Chen Jin'er pointed at her face, and said firmly:

"Mom! Look! My face is already in front of you. How can there be problems with this company's products?"

If there is a problem, how did her face recover so well?

If it is really a chemical agent, it will not restore the skin to such a healthy state.

Just chemicals.

will cause damage to the skin.

This is for sure.

Looking at Chen Jin'er's face, Su Hua was speechless.

In fact, she understands the truth.

She just didn't dare to imagine that there really is such an awesome product in this world.

Still made in China!!!

When the two of them stared at each other, suddenly——

The testing center called.

The professional on the other side of the phone asked:

"Hello, are you Miss Su?"

"it's me."

"It's like this, the things you tested with us before have already produced results.

"What result?"

"According to the testing by our use center, these products are in compliance with the regulations and have not added any chemicals that are harmful to the skin. You can use them with confidence."


Everyone in Su Hua was dumbfounded.

Seeing her daughter's skin recovering, she took a deep breath.

if not,

That is to say, the product that treated Reba before and the product that repaired her daughter's skin problems today are all from the same merchant.

This is too fantasy!

Her mouth opened into the word 0.

This product is really useful!!

Such an awesome product!

But just a little bit more publicity!

Sooner or later, it will fly into the sky!

In the skincare business, product is everything.

Su Hua suddenly felt a little guilty.

If so,

Didn't she wrong Reba then?

Thinking that Reba will walk the red carpet tomorrow.

She quickly took the bag of skin care products and was ready to go out.

Chen Jin'er was in a hurry.

"Mom! Where are you going with my skin care products!?"

"This set of skin care products originally belonged to your sister Reba, and now mom is going to give it to your sister Relu.

"I also need to go!"

"What are you going to do?"

"I want to ask Sister Reba how she found such an amazing set of skin care products! It's amazing!"

Without this set of skin care products, she would have to wait for the Year of the Monkey to turn white!

It's only seven days 01 now!

In seven days she had already turned into her original appearance!

How scary!

Seeing her excited face,

Su Hua couldn't be happier.

She waved:

"Go, go, don't make trouble!"

"Why did I make trouble! I don't care, I want to go!"

"Don't make trouble, there is serious business."

The effect of the brand is so good, that idiot Reba must want to promote it.

Yang Mi is not someone who knows how to use the Pinxixi brand, the only possibility is that Reba revealed it.

Now, it is good to know such a brand.

For female stars, the fewer people know.

For them, Reba's advantage is even greater.

That can promote the goddess without makeup and crush other female stars!

In the group photo, according to this skin condition, Reba has almost no rivals!

This is a huge advantage!

no matter what.

This thing cannot be revealed.

Even if this brand became popular in mountainous areas, it was only in mountainous areas.

not to mention.

Now Yang Mi just donates to this brand, and it has become a hot search.

The current Jiang Feng's company is still too small to withstand the wind and rain.

Only suitable for low-key development.

Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it.

If the conduct is higher than that of others, the public must be against it.

Once other skin care companies find out that there is such an awesome skin care product from Jiang Feng Company, they will definitely try their best to steal the product formula.

If you can't get it, many companies will even die.

After all, when a product like Jiang Feng comes out, it will completely disrupt the entire existing market.

If high-profile,

It will definitely be wiped out first by everyone working together.

Thinking of this, Su Hua squinted her eyes and warned.

"You didn't reveal the purpose of this thing, did you?"


Chen Jin'er was a little dazed: "Why? I have already distributed the little red book for such an easy-to-use product, but I haven't posted the brand on it yet."

Su Hua glared at him.

"you're so dumb!!"

"Why am I so stupid? Everyone in my dormitory is asking me how I turned white!"

Chen Jiner is proud:

"I have already promised them that if it really works, they will treat me to dinner!"

"You tell the people in your dormitory that they can and cannot distribute Xiaohongshu."


"You have a lot of followers on Little Red Book, don't you?"

"one million."

"Well, most of the fans in this million are fans of Reba, and they all know that you are the daughter of Reba's manager. Now you are distributing some skin care products, which is equivalent to directly comparing this brand with Reba. link together."

Su Hua looked at her confused look, and said helplessly:

"Do you really think that what you share as a student has so many people watching it? Most of them are fans of Reba, and some of them are black fans of Reba.

"Everyone pays attention to you just to find out if Reba and Yang Mi have any black spots."

After all, these two female stars are top-notch!

But any Vanity Fair, that is resource competition.

