"I say, Old Jiang~"

At noon, Li Xiaofeng, who was eating in the cafeteria, slurped the noodles and asked curiously: "What did Sister Wei ask you to do in the morning?"

"Why do you feel that her attitude towards you has changed a lot since you came back?"

"Hasn't it?"

Jiang Cheng, who was stirring the noodles in the bowl with a spoon in his hand, replied nonchalantly.

But he sighed secretly in his heart.

——Sister Wei, Sister Wei, your psychological quality is a little bit poor~

Isn't it just a donation to the school? The attitude of differential treatment is too obvious...

With the continuous increase of his assets, Jiang Cheng has undergone a huge change in his overall mentality.

Now that he has a net worth of 10 billion, his mentality change is more and more like the sweeping monk described by Master Jin.

Low-key, calm, and unfathomable.

According to his idea, if it is not necessary, he does not want to show his wealth too much on campus.

One is that he thinks it is really unnecessary - everyone sitting in the classroom is the future flower of the motherland, there is no need to act so arrogantly.

Another is that he does not want this kind of thing to affect the friendship with Li Xiaofeng and other brothers.

After all, the gap between Jiang Cheng and all his classmates in social class status is as big as heaven and earth.

With his experience in the previous life, he is sure that Li Xiaofeng, Liu Yijie and even Fatty are not snobbish people.

But in this life, after all, everyone has only known each other for two months - facing such a huge gap, will the relationship between friends be affected to a certain extent, leading to subconscious alienation.

It is hard to say.

"Hey~ Brother Cheng, I think Brother Feng is right!"

Hearing Li Xiaofeng's words, Liu Yijie, who was sitting next to him, also said with a look of enlightenment: "——I wanted to say this just now~ Don't mention it, Sister Wei's attitude towards you is really different from before!"

Speaking, the voice actor pinched his throat and parroted in a shrill voice: "Classmate Jiang Cheng's answer is very accurate~ Everyone must learn a lot from him~"

"——Didn't you just answer a basic and simple economic principle? Did Sister Wei call on the whole class to stand up and applaud?!"

Jiang Cheng: "..."

"Lu Xin~you come and judge, do you think he is serious about this matter?!" Liu Yijie said, and then turned to Lu Xin, who was sitting next to Jiang Cheng.

Looking at Jiang Cheng with an embarrassed face, Lu Xin didn't say anything, but just covered her mouth and smiled softly.

——Since the fat guy would rush back to the dormitory to fight the Icecrown Glacier after class, Lu Xin, who was alone, was taken by Jiang Cheng to fill the vacant four-person seat at the cafeteria table and became a member of the lunch gathering in dormitory 404.

Although Lu Xin rarely came into contact with boys other than Jiang Cheng because of her introverted personality, she became familiar with the carefree Li Xiaofeng and Liu Yijie after the initial period of unfamiliarity.

"Old Jiang, just tell us the truth~" Li Xiaofeng winked at Jiang Cheng and said, "What did you do with Sister Wei this morning~ Did you use your beauty trick on her?"

"Go to hell~" Jiang Cheng cursed with a smile, "Sister Wei asked me to go to the department office this morning."

"Go to the department office? What for?"

Li Xiaofeng, who was stretching his chopsticks to pick up the sauerkraut residue in the noodle soup, and Liu Yijie, who was about to eat the second bowl of oil-splashed noodles, stared at each other at the same time.

"They said they were going to nominate me as a representative of Jiaotong University to participate in the first Qinzhou University Student Entrepreneurship Pioneer Competition~"

Jiang Cheng shrugged his shoulders and said.

"What? University Student Entrepreneurship Competition?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaofeng and Liu Yijie looked at each other in surprise.

"——You idiot, are you starting a business?"

"Well~" Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and explained evasively: "Before, I contacted some seniors in the computer department and formed a mobile software development team."

"Mobile software, what?"

"Develop software programs that can be used on smartphones." Jiang Cheng thought for a while and continued: "I think that mobile smartphones will definitely be a big trend in the future. If you take advantage of this opportunity to plan ahead, you may be able to make a fortune."

Jiang Cheng's words were actually just to give these two brothers a heads-up - especially Li Xiaofeng.

Because Jiang Cheng knew Liu Yijie's personality. He pursued stability and contentment with the status quo, and did not have much adventurous and enterprising spirit.

So these words are actually more directed at Li Xiaofeng.

He comes from a well-off family, has a quick mind, is smart, and likes to try new things.——In his previous life, Li Xiaofeng was doing very well after graduation.

Except for the fat guy whose family had a mine, he was the best in the class.

And according to him, when things were going well, his annual income could reach seven figures.

But the good times didn't last long. A few years later, the P2P project that Li Xiaofeng invested in suffered a major crash in the entire industry, which directly led to him losing his investment and returning to the pre-liberation era overnight.

So, this guy has the ability, but his vision is a little poor.

If Jiang Cheng's reminder could make him pay attention, and he spent more time on this direction, he might be able to find a way out.

"Hey~ What's so good about this smartphone?"

Unexpectedly, Li Xiaofeng waved his hand with a nonchalant look.

"Lao Jiang, I need to talk to you about this~" He casually stuck the chopsticks in the soup bowl, pouted and said: "- I suggest you find out first, how expensive is a touch screen smartphone now? At least four or five thousand?"

"With such an expensive price, is it possible for it to become popular in the next few years? - Look again, who among us uses smartphones?"

"Haha~ Anyway, I don't plan to buy it~" Liu Yijie next to him agreed with a smile: "My Sony Ericsson slider can definitely last for another three years!"

"That's right~"

Li Xiaofeng clapped his hands and said with certainty: "Lao Liu 's mentality represents the vast majority of people at present! "

"Speaking of which, what else do we need a mobile phone for besides making calls and sending text messages? In terms of software use, isn't it completely enough to have a computer? No matter how powerful its smartphone is, can it be better than a computer?"

"Is it that the web page is opened faster than a computer? Or are those stupid games more interesting to play than computer games?"

"Don't you think so? - So, if I have this spare time, I might as well study a few more stocks to be reliable~"


Hearing this, Jiang Cheng did not intend to persuade him anymore, and shook his head with a faint smile.

-According to the current situation, Li Xiaofeng's speculation is not unreasonable.

However, he certainly does not know that in the next few years, the domestic mobile phone industry will usher in a leap-forward development.

With the advent of the 4G era, the hardware performance of mobile processors has also been updated and upgraded at a rocket-like rate.

Smartphones have become an indispensable and important part of people's daily lives.

"Old Jiang, listen to my advice."

Li Xiaofeng said, patting Jiang Cheng on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "It's good that you have the ambition to start a business, but your ideas are too advanced. To be honest, I don't think you are very promising."

Jiang Cheng smiled and did not comment.

"Who can predict the future~"

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