After a while, the ringing continued.

Resigned to his fate, he picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

A harsh questioning voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Did you stop that damn girl?"

"No, not in the car." Jiang Haiyang said tiredly.

"Did you tip her off?" Jiang's mother continued to ask loudly on the other end of the phone.

"No... Liu Yan, the child is grown up, just let the child go."

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's useless. Damn girl, unless she never comes back, it really makes me angry."

Jiang Haiyang wanted to persuade her, but the phone was hung up and the voice stopped abruptly.

Putting down the phone, she looked around in a daze, and finally went back to cook for the two children with a hunched back.


The last bus back to the county town had already run out, so Liu Yan found Jiang Xue's bicycle in the school bicycle garage and rode it back home.

The chain of the bicycle fell off halfway.

She stopped the bicycle and installed a hand of oil. After finally installing it, she rode for a short time before the bicycle could not be moved again. She pedaled hard, and heard a click, and the chain broke directly.

Liu Yan was so angry that she wanted to throw the bicycle away directly.

But this broken bicycle could be sold for some money even if it was sold as scrap metal, so she pushed the bicycle home resignedly.

It happened that at this time, Grandma Jiang came to call Jiang Xue to eat.

She met Liu Yan who was pushing a bicycle.

"Why are you back? Where is Xiaoxue?" Grandma Jiang looked at the way back, and there was only the second daughter-in-law, and no sign of Jiang Xue.

"She ran away, saying she was back to S City." Jiang's mother answered unhappily.

Grandma Jiang looked at Jiang's mother suspiciously: "Did you scold her and beat her again?"

Without waiting for Jiang's mother to answer, Grandma Jiang felt that this was the answer and directly blamed: "How can you be so cruel! The child comes back once every few months. Can't you talk to the child properly if you have anything to say?"

"I didn't beat her or scold her. She lied to me to go to the toilet and ran away secretly. She also blocked my phone. I was almost mad to death."

"How is it possible? Xiaoxue is so well-behaved. You must have beaten her away." Grandma Jiang said affirmatively.

Well-behaved? ? ? What has she done in the past six months that has anything to do with being well-behaved.

Not only not well-behaved, it is simply rebellious!

Which child is like her.

"You haven't been back for half a year. The child came back for the exam and you rushed back from the county town. You must have blamed her for her exam. You have to communicate with her properly, child."

"She didn't go to school, why did she come back to take the exam." Speaking of the exam, Liu Yan thought of what she heard from her sister-in-law, saying that Jiang Xue bought a lot of books and donated them to the school.

This damn girl, she spends all the money she earns.

Instead of giving the money to the school, it is better to give it to her parents.

They bought the current house and borrowed nearly 20,000 yuan from Jiang Haiyang's friends and elder sister.

Originally, the money for buying the house was almost enough, but the transfer of ownership, decoration, transfer fees for the newly rented stall, purchase of goods, and living expenses for several people all cost money.

The stall was set up, but the business was not particularly good. The business in the county vegetable market was basically only in the morning, and there were few people during the day, unlike in S City, where there were people all day long, and the price could not be sold at a high price.

Even so, the two of them were still busy.

Sprouting bean sprouts, ordering tofu, buying vegetables early in the morning, and coming back to sort the vegetables and sell them.

However, there were fewer people after ten o'clock.

It seems that I can't get the money from Jiang Xue this time. I will go back to see if there are any odd jobs. Let Jiang Haiyang look for it and make more money to pay back the money as soon as possible. Otherwise, I don't know when the loan can be repaid.

I don’t know how much money Jiang Xue has made in the past six months,

how much she has left, why she spends it recklessly.

As a result, before I could ask, the dead girl ran away.

I will go to the school tomorrow to see if I can give her cash for the books I bought.

The family is in such a difficult situation, but Jiang Xue doesn’t know how to subsidize the family and donate books to the school. She thinks her eldest daughter is kicked in the head by a donkey.

"Speaking of which, Xiaoxue still wants to go to college. You can’t go to college just because you want to, but it’s right to have the idea of ​​being motivated. If you can’t help the child, don’t hold him back." Although Grandma Jiang didn’t agree with Jiang Xue continuing to go to school, she certainly couldn’t agree with her in front of her second daughter-in-law.

