The incident on Weibo disrupted her preparation plan, and the registration day soon arrived.

When the second year of high school started, the registration brought big news.

The class was divided into arts and sciences. Jiang Xue had already decided to study science last semester. So she was not surprised.

In addition to the division of arts and sciences, the school received a report from parents last semester, saying that the school treated them differently. Since they recruited students on loan, they should treat them fairly, instead of setting up a separate class to distinguish them from other schools.

Because the school originally planned to divide the loan class into arts and sciences this year, there were many sports and art students in other classes, and they planned to put them in these two classes. Some parents got the news in advance and went to the Education Bureau to report the school.

So their class should be the last class with a separate loan class.

In the future, they will all be mixed together.

In the second year of high school, all students were separated. There were two experimental classes for arts and science, five ordinary classes for arts, and three ordinary classes for science.

The scores were divided into two levels. The top 100 students in arts and science were divided into relatively top classes by drawing lots.

For ordinary classes, everyone was divided equally without ranking by scores.

A baseline test was conducted on the first day of school. After the scores came out and the classes were divided, classes began.

After the scores came out, the last day was in the same classroom.

Tan Xiao didn't want to separate from Jiang Xue, but her scores meant that she couldn't get into the top class, so after Jiang Xue analyzed her scores, she chose the arts.

Everyone in the class was not in a good mood. After a year of getting along, everyone was now divided into pieces, and they were somewhat reluctant to part.

Some people who had a good relationship and didn't want to separate from their good friends had already cried.

Tan Xiao was about to cry, and Jiang Xue handed her a piece of paper.

"We are just not in the same class, but we will never see each other again. We can see each other on weekends and after school. Don't cry like everyone else."

"I know, but the atmosphere is so bad that I just want to cry." Jiang Xue handed her a piece of paper.

"We are not in the same class anymore. Are we still best friends???"

"It's hard to say. What if we meet a classmate who we can talk to."

As soon as Jiang Xue finished speaking, Tan Xiao cried even louder. Jiang Xue smiled and said soothingly, "You are my best friend even if you meet a new friend. Don't cry."

"Then you have to keep your word."

"Yes, I keep my word."

The head teacher also said some emotional words, issued the grades, and read out everyone's respective classes in the future.

Jiang Xue got the grades and saw the rankings, and found that her overall ranking had dropped to tenth in science. Looking at the three people in front of her, she was a little surprised.

Tan Xiao also discovered this.

"Did you not study at all during the summer vacation? Why did your grades drop so much?"


"Then why are you blaming me? You have to work hard too! Don't slack off."

"Yes." She couldn't slack off any more, otherwise her grades would fall further and further behind.

She would definitely be able to get into the top class this time, but Jiang Xue was a little surprised about the drop in grades, but after thinking about it, it was within her expectations.

While everyone was taking extra classes and preparing for the summer vacation, she was busy with factory affairs and didn't devote her wholehearted energy to studying. Studying is a matter of progress or regression. Everyone is making progress. She feels that she hasn't given up completely, but she has invested far less time than her classmates, so it's natural that her ranking has dropped so much.

She looked at her future class, Class 1, Science, Grade 2.

And Zhang Weihua, who is leading Class 1, Grade 2, is excited!

He used to lead the top class, and after the re-division into arts and science, he still leads the top science class.

The experimental class said that the students' average scores were based on their scores. There was an unwritten rule that the top six students were divided into three groups, namely 2, 3, 4 and 1, 5, 6. The rest depended on luck.

He and another teacher named He taught the top science class. In the rock-paper-scissors game, Teacher He won. Seeing that the other party had chosen his first place in the grade, he felt uncomfortable and annoyed. He felt that his luck was so bad at the critical moment.

His first place in the grade, the good seedling he was optimistic about, was no longer in his class. He wanted to cry but had no tears.

Who knew that there would be a sudden turn of events.

After the results came out, the first place in the grade was not Xu Mo.

But he was the second place in the final exam before the class was divided.

Looking down, Xu Mo was the fourth place.

Fortunately, he was still in his class, but at the same time, it was strange that he was the first place in almost every exam except the first place in the initial test at the beginning of the school last year. Why did he only get the fourth place this time?

I have to pay special attention to Xu Mo in the future!

Take it to your own class

When he read the list, Zhang Weihua smiled again.

Jiang Xue, who had been switching between the second and third place before, was also in his class. However, with this score, she only ranked tenth in the science class this time, which was a big drop.

But her foundation was good. Maybe she made a mistake in this exam. He would hurry up and let her name catch up later.

According to the final scores of the last semester, excluding the liberal arts class.

The first, second, fourth, fifth, and sixth place were all in his class. So happy!

Sure enough, his luck was bursting! He could pick up the remaining ones in rock-paper-scissors and get a big leak.

He was so lucky!

Thinking of this, he happily took the list to share the good news with Teacher He.


When the class officially started, Jiang Xue arrived more than ten minutes early and walked to the assigned class. After a glance, she found that most of the seats in the class were already occupied.

Many of the empty seats had books on the desks.

Jiang Xue was a little bit in a dilemma for a while and stood in front of the blackboard to see if there was any seat.

"Hello, classmate. I still have a seat here. Do you want to sit?" A girl with short hair stood up and greeted Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue walked to the seat and said thank you to the other party and put her schoolbag in the hole of the table.

"Hello, my name is Jiang Xue." Jiang Xue said her name to the girl.

"Hello, classmate, my name is Tan Xue."

"You are Jiang Xue, I know you. You ranked third in the final exam last semester. I didn't expect to be in the same class with you. It's such a coincidence that both of our names have "Xue" in them."

Hearing Jiang Xue and Tan Xue talking, the students in front turned their heads and joined them.

They introduced their names and then told Jiang Xue about some of the class situations. It turned out that most of the students in the current class were students in the previous class, so everyone looked more familiar.

And the head teacher was also their former head teacher.

They seemed very fortunate when they talked about it. They must have liked their former head teacher very much. When the class was about to start, Xu Mo walked in.

Several girls stopped talking immediately. After Xu Mo sat down, they lowered their voices and gossiped quietly: "What happened to the academic god this time? He is not the first in the grade."

"Maybe he didn't prepare well in the summer vacation?"

"No reason, it doesn't seem like his style."

"Jiang Xue, I remember your final score last semester was third in the grade, what happened this time, you dropped to tenth." After talking about Xu Mo's grades, thinking that Jiang Xue's grades also dropped sharply, they curiously asked Jiang Xue the reason.

"I didn't study well this summer." What Jiang Xue didn't notice was that not far behind her, Xu Mo stopped writing, and only started writing again after listening to her.

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