He is a top student praised by everyone, but also a nerd who only knows how to study and has no entertainment. He does not have a playmate who has grown up with him, and his relationship with his classmates is neither close nor distant. He basically has no friends, and his life is very plain and ordinary. In the third year of junior high school, there was an earthquake in Sichuan Province. As the head of their unit at that time, Xu's father, together with the S rescue team, escorted some disaster relief materials from their company to the earthquake zone. He went to see it in person, so after returning, he paid special attention to some local news. He told Xu Mo about the scenes he saw and the injured people. He sighed at the tenacity of life and the ruthlessness of natural disasters. At that time, Xu Mo had no sense of pictures.

During the summer vacation, Xu's father took him to see a photography and painting exhibition with the theme of the earthquake on weekends.

The emotions expressed in those pictures shocked him.

He and his father stood in front of a photo of a woman crying loudly, wiping tears.

His heart was as clenched as the emotions of the person in the photo.

He saw the name of the photographer.

Jiang Xue.

And remembered it.

Then in high school, the first test at the beginning of the school year, the classmate above him happened to be named Jiang Xue. She passed by the corridor. The classmates discussed that Jiang Xue ranked first in the grade in this mock test. He turned his head and saw her face clearly.

One day, his father pointed to a group photo and told Xu Mo: "Do you remember the group of photos that moved us to tears when we went to the exhibition last time?"

"It was taken by this girl. She is really good at taking pictures." Xu Mo took a look. The photo in his memory was not very clear, but it began to overlap with the appearance of Jiang Xue, who ranked first in the grade.

His life also became emotional and colorful since he met the girl named Jiang Xue.

Pulling back from his thoughts, he looked at the girl in front of him.

He was really happy today.

This was the first time that he felt that their relationship was not so superficial, but was moving deeper.

He knew that Jiang Xue still had many things and experiences that she had not told him, but after today, he became confident and believed that one day she would tell him more.


Jiang Xue admitted that she had taken it for granted.

But she did not regret talking about these things with Xu Mo today.

During the period of dating, she had heard from Tan Xiao that his grandmother was the aunt of Tan Xiao's father. She was doing a job similar to a nanny, so she took it for granted that his family might not be so rich.

"It's all Tan Xiao's fault for interfering with me. You don't know that every time you give me something more expensive, I go back and check the price and feel distressed, worried that you won't be able to eat because of buying gifts for me."

"I've always wanted to tell you, but I'm afraid that talking about money will affect our relationship." Jiang Xue also expressed her thoughts at the right time.

"Don't worry about me having no money to spend. Don't think that you have a higher income and it's a burden for me to spend money on you."

"You earn more because you have the ability. I spend money on you because I like you and simply hope that you will be happy to receive the gift."

"I'm really happy that you can tell me about your affairs today and ask me about money."

"After being in love for so long, I feel that everything is too smooth and too beautiful. Sometimes you feel very close to me, and sometimes you feel very far away, which makes me feel anxious about gains and losses."

"But after today, I feel that I am much closer to you."

"That's great." Xu Mo said a lot of words, and Jiang Xue felt warm in her heart.

"Xu Mo, it's great that you are you." Jiang Xue said with emotion.

Jiang Xue stood up and hugged Xu Mo.

They wanted to say a few more warm words, but their car window was knocked.

The two let go, Xu Mo opened the window and looked at the middle-aged man with a red armband and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Are you leaving? Others don't have parking spaces. If you want to leave, pay the parking fee." The other party urged.

Xu Mo paid the money and Jiang Xue drove away.

"Going back to school? Where did you park your car?" Xu Mo asked.

"I bought a house near the school. The car is parked in the community parking space."

Xu Mo, who just felt that the relationship was a little closer, suddenly felt that there was still a lot he didn't know about his girlfriend.

"It seems that you have a little talent for business."

"Just think of me as very talented." Jiang Xue didn't explain to Xu Mo how the money was made and how much money there was.

She talked a lot with Xu Mo today, but she was still rational.

There is no one except her brother Liu Qing who knows how much money and assets there are.

Lin knew something, and she probably wouldn't tell anyone clearly.

Arriving at the community, Jiang Xue parked the car in the parking space.

She told Xu Mo that she had to go upstairs and there were some things at home, and she had to go get them before she could go back to school.

Xu Mo took the initiative to say that he would wait for her downstairs.

Jiang Xue looked at the time, it was only about seven o'clock.

So she suggested to Xu Mo: "Do you want to go upstairs and take a look."

"I live alone, there is no one else at home."

"I have a lot of movie discs at home, do you want to watch a movie before going back to school?"

Xu Mo felt that Jiang Xue's words were very tempting.

Thinking of going to her house, there were only two of them.

A completely enclosed space.

He couldn't help but blush a little.

He nodded in agreement, his face expressionless, and his heart felt like a cat was scratching.

The two entered the elevator, Jiang Xue opened the door, bent down and took the slippers that her brother had worn before and put them on him.

He had just changed his shoes and hadn't had time to look at the layout of the house when Jiang Xue hugged Xu Mo's waist.

Jiang Xue raised her head in his arms and said, "You don't have to worry about being seen by others here, and you don't have to worry about being disturbed..." Before she could finish her words, Jiang Xue's mouth was tightly blocked.

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