"Ah...this...Lao Jiang?"

"You...why are you here too?"

Shen Yunpeng, who was carrying several bags of xiaolongbao, just walked into the living room. When he saw the posture of the two people, he was immediately confused.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Wang Fune who was following him in astonishment.

What's going on?

Why is Lao Jiang at my sister's house so early in the morning?


——It seems that we came at the wrong time?

"Well...ahem...this is a long story..."

In response to Shen Yunpeng's question, Jiang Cheng could only cough helplessly, and his eyes fell on the bags of xiaolongbao held by Shen Yunpeng.

——Xiaolongbao again?

Hiccup...I ate Xiao Long Bao all night long in my dream yesterday, and I felt like I couldn't eat anymore...

With this thought in his mind, Jiang Cheng subconsciously glanced at Shen Congshuang across the table.

I saw that the expression on the other party's face was getting more and more angry, because his breathing was a little short, and something similar to the xiaolongbao was constantly rising and falling.

"Sister...are you..."


Seeing the ambiguous expressions on the faces of these two people, Shen Congshuang, who had a red face, immediately slapped the table and shouted angrily.

Shen Yunpeng and Wang Fune were so frightened that they ran away with their heads in their hands.

"Why are you laughing?"

Then, she pointed a cold face at Jiang Cheng, who was enjoying himself: "——And you! Get out of here too!"


ten minutes later.

The three people who were kicked out of the luxurious flat floor sat in the stone pavilion in the park downstairs and finished eating the bags full of xiaolongbao on the table.

"Lao Jiang~ You can do it~"

Wang Fune smiled and said: "You can take down the famous female devil of Xijing and the tyrant Shen Congshuang of Northwest Construction~ Brother, I am convinced!"

"Isn't it~"

After Shen Yunpeng took out a tissue and wiped his mouth, he said carelessly: "Lao Jiang, I think this will be the case from now on. I will call you brother-in-law, but you should call me Brother Peng. We both have our own opinions~ "

Jiang Cheng: "..."

I originally wanted to defend myself, but finally swallowed it when the words came to my lips.

Mainly, thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing that needs explanation.

After all, he climbed out of the other party's sister's bed with his buttocks naked. Why did the other party call him brother-in-law?

It makes sense!

"By the way, Lao Jiang~"

After chatting for a while about the gossip between Jiang Cheng and Shen Congshuang, Wang Fune smiled and said to Jiang Cheng, "Thank you very much for what happened to Director Jiang yesterday."

"It's just normal business~" Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said, "I am very optimistic about this work of Teacher Jiang Wen."

"I think that after this movie is released, it will definitely become one of the masterpieces in the Chinese film industry."

"I also feel that way."

Hearing this, Wang Fenye nodded in agreement, and his recognition of Jiang Cheng, who had the same views as his, became even deeper.

"Lao Jiang, Brother Peng."

After several people finished breakfast and were about to leave, Wang Fune suddenly suggested: "I wonder if you two are free during the National Day holiday?"

"What are you doing? Do you have a good date for us?" Shen Yunpeng asked with a smile.

"Of course~"

Wang Fune smiled and nodded: "When I returned to China this time, I helped Director Jiang connect with investors, and the other one was to be invited to attend the Shanghai Magic City International Film Festival."

"If you two brothers are free, why not go to the Magic City together~" Wang Fenye said, blinking meaningfully: "I will prepare a game then, and let's have a good time together~" "

"If you don't go, don't go, what fun is there for a devil~"

Upon hearing this, Shen Yunpeng's head shook like a rattle.

"Those people from the Demon City are so paralyzed that they drag each and every one of them as if they are worth 25,000 to 80,000. It makes me annoyed when I see them."

"Okay then~"

Wang Fune smiled, looked at Jiang Cheng and asked, "Where are you, Lao Jiang? Are you interested in going shopping together?"


Jiang Cheng thought for a moment, then nodded.

On the one hand, he was indeed somewhat interested in the film festival Wang Fune mentioned. With Prince Hua Yi accompanying him, he could take advantage of this opportunity to make some connections.

On the other hand, there is a more important thing at present - that is, the more than 4 billion in cash he holds, Jiang Cheng needs to cash it into the top quality assets as soon as possible to provide collateral for future Paving the way to cash out.

This was Jiang Cheng's idea that he had thought of before, that is, his crazy plan.

——At any time, the real estate in the central area of ​​Yanmo Yangpeng is the most valuable hard currency and the most top-notch high-quality assets in the entire China.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng’s plan is to take out all the funds in his hand and go to the Magic CityLuxury shopping.

Then, he took all the luxury cars and properties in his hands and mortgaged them separately to several financial institutions at home and abroad, and collected the funds again.

The final plan was to use the system's old-timer card to clear it out.

Get something for nothing!

- In this way, he got both funds and assets, and in a short time, his wealth could reach a terrifying height.

"Okay, if there is nothing special, I plan to set off in the afternoon."

Wang Fuye pushed his glasses and said.

"This afternoon? Okay."

Jiang Cheng nodded and agreed.

After confirming the itinerary, the three said goodbye to each other.

When Jiang Cheng returned to the dormitory, it was almost noon.

He took out the key and turned the door of room 404. He looked up and saw that the curtains in the dormitory were tightly drawn. In the dim space, the air was filled with the smell of heather.

Looking down, I saw the slightly embarrassed smile of the fat man in front of the computer screen.

Damn, this guy is fiddling with his craft again.

Rubbing his head helplessly, Jiang Cheng left the dormitory, stayed at the door to smoke a cigarette, and then continued to walk in.

The fat man, who had already cleaned up the battlefield, came over with a smile, reached into Jiang Cheng's trouser pocket, and took out the pack of cigarettes.

"Okay, this is for you, smoke it yourself~"

Seeing that the other party took out half of the cigarette box without washing his hands, and then returned the remaining half pack, Jiang Cheng hurriedly stepped back in disgust.

"Oh~ How embarrassing~"

The fat man said this, but he put the cigarette back into the cigarette box with his hand, and then stuffed it into the innermost of the keyboard rack under the computer desk.

"Where are Brother Feng and Lao Liu?"

Jiang Cheng casually opened his closet, changed his clothes, and asked curiously while looking at the empty bed.

"They all went home~ They will be back on the last day of the long vacation."

The fat man with a cigarette in his mouth said hesitantly, opened Liu Yijie's cabinet, and took out a box of instant noodles.

"Brother Cheng, are you going out again? Can you bring me a meal when you come back?"


Jiang Cheng put on a brand new Hermes T-shirt and nodded: "Just wait~"

——This damn fat man, one day he must die in front of the computer desk!

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