"Dear passengers, we are about to arrive at the final stop of this train - the ancient city of Xijing."

"Please take your carry-on luggage and get off the train in an orderly manner..."

In a daze, the train broadcast with clear pronunciation reached the ears of the sleeping Jiang Cheng.

"What the hell?"

He rubbed his sleepy eyes, and his drowsy head was still a little confused for a while.

"Isn't I on the high-speed train to Zhonghai... Why am I in Xijing?"

Thinking it was a dream, he pinched his thigh.

Don't say it, it really hurts.

"Are you kidding me?"

Jiang Cheng subconsciously took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, took a look at it, and immediately shuddered.

"What the hell? Nokia... Nokia? Are you kidding me?!"

Looking at the black and white Nokia candy bar in his hand, Jiang Cheng's brain, which had finally cleared up a little, was instantly filled with a ball of paste again.

Nokia 1100, the best-selling mobile phone in Nokia's history, is also the best-selling mobile phone in the history of mobile phone sales in the world.

It is also the first mobile phone that Jiang Cheng has ever owned. It was a gift from his stingy mother when he just entered college.

However, that was in the old calendar of 2009.

——It's 2202 now, who would use such an old phone?

Where is the Honor I just bought?

Jiang Cheng, who was in doubt, rubbed his eyes in disbelief and looked at the Nokia 1100 in his hand again.

On the dark green small screen, the numbers composed of pixels showed the current date and time.


"Hey, hey, hey... is this a big deal?"

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but gasp at the sight.

He put the Nokia back into his trouser pocket, stood up quickly, and strode to the water room at the junction of the carriages.

The mirror, which was a little hazy due to the hot water mist, reflected the image of a skinny young boy.

"I... go..."

Jiang Cheng, whose mind was a little sluggish, slowly raised his arm and rubbed his cheek.

Looking at the handsome boy in the mirror, he made the same move.

"Is this... reborn?"

This thought flashed through his mind for only three seconds, and Jiang Cheng's heart was instantly filled with sudden ecstasy.

August 26, 2009!

Jiang Cheng certainly remembered this day clearly!

This was the first time in his life that he left his hometown and came to a completely unfamiliar city to start a new journey of life!

——The college days that he would miss for the rest of his life, full of freedom, joy, or melancholy, melancholy and all other green memories, unfolded!

Hehe, Jiang Cheng, grinning, excitedly pinched and pulled his face repeatedly, fearing that everything in front of him was just a dream.

The aunt who was getting hot water nearby was so frightened that she was stunned.


After the train entered the station, Jiang Cheng, carrying a suitcase, followed the dense crowd leaving the station and walked towards the exit station with his eyes carefully looking back.

He greedily breathed the air of the ancient city after many years, and sighed in his heart.

In his previous life, Jiang Cheng had never returned to this city since graduation.

Although he had thought about coming back to see it countless times, in the end, in the face of the heavy 996 blessing, he had no choice but to give up again and again.

Unexpectedly, when he came again, it was already a different world.

But fortunately, everything here is still the same.

The ancient city walls, the familiar Qin music, and even the smell of beef and mutton soup steamed buns in the wind.

He looked around with curiosity and nostalgia, and his eyes suddenly swept to the beautiful figure not far away, and froze in an instant.

Long hair as black and smooth as the night, delicate facial features as delicate as a fairy, quiet and detached.

Tall and slender figure, wearing a pure white T-shirt, a set of casual denim overalls, and a pair of classic white gold-label shell-toe shoes on her feet.

She has a pure and refined temperament, full of literary goddess style.

She carries a suitcase covered with cute stickers, and no matter where she goes, she is always the focus of the opposite sex.

Perhaps she also noticed Jiang Cheng not far away, and she saw her eyes slightly moved over.

Her cold eyes, after a brief stay on Jiang Cheng, were retracted.

Then she carried the suitcase and walked towards the exit without looking back.