Everyone can't wait to grab her a little sore foot and pull her down,

Then they can share their cake.


Su Hua explained seriously.

"Your elder sister Reba will have other brands of business in the future. If she becomes the spokesperson, she cannot be associated with other skin care brands in private.


"And if something happens to the brand you posted, the things you post will become evidence, and then not only will you get into trouble, but Reba and Yang Mi will get into trouble because of you.

because of her?

Chen Jin'er was taken aback, and muttered softly, "It's not that serious, is it?"

"Of course it's that serious."

Su Hua said calmly: "The reason why other bloggers didn't attract everyone's attention and investigation is because they have nothing to do with Reba Yangmi."

Get involved with the top stream.

Represents endless attention and endless trouble.

That's why female stars should pay more attention when walking the red carpet.

Some of them have a car endorsement.

After having this endorsement, as long as you take photos with other cars, you will be fined.

Therefore, when most celebrities see the red carpet organizers put a car near the red carpet, they run very fast, for fear of being photographed for a group photo.

After hearing Su Hua's explanation,

Even if Chen Jin'er was unwilling, she could only nod her head reluctantly and said:

"Well, if that's the case, then I won't advertise on Xiaohongshu."

But thinking about it this way, I even feel a little sorry for the Jiang Feng brand.

Obviously it saved her face.

But she can't help it promote it now.

never mind.

That can only be with the people around you.

Jiang Feng's brand has blossomed everywhere.

The new facial cleanser is also selling like crazy.

Because Yang Mi bought this product and it became a hot search.

Her fans are the first to pay attention to the brand.

Almost all of them bought a set.

It's just that selling crazy is selling crazy.

Because many of them are not the reasons for old customers.

The points are not particularly high.

Jiang Feng took a look at the sales of the new Dabao SOD honey.

[Product Name: Jiang's Top Dabao SOD Honey]

[Product sales: 33,000 pieces. 】

[Praise: 5,000 pictures with pictures are absolutely positive, of which 2,000 are from repeat customers. 】

[Praise conversion points: 5000 points with five times the points of good reviews—25,000 points, 2,000 repeat customers’ positive reviews and ten times points—20,000 points. )】

[Current points: one hundred and eight thousand points. 】

【Congratulations to the host!】

[Congratulations to the host for breaking through one million accumulated points. You can upgrade (bug-finding upgrade) an existing product in the warehouse for free. 】

【please choose. 】

Looking for BUG upgrades for free?

And other good things?

And is it an existing item in the warehouse?

[Yes host. 】

[This is a reward for accumulating one million points, and the next point reward for accumulating points is five million, please host to reach five million. 】


The second accumulated reward is five million, so the next time, it will not be ten million.

Jiang Feng was ashamed.

Jiang Feng thought for a while, "Feng Hua."

[Good host. 】

[Fenghua has successfully upgraded. 】

[The existing Fenghua stock in the warehouse has been changed to a new version of Fenghua. 】

[Have a free matching production line opportunity. 】

【Host, please continue to work hard!】

After seeing these system prompts, Jiang Feng's eyes lit up.

The original peak flower conditioner is very easy to use.

Now that I have updated it once, how useful it is!!

He was looking forward to it all at once.

"Check the peak flower ranking!"

【Good host】

【Recipe has been updated】

【Current product name: Ginger's Peak Flower Conditioner. 】

[Product Track: Toiletry and Conditioner Track. 】

[Five-dimension Rating of Bee Blossom Hair Conditioner——

Smoothing ability: SS+ (It has a powerful ability to smooth hair, and can smooth frizzy hair in a second. Although it is only a bottle of cheap hair conditioner, it has far more repairing ability than it currently has.)

Repair ability for damaged hair: SS (The repair ability is very strong, because it is a cheap hair conditioner product, but it still has good expressive power.)

Hair growth ability: S+ (has a certain hair growth ability, and can prevent hair loss.)

Antistatic barrier: S+ (There will be no hair blowing in autumn and winter, and it can give the hair an effective protective barrier.)

Oil balance ability: SS (no seborrheic hair loss, effectively balance oil!)

[The current Fenghua hair conditioner ranks ninth in the world on the hair conditioner track. 】

[Current recommended retail price: 9 yuan. 】


Even Jiang Feng was a little shocked.

This conditioner is a very cheap product.

But after updating the BUG, ​​it was able to rank ninth.

You know, there are so many conditioners in the world.

There is no shortage of big brands of well-known brands!

Even hundreds of thousands of big brands.

