"Mr. Mark Merrill, what did you say?!"

"This morning, another Chinese company discussed acquisition matters with you?"

Under an overpass on Interstate 405 in Santa Monica, in the conference room of the Iron Fist headquarters, which was converted from an old machine shop.

On one side of the wide conference table sat the founders of Iron Fist, Mark Merrill and Brandon Baker.

At the other end of the conference table, Guo Yuxin, the head of Tenda's game department, and his boss, Chen Dan, vice president of Tenda Group's interactive entertainment business group, looked at each other in surprise.

Guo Yuxin and Chen Dan could never have imagined that at the critical juncture of the acquisition, another completely unfamiliar company suddenly appeared and intervened.

And it got there before them.

The middle-aged woman Chen Dan frowned and glanced at Guo Yuxin beside her.

The meaning of her eyes was self-evident.

- Could it be that the other party was playing a trick of raising the price?

Guo Yuxin nodded slightly, signaling his boss not to rush, then sorted out his logic and said solemnly to the translator beside him.

"Mr. Merrill, Mr. Baker!"

"I think, in the instructions for our group's acquisition of 20% of your company's equity last year, it was clearly stated that our group has the right to exercise priority to acquire your company's equity!"

"You two don't deny this, right?"

"That's right!"

Mark Merrill, who had a round flat head and a beard, said seriously: "This clause is indeed clearly marked in the terms...but-"

He said here, and suddenly changed the subject: "Dear ladies and gentlemen, the priority acquisition right marked in the terms can only be established when your party and the third-party company offer prices that are not much different."

"So, you mean that the other party's offer is higher than ours?"

Hearing the meaning of Mark Merrill's words, Vice President Chen Dan's face suddenly became serious.

-At present, Tenda's main competitor in the domestic game field is Wangyi.

But the latter just spent a lot of money to grab the operating rights of the top IP Warcraft from Jiucheng.

Logically speaking, it is unlikely that more than 150 million US dollars can be spent.

But who else can it be except Wangyi?

Jiucheng? Shanda? Giant?

It seems unlikely.

As for the emerging game companies, it is even less likely to come up with more than 150 million US dollars.

Strange, who is this mysterious Chinese company?

"That's right."

Mark Merrill shrugged and said, "Ms. Chen, the other party told me personally that no matter how much acquisition funds you offer, he will increase the offer by 20 million US dollars on the basis of your bid."

"What?! - 2...20 million US dollars?!"

Hearing this news, Chen Dan and Guo Yuxin were completely impatient.

No matter how much you offer, it will increase the offer by 20 million US dollars? !

Directly confronted!

This is all for Tenda!

Chen Dan, vice president of the interactive entertainment business group of Tenda Group, frowned at the moment, with a serious look on his face.

"Mr. Mark Merrill!"

Guo Yuxin, on the other hand, questioned with some disbelief: "First of all, I must say in advance, please forgive my offense!"

After seeing the other party nod slightly to indicate that it was okay, Guo Yuxin said word by word: "- I think the authenticity of the situation you just said needs to be confirmed!"

"To be honest, before we came, we didn't hear any rumors that Chinese companies wanted to acquire your company!"

Until now, Guo Yuxin still believes that the other party is just playing a trick and deliberately raising the price.

As a senior practitioner in the game industry, he certainly knows clearly what the domestic game industry is in.

Basically, in addition to acting as an agent for excellent game IPs that have been famous abroad for many years and have been tested by the market, the rest is mutual copying.

How can they invest 200 million US dollars in a brand new MOBA game like LOL, which has not been tested by the game market and has an uncertain future profit prospect? How is this possible? !

With such a huge risk, I have made a very thorough investigation and inference before I dare to make this suggestion to Mr. Ma.

And what is the other party thinking? !

Inferring from this, it is more likely that Merrill is talking nonsense and taking the opportunity to raise the price.


Merrill, who has a shaved head, heard this and looked at his partner Brandon Baker helplessly.

TightThen, the latter took out a drafted agreement.

"You two, this is the drafted agreement between our company and the other party."

Brandon Baker said expressionlessly: "It can be proved that we are not talking nonsense."


After taking the agreement document handed over by the other party's assistant, Chen Dan and Guo Yuxin opened it and were shocked.

The agreement clearly stated that no matter what acquisition conditions any acquirer offered to Iron Fist Company, the other party would unconditionally automatically increase the acquisition standard by 20 million US dollars on this basis.

"Weixin Company?"

Seeing the name of the Chinese company on the heading of the agreement, Chen Dan and Guo Yuxin looked at each other again.

——Weixin Company?

From what stone crack did this WeChat company pop up?

And it's so rich? !

"Mr. Chen..."

After reading the agreement, Guo Yuxin frowned and whispered to Chen Dan, who was looking gloomy beside him.

"Do you think we can still apply for more acquisition funds from the group?"

"What are you thinking?!"

Hearing Guo Yuxin's words, Chen Dan, with a gloomy face, said in a deep voice: "You are not unaware of the situation of the group. Among so many departments, 1.5 US dollars of funds is already the maximum amount of funds that the group can give to our interactive entertainment business group!"

"If we ask for more, do you think the board of directors will approve it?!"

"But what should we do?"

Guo Yuxin said in embarrassment: "Are the plans we worked so hard to lay out before going to waste?"

"If not, what else can we do?"

Chen Dan shook her head helplessly.

——To be honest, at this moment, she did not feel as regretful as Guo Yuxin, but was more relieved.

After all, if there is a risk in a large investment of 150 million, the first person responsible is herself.

In this case, doing less or not doing it is a safer choice.

As for the game~


Go back and copy... ahem, just copy one.

The budget is less than one-tenth at most.

We are all gamers~

Not shabby~Not shabby~

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