


It's not easy!

This is what her mother asked their big stars!

The whitening method of the big star must be correct!

these products,

Sure to help her come back for nothing!

Chen Jin'er, who opened the door with anticipation, saw a brand new set of products on the table at a glance.


"Mom really helped me do the shopping!"

She was full of anticipation in her heart, and quickly went over to hold the things on the table in her arms.

look down,

The thing on the table is a skin care brand called Jiang's.

Face wash, conditioner, shampoo and even two bottles of lotion.

The packaging of the two bottles of lotion is exactly the same.

The only difference is that the words on the packaging are different.

One is Jiang's Dabao SOD honey.

And the other one added Jiang's top Dabao SOD honey.


Chen Jiner was surprised.

Is it a domestic brand?


Why has she never heard of this brand?

"Forget it, maybe it's the high-end custom brand of Sister Yang Mi and Sister Reba?"

"My mother found it for me, it shouldn't go wrong."

She remembered that just now Su Hua said to help her learn from Yang Mi and Reba.

And also bought her a new product.

Now there is only (abeh) this box of products on the table in the whole family.

That must be the new brand that mom bought her, right?

To confirm, Chen Jin'er looked around again,

Look no further for skincare than this skincare box.

Yes! It should be right!

Without the slightest doubt, she took the whole set of skin care products and went into the bathroom.

Top lady facial cleanser!

Top Dabao SOD Honey.

Should be using these two!

When we got to the bathroom,

Chen Jin'er was also a little weird.

This big star repairs sunburn, but only uses facial cleanser and lotion?

Don't need a little essence or something?

Can lotion heal sunburn?


But because I called before, I didn't suspect it.

"Let's try it first."

She carefully picked up the facial cleanser first.

The packaging of the facial cleanser is very beautiful, and it looks very high-end.

There are a few very simple words printed on the white bottle.

【Ginger's top rejuvenating facial cleanser】

Among them, the word "Jiang" is printed on the body of the bottle in the style of a seal.

"The packaging is pretty nice."

Chen Jiner sighed:

"Sure enough, the things used by female stars are different from us."

Originally, she thought that Reba and Miss Mi should recommend lamer essence, Estee Lauder essence and other big brands.

But it turned out to be such a brand that she didn't know about.

Still domestic.

Could it be that domestic products are the best?

Chen Jin'er's face in the mirror was severely sunburned.

The skin is close to copper color, even reddish.

Even if the facial features are still very delicate and beautiful,

But the darkened and sunburned skin,

It was miserable just looking at it.

Even some places can afford to tan.

Even if it's just looking in the mirror,

She didn't even want to look at herself more.

It's ugly.

One white covers all ugliness.

this black...

Even if the facial features are exquisite and good-looking, I always feel that something is almost there.

Chen Jin'er carefully picked up the facial cleanser she put aside,

And squeeze a little out of the facial cleanser in the palm of your hand.

The facial cleanser squeezed out is ice cold and very comfortable.

"Hey, this one seems pretty good!"

"Squeezing some essential oil?"

But before she squeezed the essential oil.

When the water in the palm of your hand touches the body of the facial cleanser,

The paste in the palm of the hand quickly became huge like a swollen dough.


The original whole slightly hard paste,

All of a sudden, it turned into a single-handed bubble.


What black technology is this?

Looking at the huge bubble, Chen Jin'er was stunned!

This is too easy to pass!

Is this the facial cleanser used by female stars?

It is really different from others!

When dense white bubbles touch sunburned skin,

the cool bubbles,

Almost let the whole face be wrapped in bubbles.

Those bubbles are like big gentle hands,

Caressing that inch of sunburned skin.

The coldness, warmth and comfort made Chen Jin'er close her eyes.

It felt like a deep spa for her own skin.


Although Chen Jin'er is just an ordinary college student.

But she could also feel that the facial cleanser in front of her was extraordinary.

This is definitely the best facial cleanser she has ever used!

none of them!

But such a brand! It’s still a niche brand!

And it's domestic!

Simply incredible!

After washing your face and raising your head,

Looking at herself in the mirror, Chen Jin'er was completely shocked.

The effect is immediate!!

Although I only washed my face once,

But the areas on her face that were so tanned and peeled were much fairer and moisturized.

The bronzed black also evolved a bit of white.

But not much.

The biggest change is the state of the entire skin.

If it was black and red sunburned skin before.

Although it is still not white.

but can feel it,

Every inch of skin becomes hydrated.

The skin that was dry and sunburned turned out to be moist and elastic.

It was like a black jelly filled with spiritual fluid.

Although not white.

But skin health has improved a lot.

Not really useful!

Chen Jin'er's eyes lit up.

She carefully squeezed a little more of the top SOD honey into the palm of her hand.

The cleanser is so good!

Then this looks like the most expensive SOD honey!

Should be more usable!?

The sense of anticipation is instantly filled!!

The texture of top SOD honey is completely different from facial cleanser.

When squeezed in the palm of the hand, it glowed with silver light in vain.

The white, not too hard, creamy lotion flows in the palm of your hand.

She stirred it slightly with her fingers,

The white lotion turned out to be silver under the light!!

The color is like the color of silk, and it has not been used yet.

Let her sense of anticipation be filled in an instant!

— Digression:

10 chapters of 30,000-40,000 words are guaranteed to be updated every day.

Some chapters are based on the plot.

I still owe you 5 chapters + 4 chapters before the explosive change paint is finished

When I can pay you back, I will definitely pay you back.

See what time the ten chapters are updated today.

If there is more, I will make it up for you. .

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