"Come on, two old squad leaders, please sit down!"

After talking to Jiang Cheng about a lot of principles, the dark-skinned soldier Sun Jun said to the two people behind him.

They were two middle-aged men, one strong and one thin.

The strong one had a body full of tendons and a tall body like a bull.

As for the other one, although his physique looked no different from that of a normal person, his eyes occasionally revealed a sharp and cold light that was extraordinary.

"Thank you, Xiao Sun."

The strong man nodded and sat down with the thin man next to him.

Hearing that this devil instructor Sun was actually called Xiao Sun by the other party, Jiang Cheng blinked in surprise, put down the bowl of mutton soup in his hand, and secretly looked at the two people at the next table.

After the two sat down, their bodies always subconsciously remained upright.

Although he was only wearing plain casual clothes, he still exuded a calm and upright military temperament.

He should be a veteran who has been in the army for many years.

"Oh! You look down on me when you say that!"

Hearing the strong man being polite to him, Sun Jun immediately said loudly: "Squad Leader Xing! Squad Leader Duan! I am a soldier you personally brought up!"

"You are in trouble, how can I stand by and watch?!"

- Encountered difficulties?

Hearing Sun Jun's words, Jiang Cheng, who was chewing a crescent cake in his mouth, suddenly became curious.

Hearing gossip, he simply listened with his ears perked up to kill time.

"Hey! Xiao Sun."

The sturdy old soldier named Xing Zhibang said in embarrassment: "This matter is actually a conflict between us and the developer, and it is an internal conflict among the masses."

"As a member of the army, it is inappropriate for you to get involved!"

"Yes, Xiao Sun."

Another old soldier named Duan Yong also advised: "Old Xing and I have retired many years ago, and it doesn't matter - but you are different. You are going to be promoted and have a bright future. If this conflict affects your future, how can you and I, squad leader Xing, feel at ease?"

"Hey! Hey, two old squad leaders!"

Sun Jun scratched his head anxiously when he heard it.

"This matter was originally done wrong by the developer! They shouldn't have embarrassed you on the issue of demolition compensation!"

"Hey! It's obviously a matter of reason, and you don't say it? Is there any law?!"

"Oh! The current situation is different from what you think!"


- Conflict with the developer?

Jiang Cheng's ears trembled instantly when he heard the conversation between the three people.

He subconsciously looked up at the demolition area across the street, and Jiang Cheng immediately had an idea, vaguely feeling that there might be some potential opportunities here.

After all, the rewards are generous, even if there is only a little hope, you should try your best~

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng quickly stood up and sat down in the empty seat next to Instructor Sun.

"Jiang Cheng!"

Instructor Sun frowned and scolded with a stern face: "We are talking about something, what are you doing here?"

"Ah~ Instructor Sun~"

Jiang Cheng refused to leave with a playful smile: "I heard that the two old squad leaders encountered difficulties, so I wanted to come and give everyone some advice~"

"Get out!" Sun Jun said angrily: "--You greenhorn, what kind of advice can you give! What kind of plan can you make!"

"Instructor Sun, are you looking down on me?"

Jiang Cheng looked at the two old squad leaders across the table and said seriously: "Speaking of military skills, I am indeed not in your eyes-but I am a college student from a regular university after all. When it comes to handling internal relations among the masses and social disputes, you are probably not as good as me."

"P! You are a young scholar who just turned 18, and you can handle social relations among the masses?"

Although Sun Jun still didn't believe it, his tone and attitude were no longer as firm as before.

Jiang Cheng spread his hands: "When Zhao first arrived at the independent regiment, Li Yunlong looked down on him and said he was a scholar! But what happened later~"

"Okay~ Jun."

The strong man sitting opposite smiled and tried to smooth things over.

"What this young comrade said is not wrong. Anyway, it's not something that can't be discussed. It doesn't matter if one more person comes to refer to it."

"Okay then..."

Hearing his old squad leader say this, Sun Jun could only nod in dissatisfaction.

However, he still glared at Jiang Cheng angrily.

In the following time, Jiang Cheng listened to the two veterans talking a lot, and then he roughly understood the current situation of this group of veterans.

The tall and strong one of them is called Xing Zhibang, and the thin one is calledDuan Yong.

They were both squad leaders and deputy squad leaders of a reconnaissance squad in an airborne division of the Southern Military Region.

Instructor Sun was a soldier they trained.

After retiring from the army, the two went to Gaul to work in the Foreign Legion for five years and earned some money before returning home.

The two, who planned to start a business together, pooled all their savings, rented a floor, and started a security company.

The members are basically retired veterans, and they will try their best to accept disabled veterans with difficulties in life.

So although the company's business is okay, the overall profitability is average.

But at least it ensures that every member can support their family.

This kind of life lasted for two years until last year, when they suddenly heard that the building area with a long-term lease contract was going to be demolished.

At first, everyone didn't care, thinking that even if it was demolished, the compensation would be in place, but they never expected that the original landlord actually signed a demolition agreement with the developer behind their backs.

After that, he even took the demolition money and ran away.

At the beginning of this year, the developer came to the door with the signed demolition agreement and ordered them to move out within a time limit. Xing Zhibang and others who were tricked by the unscrupulous landlord suddenly realized it.

However, they signed a ten-year contract with the landlord, and the rent paid in the early stage was as high as more than 800,000 yuan, which was almost all the savings of Xing Zhibang and Duan Yong.

Now the money cannot be recovered, and the demolition party is unwilling to compensate, so the problem is stuck here.

Xing Zhibang and others who can't get compensation are naturally unwilling to move, so this matter has been delayed from the beginning of the year to now.

After being delayed for a long time, who would have thought that the developer would actually play a dirty trick, secretly find a group of ruffians, and come to smash and destroy when there are few people in the company.

Every two or three days, it has caused a mess and unrest.

In this regard, the people in the security company are naturally unwilling to be bullied, and they have organized resistance.

The two sides confronted each other, with swords drawn and gunpowder smelling.

Xing Zhibang and others knew that it was not a good thing to continue like this, so they wanted to discuss how to solve it.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng immediately had an idea.

——It is 2009 now, and the capital flow control of real estate developers is very strict, not as flexible as the future heyday of the real estate market.

A project that has been delayed for more than half a year and cannot be started is very likely to put the developer's capital flow into a tight state.

If the other party really encounters this situation, it may be an opportunity for me.

In the following time, several rough guys discussed for a long time, but in the end they didn't study anything. At Jiang Cheng's suggestion, they decided to get straight to the point and talk to the person in charge of the developer in person.

"Jiang Cheng, why are you following me?"

Walking out of the restaurant, Sun Jun frowned at Jiang Cheng who followed him out.

"I'll go and take a look." Jiang Cheng said with a smile: "Maybe I can help~"

"Okay, you can check for us later, and warn us if the other party is setting a trap or something."

"No problem."

Jiang Cheng smiled carelessly, secretly looking forward to it.

- Maybe, I can really take advantage of this opportunity to buy this piece of land~

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