This second daughter-in-law ran back just to get the child’s money.

She wants money but doesn’t coax the child. Good run.

She is the most troublesome.

She spent all the money to buy that broken house and got into a lot of debt.

Although she said that she didn’t count on her second son and daughter-in-law.

But if

They are all in their hometown. She doesn't believe that her second son will ignore her when she gets sick and can't move.

He will break her spine.

But it's not certain if they live in the city.

She can't go to the city with them when she gets old. Their own daughter Xiaoxue can't tolerate her.

They won't tolerate her, an old woman.

"Mom, did you give Xiaoxue the idea to run away? She wasn't so brave before. And did you keep the money Xiaoxue earned? If you did, give it to me." Because she was raised by her grandmother, Jiang Xue has a good relationship with her grandmother. Will she give the money she earned to her grandmother? Jiang's mother suspected this and asked immediately.

"Bullshit! She didn't give me her money. Don't lie."

Liu Yan looked suspicious.

Seeing that Grandma Jiang was angry, she also asked Jiang Xue indirectly. Jiang Xue didn't say how much she earned and saved every month.

The money was indeed given, but only two hundred.

When Jiang Xue gave her the two hundred, she said that she would buy her a big gold chain when she could make money in the future. She was still young and had to earn tuition fees, but she had to return the money that her grandmother had given her before, no matter how difficult it was. It was not easy for her grandmother to make money at such an old age. The child had really grown up and was so sensible.

Looking at her mother-in-law's expression, Jiang's mother was sure that even if Jiang Xue didn't give her all the money, she would definitely give her mother-in-law money when she came back this time.

She knew that she would not be able to get the money back from her mother-in-law, but she still wanted to say a few words:

"Mom, you are an elder, which elder doesn't hope for the best for their children and grandchildren? Don't stir up trouble between us mother and daughter in front of Xiaoxue next time."

Grandma Jiang was unwilling to hear this, "You still need me to stir up trouble between you two. Everyone can see how you treat your eldest daughter and how you favor your youngest daughter. You are so biased, and you still stir up trouble for others. It's your fault that Xiaoxue doesn't recognize you! If I were to say, block her. Is there any mother like you?"

"I am not a mother, but I am her mother. She was born by me!! How can you be so bad? You are not only good at nagging and stirring up trouble, but also biased. You can't help and even hinder us!!"

"You dead woman, who are you saying is bad? I am your mother-in-law's elder, how dare you scold me like this!"

"I scolded you, you old woman, you old woman!"

The quarrel became more and more intense, and they even brought up old scores.

The two started fighting over this matter.

Because Grandma Jiang was older, Liu Qin avenged her previous humiliation and gained the upper hand.

Thinking of how she was beaten by this mother-in-law when she was young, she got up and hit her hard.

Grandma Jiang was not a pushover either. She just lay there and let her beat her. She was old and not as strong as she was when she was young. She took advantage of Liu Yan's inattention to scratch her face and pull her hair with her other hand, not letting go.

When the two were fighting, they were pulled apart by Aunt Jiang who came over and the neighbors who heard the noise.

Aunt Jiang: "I say, sister-in-law, no matter what, you shouldn't beat the elderly. This is unfilial."

Mother Jiang endured the pain in her hair and face and said unhappily: "Bah! You are the most filial and the most hypocritical!"

Aunt Jiang: "Explain to me clearly, where am I hypocritical, are you a mad dog, you bite whoever you catch!"

Mother Jiang looked around, and the look in everyone's eyes made her stop scolding.

When Grandma Jiang left, she told her eldest daughter-in-law to take away the quilt and bed that she had given Jiang Xue yesterday.

Jiang's mother was left behind, angry.

It was winter, and she had no quilt and hadn't eaten yet.

Her bicycle was broken, so she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

She had just had a quarrel with her mother-in-law and her sister-in-law, so she was too embarrassed to borrow a bicycle to leave.

She took out the quilt that had been in the cabinet for half a year.

It was hard and musty when it covered her body.

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