The wedding was scheduled for mid-April 2015.

After Liu Yan knew that Jiang Xue and her mother-in-law had gone back to visit her father-in-law's grave, the couple closed the canteen and returned together.

Looking at what her mother-in-law was wearing, holding her hands, and wearing on her neck, Liu Yan was very angry, but she had also improved and knew that being angry was useless, and going crazy would only push Jiang Xue further away.

Seeing Jiang Xue holding Grandma Jiang, she immediately held Grandma Jiang's other hand.

"Mom, watch your feet."

"Mom, be careful."


"Mom..." Liu Yan had been married for more than 20 years, and she had never been so careful and gentle, and had never flattered Grandma Jiang.

There were very few times when the two of them could talk normally, and every time they quarreled and parted unhappily.

Liu Yan's sudden behavior made Grandma Jiang wonder if her second daughter-in-law had taken the wrong medicine.

Seeing her looking at Jiang Xue in the same flattering way and saying words of concern for Jiang Xue, Grandma Jiang knew that it turned out that she was still benefiting from her granddaughter.

What did she do earlier?

After visiting the grave, Jiang Xue informed Liu Yan of the news that her eldest son, Liu Qinglin, was getting married.

"Didn't you say you were going to get married last time you came back? Why are you getting married again?" Liu Yan was puzzled.

"You lied to us last time. Just to transfer the household registration, the son-in-law told all the lies." Liu Yan said after reacting.

Jiang Xue smiled and admitted it.

Knowing that Liu Qinglin and Jiang Xue had a good relationship, Liu Yan pretended to be concerned and asked: "What are the conditions of the girl's family? Where are they from? How old are they? Or are they going to be a live-in son-in-law?"

"Not live-in son-in-law, from Kyoto, her father is a factory technical manager, her mother is a teacher, and she is three years older than my brother."

"Three years older, but I heard you say that this condition is quite good. It doesn't matter if she is older, a woman three years older will bring gold bricks, and she will be more caring when she is older. Then I will go with your grandma and the others." Liu Yan actually didn't care much about who he married and how he lived.

If it wasn't for Jiang Xue's face, she didn't want to go. If she left, Jiang Haiyang would be too busy to handle it alone, which would delay her making money.

"My brother told you to invite grandma's family." Jiang Xue reminded.

"I know. After all, he was raised, so you should invite him." Jiang Xue deliberately didn't mention that her brother was recognized by the Cui family.

Wait for them to find out by themselves.

Knowing that Liu Qinglin was going to invite their family to his wedding, the Liu family was positive.

Especially I heard that Liu Qinglin is looking for someone from Kyoto, which is the capital, so the woman's family must be well-off.

Uncle Liu still has a son who is not married. His eldest son bought a house in the county town and emptied his family's savings.

It's a good opportunity to dress up the youngest son and see if Liu Qinglin's wife knows anyone with the same good family conditions and introduce him to the youngest son.

In addition, Liu Qinglin is doing well now, so they go there to see if they can get some.

And Liu Yan said that Liu Qinglin will pay for the car and hotel.

You have to pay a gift if you go alone, and you have to pay a gift if you go with the whole family. If the whole family goes, it's like going out to see the world.

In addition, Liu Qinglin took them to apply for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Passes, saying that he would take them to Hong Kong.

Sure enough, the child grew up. Even if I didn't treat him well, he is still willing to take care of the family now that he has made progress.

It was not in vain.

On the wedding day, Liu's grandmother, grandfather, uncle and younger uncle and their wives and children, Liu Yan, and the twins sat at a table.

After arriving in Kyoto, they stayed in the hotel with everyone. They were still impressed by how big and clean the hotel looked. They heard that it cost several hundred yuan a night.

This shows that Liu Qinglin really made a fortune.

The woman's family must be very well off.

After sitting down, the son of the eldest uncle went to inquire and came back and said, "My goodness, you don't know, more than a hundred tables, plus drinks, I heard that each table costs more than 5,000 yuan, and there are a lot of seafood. I have never eaten such a luxurious banquet since I grew up."

"More than 5,000 yuan per table, more than a hundred tables, so many people, that means a meal and banquet cost more than 500,000 yuan." Liu Dong sighed when he heard his eldest son say this.

