The person who made the film was Jiang Xue, or Jiang Xue’s celebrity makeup artist identity, is Jiang Jiang, a makeup artist who teaches makeup professionally and publishes makeup tutorials on the Internet. She was seen through a video, and her multiple professional makeup videos were remembered and recognized. The content of her blog posts is to compare the advantages and disadvantages of some brands and ingredients from the perspective of consumers, and the cost-effectiveness, and then post feedback to netizens. All her fans who follow her think she is very professional. In addition, many of the problems Jiang Xue mentioned will make consumers feel that she is on the side of consumers, so they are trusted. The sales of Mei Shi and the sales of the cosmetics brands she promotes are the final transactions. Trust her, so you buy what she recommends. Xu Wenyang could imagine that if netizens or fans later learned about her identity as a celebrity makeup artist, her professional image would be greatly improved in their minds.

"So, have I got your approval now?" Jiang Xue's voice came from the other end of the microphone.

He nodded, and then remembered that he was on the phone and the other party couldn't see him, and said: "Many of your ideas and practices are really advanced, I believe you can do it."

Jiang Xue on the other end of the phone smiled, "So what about you, besides knowing the formula and ingredients, what value do you have for your partners?"

"I will show you my value when we meet next time, and I look forward to our next conversation."

Hang up the phone.

Jiang Xue returned to S City, but did not contact Xu Wenyang immediately. Instead, she went home and told her brother about Xu Wenyang's situation on the phone, asking her brother to go with her to see him.

"From what you said, we don't have to have him as a product manager. We can hire someone who knows the business with a high salary."

"It's not easy to find someone in this position. Let's talk about it first and see what value he talks about. What does he want."


It took more than a week to go back and forth. When she got home, Zhang Xinyue immediately reported to her the promotional photos she took before she left last time for the cooperation with the sports brand.

Jiang Xue looked through the posts and comments from netizens in the blog.

Because this time the photos were not taken in front of the mirror, they were taken outdoors, without the SLR camera blocking her face. Under this group of photos, fans who have been following Jiang Lai's account discussed Jiang Xue's facial features in the post.

Netizen: I feel that Jiang Lai must be a great beauty. With this figure, her face can't be ugly.

Netizen: If she is not ugly, why doesn't she show her face? I feel that her face must be ugly, otherwise she wouldn't hide it like this.

Netizen: I like Jiang Lai whether she shows her face or not. What I like is her aesthetics and talent, not external things like her looks.

Netizen: Yes, her aesthetics are really good. Every time I see her outfits, I can get a lot of outfit inspiration. She has a good eye for choosing clothes. I have never bought any bad clothes she recommended. They are all good quality, reasonably priced and cost-effective products.

Jiang Lai's account has been trained by Jiang Xue. She doesn't post very frequently on this account, but she is quite strict about the quality of the clothes she recommends every time.

With two assistants, the clothes are not only good-looking when worn and feel good to the touch, but Jiang Xue will also ask the assistants to wash them to see if they fade, do friction measurements, and not pilling easily. Multiple considerations lead to a higher degree of adhesion with the fans who buy them.

Asked Zhang Xinyue about the brand's feedback, Zhang Xinyue said: "The sales of the items you wear in their online store have increased. The offline statistics have not come out yet, but it should be good. I have received inquiries for the same type of sports products. Will you still accept sports products?"

"For the time being, I will not accept sports products. I can make a sports series during the Olympics and publish more issues."

Zhang Xinyue recorded Jiang Xue's words in the work manual and continued to ask: "A model named Wendi who I have worked with before as a makeup artist has received an invitation to a model competition. She wants to ask you to be her makeup artist and participate in the recording throughout the whole process. The conditions are quite good. The recording period is estimated to take more than a month. In addition, the makeup artist will also appear during the recording period. The recording time will start during the Olympics and will be broadcast after the Olympics. The location is in Kyoto. Will the boss accept it?"

Jiang Xue thought about the last cooperation with this model and it was quite pleasant.

Besides, she had no impression of this program, but she had an impression of Wendi, who was still active in the fashion circle in the later life. The timing was just right for the summer vacation, so Jiang Xue thought about it and said, "Take it."

"Okay, old


There was nothing to do next, so Jiang Xue and Xu Wenyang agreed on a time and place, picked up her brother, and the three of them met.

This time the location was set in a private room in a teahouse.

After the three of them sat down, Jiang Xue introduced to Xu Wenyang: "This is Liu Qinglin, my brother. He has very rich experience in online store operations and is good at creating hot products."

After Jiang Xue's introduction, her eyes met with her brother. Liu Qinglin's eyes were full of smiles because of Jiang Xue's introduction.

What he did was instantly high-end after his sister said this.

She shook hands with Xu Wenyang and said hello.

After the greetings.

"Are you sure you want to join our team? No objection, right?" Jiang Xue asked again.

"I'm sure to join you."

"Then let's see what your salary ratio is. If you take a salary, how much is your salary at Mei Shi? I'll give you a 20% increase on that basis. ”

Xu Wenyang smiled after hearing this, "You don't need to test me anymore, I'm definitely not here for the salary."

"I want to join your team as a partner."

"Oh? If you're a partner, how much do you think you're worth?" Jiang Xue asked again.

Xu Wenyang didn't answer, but took out a stack of information from his bag.

"This is the research I did. It contains the manufacturers, prices, and core selling points of skin care and makeup products currently on the market. In addition, the addresses and contact information of their factories and OEM factories."

"This is a few categories I chose based on my own experience. In terms of technology, I have the ability to distinguish these products from those on the domestic market and match the texture and quality of some international brands."

"In addition, I may not have introduced myself to you. Mei Shi was founded by my father. So for some resources, I can get relatively low raw material prices through Mei Shi's channels. "

Jiang Xue did not show any surprise.

When she checked Mei Shi's information, she saw that the boss's surname was Xu. When she chatted with Xu Wenyang later, the kind of protection and sense of belonging he showed to Mei Shi was not like the emotions an employee should have.

So Jiang Xue guessed that the other party should be related to the boss, and the information she found showed that the boss of Mei Shi had an only son.

Jiang Xue guessed that he might be the young master of Mei Shi.

Otherwise, with Xu Wenyang's academic background, he might choose to work in a brand factory with greater development opportunities, rather than choosing to be a product manager for an old domestic brand that is already a sunset industry and unwilling to reform.

She chose Xu Wenyang because of the connections and resources he could bring.

"So with these things, I want to know how much equity I can get as a partner."

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