Even facial cleanser, Dabao SOD honey, before the formula was upgraded, it was only ranked in the 30s or 20s.

This ranks ninth,

It is enough to prove that the formula of this conditioner itself


Just when Jiang Feng was shocked, suddenly

Xu Qing suddenly pushed the door open and entered.

"Little boss! It's not good!"

"Someone on the Internet hacked us!"

When Jiang Feng saw this news,

The news on the Internet has been fermented, and it has even become a trending search.

[Pin Xixi's online celebrity product Jiang's Facial Cleanser is suspected of adding unknown chemicals, which caused children's faces to rot. 】

Under the news, there are pictures of several girls.

Almost all of them are children of the donated items this time.

Their entire faces have been completely unrecognizable.

Just looking at it is terrifying.

at this time,

They are lying in the hospital.

The face is covered with blisters, beyond recognition.

The whole face was highly red and swollen.

The director of the donated orphanage also stood up and posted a long Weibo.

[Li Li, the original owner of the Angel Orphanage: Picture/Picture/I am the director of the Angel Orphanage. This time I accepted the donation from Ms. Yang Mi. I was very grateful from the bottom of my heart. After all, Ms. Yang Mi

In previous years, Ms. Yang Mi donated money directly, but this year they donated so many items, which is enough to prove that Ms. Yang Mi cares about us. 】

[After we accepted the material donation, we asked all the children to write questionnaires and hand them in, and took photos according to Ms. Yang Mi's request. 】

[After the filming, the children left with their own things. At this time, everyone thought that the things donated by the big star Yang Mi must be the best. 】

[At that time, I also thought that Ms. Yang Mi donated so many times, she should not use a bad brand, after all, she is also a female star, so many supervisors, she did not dare to do so

Big, but I didn't expect...]

[I really didn't expect that Ms. Yang Mi would buy the inferior products of Pinxi 533 for her children to use. You have made so much money, and your donations have earned enough fame and fortune. Isn't that enough?

Are you not even willing to give up such a small amount of money?]

Li Li cried blood every word she wrote.

He even added a sentence at the end-

【Children are the flowers that are more worthy of care. Over the years, our orphanage has been dedicated to providing children with the best products, not Pinxixi products. 】

[I can accept the low price, but after the child ran out, it became like this. As the dean, I really feel distressed and chilled. 】

[Children are the future flowers of our motherland, but because I didn't investigate for a while, this situation happened. I was at fault. I beg everyone to save the children. The orphanage is really

There are not enough medical expenses to save every child, and I ask everyone to lend a helping hand. 】

I don't know if it is to let everyone intuitively feel the children's skin problems.

All their faces were festered.

Redness and swelling appeared on most of the faces.

The skin on that face peeled off in a large area, and even festered, exposing the bloody red muscles underneath.

This situation is shocking to look at.

It's scary even just looking at it,

The wording of the marketing account below is very inspiring.

[Top female star Yang Mi, your daily salary of 208W is 29.9W for your child, and you even have to break it up for the benefit of your child. Ms. Yang Mi, is this a scumbag donation? 1

[No, you are more serious than scumbags. 】

[Aren't you ashamed to see the child like this????],

The comments below are all blown up.

[Holy shit! This picture is really scary, is it real or fake? Did that Pinxixi product explode?]

[Hehe, I already knew that this product was going to be a hit, how could it be 100% positive, it hurts people just by looking at it!]

[The daily salary is 208W, donating 29.9 things to the children, oops, I have the nerve to post an announcement during the day saying that it is for the benefit of the children, really shameless? 】

[These stars, what else can you expect? @杨米, you use such a harmful thing to harm the flowers of the motherland, what is your intention!? Get out of the entertainment circle


the other side.

When Su Hua just arrived at the door of Reba's house.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard Reba cursing inside.

"Damn! These little blacks! They are talking nonsense!"

"Are these marketing accounts sick?"

"Jiang Feng kid's brand is so easy to use! How can they talk such nonsense!! I'm so mad!!"

Reba paced the room anxiously, her eyes and brows were full of impatience.

Her fingers wiping the phone turned white, and her teeth were crushed with anger.

"No! I want to cut the large size, I don't care!!"

Such a good brand, she can't just watch it being destroyed by these sunspots.

Just when Reba was about to cut the queen size,

Su Hua opened the door and hurriedly stopped her.

"Wait a minute, what Tiangong?"

Reba looked up in a daze, and when she saw Su Hua, she immediately put away her phone with guilt.

"No... nothing.".

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