The document clearly and in detail recorded all of Liang Zichao's family and social relationships.

His father, Liang Zhengtai, is the president of Qinzhou Bank.

His mother, Sun Ying, is the chairman of Xijing Tianlang Real Estate.

There is also a younger sister and younger brother in his father’s family, who are Liang Zichao’s aunt and uncle.

Aunt Liang Ruhua is Tang Qingyu's biological mother, so the latter and Liang Zichao are cousins.

As for Liang Ruhua's husband, Tang Qingyu's father, Tang Yaoqian, is the chairman of Zhaonuoxin, a listed pharmaceutical technology company in Xijing.

In addition to his aunt, Liang Zichao also has an uncle, Liang Zhengheng, who is the vice president of the School of Economics at Jiaotong University - of course, he is also Tang Qingyu's uncle.

It is precisely because of these many connections that Tang Qingyu is also very arrogant and domineering in the academy.

At the end of the document, Han Bingzhuo also made a special note.

According to some information he has obtained now, it is very likely that there are some informal relationships between Tianlang Real Estate, Zhaonuoxin Pharmaceutical and Qinzhou Bank.

Preliminary speculation is that it is very likely that Liang Zhengtai, as the president, took advantage of his power to illegally or even illegally provide huge amounts of low-interest and interest-free loans for his use.

There was another piece of information that caught Jiang Cheng's attention even more.

That is this guy Liang Zichao, who owns several financial companies under his name.

This Jiang Cheng had a clear conscience. He said he was a financial company, but in fact it was a private P2P organization that became very popular later.

More commonly known as "loan sharking".

However, according to Han Bingzhuo's information, apart from owning these financial companies, Liang Zichao does not have any other industries to support funds.

Therefore, it is very intriguing where the principal he used to lend came from...

After reading this information, Jiang Cheng smiled coldly.

From this point of view, the Liang family's problem may be more serious than he thought before.

After opening his personal account on the computer, Jiang Cheng directly transferred 1 million cash to Han Bingzhuo as a periodic reward.

And left a message to him, asking him to continue to investigate.

After dealing with all this, the sky outside the window had completely darkened.

Jiang Cheng stretched out a little tiredly, raised his head and looked outside.

Except for the office with the lamp on, it was dark outside.

Lu Xin should have left first, right?

With this thought in his mind, Jiang Cheng also planned to pack up and prepare to leave.

Unexpectedly, a slight sound of footsteps suddenly sounded in the distance.

Not long after, I saw the girl in a dress walking over carrying a bag of fast food lunch boxes.

"Are you hungry? Let's eat together."

Lu Xin placed the dinner on the glass table in the office, looked at Jiang Cheng with a smile and said.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Jiang Cheng looked outside the dark office and said softly: "It's so dark outside, why don't you turn on the lights?"

"I'm alone outside. It's a waste of electricity to turn on the lights." Lu Xin smiled: "And didn't you only turn on the desk lamp?"

"Is this a personal habit?" Jiang Cheng said helplessly: "It is a habit I have developed over the years to only turn on the desk lamp when working at night. This can help me concentrate more."

"Working with a desk lamp on at night...has this been your habit for many...years...?"

When he heard this sentence, Lu Xin's face suddenly showed a look of doubt.

"That's wrong, it's studying or working~" Jiang Cheng, who consciously revealed his words, added in a timely manner.

"Also, in the future, whenever you are in the company at night, be sure to turn on all the lights - this is for your personal safety... ahem, but also for the safety of the company's property."

Jiang Cheng said this and brushed aside the topic that he had let slip before.

Of course, when he mentioned this topic, he actually wanted to emphasize that Lu Xin should pay attention to personal safety.

——After all, there was an incident of harassment by Fan Guixiang and her son not long ago.

If you turn on all the lights, it will at least be safer.

But as he spoke, Jiang Cheng suddenly remembered that Lu Xin had a frugal temper and might not obey his instructions honestly.

So we simply focused on the safety of the company's property. This way, we would not be afraid that the responsible Lu Xin would not turn on the lights in the company at night.

"Yeah...I know."

The girl said in a low tone, her little hands resting on the hem of the dress, her head slightly bowed, her cheeks flushed.

Although she is introverted and simple, she is not stupid in her mind. Naturally, she heard Jiang Cheng's words because he was worried about herself.

Seeing Lu Xin's shy look, Jiang Cheng smiled knowingly, stood up and walked outside the office, raising his hand to turn on the lights throughout the company.All turned on.

"Does it feel much better this way?"

In the bright light, Jiang Cheng walked back slowly, looking at Lu Xin with a smile.


"Okay, let's eat."


Opening the plastic bag, Jiang Cheng first took out two boxes of rice, and then took out three boxes of freshly fried food from the ground.

Twice-cooked pork with dried tofu, boiled beef and stir-fried cauliflower.

These are Jiang Cheng's three favorite dishes.

"How... do you know I like these three dishes?"

Jiang Cheng, who couldn't help but be curious, asked Lu Xin beside him.

"Because..." Lu Xin slowly raised her head, her beautiful long eyelashes hidden by her bangs fluttered twice: "I usually see you order these dishes the most..."

"The dried tofu for the twice-cooked pork should be the soft braised dried tofu~ I like garlic leaves as a side dish~" She stretched out her slender fingers and said like a treasure: "The base of boiled beef should be shredded cabbage, and absolutely no coriander. For stir-fried cauliflower, you must use some fat meat to fry the base oil~ and sprinkle leeks before serving, and try not to put MSG in all the dishes..."

"Wow~ How do you know these?"

"Uh... Because these... I remember you always said them..."

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng smiled slightly and couldn't help but reach out and rub Lu Xin's head.

——This feeling of being silently cared for made him feel particularly warm in his heart.

Lu Xin: :(⁄ ⁄ᵒ̶̶̷́⁄⚰⁄ᵒ̶̶̷̀⁄ ⁄):

Break the chopsticks and pick up the rice bowl.

For the next time, neither of them spoke, but just ate the food on the table quietly.

Occasionally, Jiang Cheng would pick up the meat and put it in Lu Xin's bowl.

And the other party would give him a shy smile in return, and then blush and take the initiative to pick up more dishes for him.

The atmosphere in the office was calm and warm.

Jiang Cheng enjoyed this feeling very much. He liked to stay with Lu Xin quietly like this, without talking or thinking about those messy disturbances and intrigues.

As the time spent together increased, he felt that the compatibility between him and Lu Xin seemed to be getting better and better. With a glance, they could clearly know what each other was thinking.

Simple, healing and beautiful.


Suddenly, outside the company door, a burst of vigorous footsteps broke the quiet atmosphere.

Looking up, I saw a beautiful figure walking towards me from the distance at the front desk.

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