"Here, this is the address you asked for."

Liu Yijie came out of the department office and handed Jiang Cheng a copy of an A4 paper.

"Thank you, I'll buy you a drink next time~"

Jiang Cheng smiled and said.

After seeing Lu Xin leave in a hurry, Jiang Cheng wanted to find out, so he dragged the temporary monitor Liu Yijie to the department office and asked him to apply for Lu Xin's file in the name of investigating the poor students in the class.

As expected by Jiang Cheng, Lu Xin did apply for student loans and poor student subsidies.

One of the main reasons for the application was his father's condition.

He is currently hospitalized in Qinzhou People's Hospital for uremia caused by diabetes.

"Brother Cheng." Looking at Jiang Cheng holding the photocopied document as if it were a treasure, Liu Yijie sighed deeply and said earnestly: "To be honest, I really don't understand what you are thinking."

"Look at Ling Ruonan, how beautiful and elegant she is, and more importantly, she is still deeply in love with you, but you actually look down on her."

"——Instead, you are so concerned about such a rustic Lu Xin, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother, you are still too young."

Jiang Cheng put the A4 paper in his pocket and smiled mysteriously: "Some things, Don't trust your eyes too much. "

He patted the other person's shoulder and said, "Materialism and dialectics teach us that we must learn to see through the appearance of things and recognize their inner essence~"

"Okay, that's all. I'm leaving first. By the way, please take care of the afternoon class~"

"He! Tui! - Why are you pretending to be deep!"

Looking at Jiang Cheng's back as he walked away, Liu Yijie curled his lips and said, "You still need me, your dad, to call your name~"


After leaving the door, he raised his hand to stop a taxi and headed straight to the Provincial People's Hospital.

Walking into the inpatient building, a strong smell of 84 disinfectant came towards him, and Jiang Cheng subconsciously touched his trouser pocket.

Suddenly, I remembered that it was still 2009, and I didn't need to wear a mask at all.

You don't need to be sour or anything like that, just walk in with a swagger.

Hmm~ It's really convenient~

Finding the central nurse station of the inpatient department, Jiang Cheng took out Lu Xin's information and looked at Lu's father's name, and then found out the ward where he was hospitalized from the nurse on duty at the nurse station.

Just as he was about to enter the elevator, Jiang Cheng thought something was wrong, and quickly stepped out, jogging to the door and bought a fruit basket and put it in his hand.

After that, he returned to the inpatient building and found the ward where Lu's father was.

Standing at the door and pausing slightly, Jiang Cheng looked inside.

Sure enough, next to the bed by the window, he saw the tall girl's back.

"Lu Xin."

Hearing the familiar male voice coming from behind, the girl turned around in confusion, and the expression on her face instantly changed from confusion to surprise.

"Jiang Cheng...you...why are you here?"

Lu Xin said hesitantly, and the whole person was a little flustered and at a loss.

"I'm sorry~" Jiang Cheng smiled, put the fruit basket on the bedside table next to the bed, and said carelessly.

"Just now when we were eating, I heard your conversation with Auntie, and thought that since Uncle is sick, as a classmate and friend, I should come to visit."

"Ah... You... This... is really too polite..."

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Lu Xin was stunned.

Classmates are indeed, at least when did they become friends?

"It doesn't matter~" Jiang Cheng smiled: "By the way, how is Uncle's condition?"

"Ah... He is still sleeping... sleeping..."

Lu Xin whispered, and her little hands, which had nowhere to put, tightly pinched the hem of the old short-sleeved school uniform.


Jiang Cheng nodded and glanced at Lu's father lying on the bed.

His eyes were closed, his skin was sallow, and his face was completely bloodless. On his thin cheeks, there was only a thin layer of skin covering his cheekbones, which were like two small hills.

Seeing this, even if Jiang Cheng didn't know much about disease medicine, he could clearly see that his condition was very bad.

"Jiang Cheng... please sit down..."

As he was watching, Lu Xin moved a chair over and greeted him in a low voice.

Jiang Cheng nodded, sat down and asked softly: "I think uncle's condition doesn't seem to be very good, right?"


Hearing him say this, Lu Xin's expression obviously dimmed.

"The doctor said that my father is now in the terminal stage of uremia, and he must rely on hemodialysis every week to barely maintain his life...."

As she spoke, Lu Xin's voice became lower and lower, with a faint trembling of crying.

"If you want to cure..." Jiang Cheng looked at Lu's father, then turned his head to look at Lu Xin: "Is there any treatment?"

"The doctor said that the only way now is to replace the kidney...but..."

Lu Xin lowered her head deeply before she finished speaking.

A pair of thin shoulders couldn't stop shaking.

Even if she didn't say the next words, Jiang Cheng knew it well.

-The cost of kidney transplant surgery is at least 300,000 yuan, which is an astronomical figure for such a poor family.

Lu Xin is just a girl in her prime, and she should have enjoyed the best youth to her heart's content.

But fate played such a cruel joke on her.

Looking at the girl in such despair, Jiang Cheng's softest part of his heart was instantly touched.

He was not a person who liked to meddle in other people's business, but now, he had no choice but to ignore it.

"Lu Xin. "

Jiang Cheng said softly, stretched out his hand, and gently rubbed the sobbing girl's head.

"Let me help you."


Lu Xin took a deep breath and asked in a puzzled tone.

But her body did not move, and she had no intention of avoiding Jiang Cheng at all. She did not reject Jiang Cheng's actions at all, but felt a sense of inexplicable peace of mind for the warmth from his palm.

This temperature seemed to be the last bit of tenderness given to the girl by this cruel world.

"I said, let me help you."

Jiang Cheng smiled gently: "If you just need money, this little treatment fee is nothing to me."

"No... Jiang Cheng... the treatment fee is not small!"

Lu Xin shook her head in despair: "You don't know at all - the doctor said that the total cost of surgery, medicine and kidney source will be more than 400,000!"

"Oh. "

Jiang Cheng blinked his eyes when he heard this: "It's only 400,000, is it a lot?"

This sentence obviously confused Lu Xin.

This... this...

It's only 400,000... already...?

At this moment, the thoughts in the brain of this female academic master instantly fell into a tangled mess and she doubted her life.


Isn't it not a lot?

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