Her attitude was as cold as an iceberg floating on the Arctic Ocean.

The moment he saw the other party, Jiang Cheng's eyes suddenly flickered slightly, and his heart suddenly felt mixed.

Of course he knew that girl.

——Her name is Zhong Xier, Jiang Cheng’s last lifeThe deepest pain in the heart.

As a classmate and school beauty who had been in the same class with Jiang Cheng from elementary school to junior high school and high school, Zhong Xier had always been the object of Jiang Cheng's secret love since he was young.

However, facing the school beauty goddess with a good family background and excellent grades, Jiang Cheng, who had an ordinary family background and was not outstanding in his studies, was obviously inferior in his heart.

Therefore, his feelings for Zhong Xier could only be buried deep in his heart...

Until the college entrance examination, Jiang Cheng's character exploded, and he passed the key line in one breath with both writing and guessing.

He was successfully admitted to the School of Economics and Finance of Qin Jiaotong University, which Zhong Xier had applied for, and became classmates again!

That time, Jiang Cheng thought it was destined, and finally in that summer vacation, he mustered up the courage to confess to Zhong Xier.

However, he was ruthlessly rejected by the other party without hesitation.

She casually dismissed Jiang Cheng with the reason that "I don't plan to fall in love in college".

But the naive Jiang Cheng believed it to be true. Not only was he not discouraged at all, but he successfully degenerated into a dog licker, extremely humble.

However, the days of being a dog-licker are actually very painful. Many times, Jiang Cheng, who was disheartened, wanted to give up, but every time this happened, Zhong Xier would intentionally or unintentionally give him some hope.

And after the hope, he would be evaded by the other party with a casual sentence "I don't plan to fall in love in college".

In this way, in the constant hope and disappointment, Jiang Cheng was like a kite held firmly in the hand of Zhong Xier, and he could never get rid of the silk thread in her hand.

More and more depraved, more and more humble.

——Until four years later, the dog-licker Cheng was finally slapped in the face by the ruthless reality at the college graduation ceremony.

The tall, rich and handsome man driving a brand new BMW 7 Series, holding gorgeous flowers in his hands, confessed to Zhong Xier in public at the gate of the college.

After that, they were together...

Only Jiang Cheng, who became the laughing stock of the whole department, was left as a humble dog who lost his home.

What he wanted to study hard, what he didn't plan to fall in love in college, in the end, were just jokes to fool himself.

It turned out that the childhood sweetheart whom he regarded as his moonlight would also show such a brilliant smile in front of flowers and diamond rings.

Since then, Jiang Cheng finally understood a truth.

——This world is a bitch, and it only shows its beauty to rich people.

So, he desperately wanted to climb higher and prove himself!

But he had no foundation, and the more he was eager to succeed, the easier it was to go astray.

Chasing high interest, taking risks, and using leverage indiscriminately, he was finally slapped hard by reality.

After the savings he had accumulated with great difficulty were lost in the unprecedented stock market crash in June 2015, Jiang Cheng, who owed a lot of debts, returned to his hometown in disgrace.

After his parents sold the only house in the family to help him barely get ashore, they arranged for Jiang Cheng to work as a customer manager in a small insurance company through relatives.

He was nominally a manager, but in fact he was an insurance salesman. His income was not high, but he had to run around all day and suffer from other people's eyes.

Countless times, Jiang Cheng, who was frustrated, wanted to throw his resignation letter in the face of that hateful leader.

However, facing his aging parents and the helpless reality, all of this made him choose to continue to be humble.

From his early twenties to his thirties, he faced the cold eyes and ridicule day after day, and wasted time year after year.

There is no tomorrow, no future.

Only he knows the bitterness in his heart.

He thought that this was the end of his life.

Fortunately, fate gave him another chance.

Facing a new life, Jiang Cheng secretly made up his mind - this time, he would never leave any regrets!


Just when he made up his mind, a crisp reminder sound rang in his mind without warning.

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