The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Liu Qinglin got a map of the county from somewhere. He looked at the map and asked Jiang Xue, "Do your parents sell vegetables in this market?" After getting a positive answer, he drew a circle on that location with a pen.

"Where did you buy the house?" Jiang Xue told him the address.

"Your brother and sister, they go to this school, right? This school is the closest to home and the market."

"Brother." Jiang Xue shouted louder.

Seeing that he finally raised his head from the map, Jiang Xue said, "I think we should make three rules first."

Liu Qinglin's mood was obviously wrong. Considering his brother's age, he was actually only in his early twenties.

It's just that his performance all along made everyone, including himself, think he was very mature.

Compared with Jiang Xue's conflicting feelings towards her parents, her brother rarely mentioned their common mother, but when he did, he was cold and had a subtle hatred.

He used his intelligence to do a good job in his own household registration and easily achieved his goal, but when he took the map to mark these places, his expression became eager to try, and even a little crazy, which was very abnormal.

"I know what you want to say. Are you trying to persuade me not to do too much? After all, they are our parents. Don't let me do extreme things, but Xiaoxue, I have a rage that has been burning in my chest for a long time. I want to take revenge on them. I want to make her regret it. It would be best if she regretted strangling me before she gave birth to me, as she said. If I don't do it this time, there may be no chance later."

Jiang Xue looked at Liu Qinglin's state, with only worry in her eyes.

After organizing her words, she held her brother's hand and said solemnly: "I won't stop you from taking revenge, but I hope you can make three rules with me and do the following."

"Tell me."

"First, you must not break the law. Second, don't get hurt, don't fight hard, it's not worth it."

"Third, just take revenge to calm down the anger in your heart, don't indulge in negative emotions such as resentment. After this incident, let them turn the page, and we will continue to return to S City and live our own brilliant life. You must promise me to do the above three points, and then find a suitable opportunity to vent your anger."

"Okay?" Jiang Xue asked.

After listening to all the conditions, Liu Qinglin looked at Jiang Xue and didn't say anything.

After a while, Liu Qinglin asked a little curiously: "Did you find anything?"

"No." Jiang Xue replied.

"Are you the roundworm in my stomach?" After saying this, the whole person relaxed as if a heavy burden was suddenly lifted from his body.

"Sister, the most correct decision I have made in my life for more than 20 years is to chase you and not miss you."

Jiang Xue's memory went back to that time. Thinking of her brother's non-mainstream appearance at that time, she smiled and said, "You have changed a lot since then. We are getting better and better, and we will be even better in the future, right?"

"Well, don't worry, I know."

"Then let's do what we agreed. I'll call grandma to see where they are now."



When Grandma Jiang received the call, she and her eldest daughter Jiang Ping were handling business at the bank.

Seeing that it was Jiang Xue calling, she felt a little guilty for a moment and asked her daughter if she wanted to answer.

"Please answer the phone, Mom. But don't tell anyone that I've deposited my money in your name. Don't be nervous. I'm just asking you to deposit my private money for me. It's safe here."

"Isn't this a huge amount? I've never seen so much money before. I can't help but be nervous." After saying that, she took another look at the neatly stacked bills in the bag. This was 100,000 yuan. She had never seen so much money put together in her life.

"Then I'll answer it. I'll tell him."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Ping said to her mother, "Xiaoxue and the brother who was raised at her grandmother's house have finished their business and are back. After the money is deposited, I'll send you to go with them. They said they're going to your second son's house. I don't know if there will be any trouble. If there is a trouble, you should hold them back.

"Also, I have something else to do later, so I won't go with you. You must keep my money and the fact that you want to divorce a secret from anyone. Especially your youngest son's family, this money is just for you temporarily, don't think of using my money to spend on your youngest son, if you really do that, I won't recognize you anymore. "

"Don't worry, I'm like this

Are you a person who can't tell the difference? You think I'm your second sister-in-law's mother, digging out my daughter to subsidize my son. I promise you that I won't tell anyone about this money. But Ping, this money is really your private money, Li Tao doesn't know? Where did you get it? And have you really decided to divorce? "

"Don't worry about it, I'll tell you after a while. If you are married, you must get a divorce, don't persuade me this time."

"If I had known that you had so much money and so opinionated, I wouldn't have persuaded you before. Divorce, divorce that playboy, and then find a better one."

"I've disliked him for a long time. He looks like that and is not worthy of my beautiful daughter. He doesn't cherish her well and dares to have an affair. He is a scumbag every day. "

Jiang Ping smiled at her old mother.

If she had known that money was so useful, she would have told her mother long ago. Before, whenever she mentioned divorce, her mother would persuade her. So she kept many things secret from her family on the phone.

Every time she went back to her mother's house, Li Tao felt that her mother's house was dirty and inconvenient, and the children were not used to living there. Over the years, she was always in a hurry every time she went back.

She lived in the county town and asked her mother to come and stay with her for a few days. Her mother couldn't leave with a bunch of children.

Later, her mother stopped taking care of the bunch of children, and her younger brother's child was born. It seemed that she hadn't gone out shopping with her mother for a long time, taking her to buy things together and choosing what she liked, instead of choosing it like before, saying she liked it even if she didn't like it, to avoid the trouble of her taking it back to exchange.

She was also very grateful to Jiang Xue for bringing her mother here this time.

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