They hadn't paid the gift money yet. They originally planned to give 300 yuan. The banquet was so expensive. The two brothers discussed and doubled the gift money to 600 yuan.

"That's right, the total price of my house is not that expensive." The eldest son of Liu's eldest uncle said.

"I just asked, the girl's family is well off, the housing prices in Kyoto are so high, the girl's family has a brother, but the demolished house was divided equally, and it was said that they divided several houses, I don't know if it's true or not."

"Where is Qinglin?" Liu Laolao asked.

"We are representing the man anyway, not only Qinglin is not

"The girl's parents haven't even met my in-laws yet, they don't take us seriously." Liu's grandfather said.

"Yanzi, how can you say he is your son? You should talk to him later." Liu's grandmother said to her daughter who was chatting with the twins.

Liu Yan raised her eyes and looked at her mother and brothers, and said unhappily: "Three hundred yuan, you come with such a big family, and the fare is not enough, so don't act like a man. "She was not speaking up for Liu Qinglin, but for herself.

She was busy with her eldest brother Liu Dong's family buying a house and getting engaged and married some time ago, and she lost a lot of time and money. She gave her eldest nephew 2,000 yuan to attend the wedding banquet and 800 yuan to her niece-in-law as a gift.

As for Liu Qinglin, although he was not close to her, he was her son after all. For her sake, with such a large family, her father said that the two brothers should go alone, 300 yuan each.

"300 yuan is too little. I discussed it with my eldest brother and decided to give 600 yuan each. Little sister, do you think it's okay?" said the second uncle of the Liu family. In their hometown, 300 yuan was a bit too little for an uncle, but Liu Qinglin and Jiang Chao were different. If they went to Jiang Chao, they would definitely spend about the same amount as Liu Yan. The reason why it has doubled now is to see the level of the banquet here. Their nephew has made a difference, so they can serve him according to his appearance.

"It's up to you. "He ignored her family and continued to ask the two children about their experiences during this period.

"The feast is about to start. When are you going to present the gift?" Grandpa Liu asked.

"Kyoto is different from our hometown. Yanzi, ask your Jiang Xue. She has a good relationship with Qinglin. Ask her how to present the gift." Grandpa Liu said to Liu Yan again.

Liu Yan said to Jiang Lu reluctantly: "Go, call your sister, ask her to come over, and take your uncle's family to present the gift."

Jiang Lu was reluctant, and Jiang Chao on the side immediately took the initiative to say: "I'll go, mom. "

Then they found Grandma Jiang's table and learned from Grandma Jiang that Jiang Xue was busy in the backstage. She told them that the place to pay the gift was at the entrance.

Jiang Hang from Uncle Jiang's family took them there.

Jiang Hang took Jiang Chao and his two uncles to pay the gift. The person who paid the gift on the man's side asked the name, the relationship with the man, and the amount. When they heard that it was a real uncle and the gift was 600, Jiang Hang and the person who recorded it were a little surprised. The person who recorded it did not show it and wrote down the amount.

"How much did Uncle pay?" Jiang Chao asked Jiang Hang.

"I don't know much either. My dad paid. "Jiang Hang replied.

The person recording asked the two brothers and uncles to sign their names in the designated positions.

After the two uncles finished writing, Jiang Chao smiled and told the person recording these people that he wanted to look through them, and then he looked through them casually.

Seeing the gifts from Liu Qinglin's friends and some partners, basically none of them were less than two thousand.

Aunt Jiang gave five thousand, her sister's godmother also gave five thousand, Grandma Jiang gave two thousand, including his uncle's family, Jiang Hang's father also gave two thousand.

The one with the largest amount was Jiang Xue, 88888 is a very auspicious number.

I don't know how much she will give me when I get married in the future...

He turned around and glanced at the woman's gift list, and the price of eight hundred and one thousand was much more normal.

Jiang Chao went back and immediately asked his mother how much she planned to give.

Liu Yan didn't plan to give a gift, after all, he was his son.

She planned to give Liu Qinglin's wife a red envelope of two thousand yuan. After hearing this, Jiang Chao immediately suggested, "Mom, do you have any cash on you? Two thousand yuan is too little. If you don't give me the card, I'll take it down and pack more."

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