Rebirth 1983: Starting from taking back the family property

Chapter 553 Donating money to build roads

Lu Jiaxin frowned tightly and asked, "Since we said we would allocate money to build schools, then the money must have been allocated to the county. Now the county says no, the money is most likely to be embezzled. "

Uncle Lu shook his head and said: "No, they were moved to build roads. Alas, if you want to get rich, build roads first. We also know that building roads is very important, but it is equally important for children to study!"

What a shameful move it is to use the money used to build schools to build roads. But some people are like this and use the power in their hands to do whatever they want. Fortunately, I went to Hong Kong City. There is not such a relaxed environment for doing business in the mainland. I don’t know how angry I must be!

It's useless to think about things that are beyond your control. Lu Jiaxin asked, "How are the conditions in the middle school?"

"The middle school is in the town and the conditions are better than here."

Lu Jiaxin nodded and said, "Uncle, how much does it cost to build a teaching building for a primary school and a middle school? It is a three-story building, not a cave dwelling."

Uncle Lu has never done it before and is not sure.

There was no need to rush this matter. Lu Jiaxin said, "If you're ready, just call your elder brother and ask him to talk to me. I'll have someone bring the money then."


The two people walked back while talking, and when they approached the entrance of the village, they saw Lu Jiayao. He said hurriedly: "Dad, Jiaxin, the county leaders are here."

Uncle Lu was overjoyed, but there was no joy on Lu Jiaxin's face. In her previous life, she first worked in France, in a large company in Shenzhen, where she was a latecomer, and she never interacted with grassroots government officials. It's just the matter in Yixian County that makes her very reluctant to deal with these grassroots leaders. But now that it’s here, it’s impossible to avoid it.

When Uncle Lu saw the two leaders, the smile on his face was like a blooming chrysanthemum. Although Lu Jiaxin didn't like to be disturbed, it was impossible to show off to them even though the Lu family was here.

During the conversation, the two leaders tactfully expressed the hope that Lu Jiaxin could return to his hometown to invest. It was impossible for Lu Jiaxin to agree to this request. Firstly, the geographical location was not good, secondly, there was no advantage, and thirdly, and most importantly, there was no business environment.

The coast is now developing rapidly, but the policy here has not yet been fully liberalized. The relationships in a small place are complicated, and there are no generous returns. She is not willing to do such hard and unprofitable things. You can get a good reputation by donating money, but investing in it will definitely be in vain.

The two leaders were a little disappointed, and one of them even talked about local sentiments.

Lu Jiaxin thought this was a bit funny. He was originally born and raised in Sijiucheng. Before the accident, he had only visited his hometown twice. And she had only told her twice this time, and it was really out of the question to talk about country feelings with her.

However, when the leader spoke, it was impossible for him to say nothing at all. She happened to have an idea on the way back. Lu Jiaxin said: "The road from the county seat to Majia Village is so bumpy. I took the car back yesterday and it was so bumpy that I felt like vomiting. If the government can build this road, I am willing to donate one million."

It was a donation of one million Chinese dollars, not Hong Kong dollars, which is still a large amount now. As long as they can integrate resources, there will still be a surplus of money in the end.

The two leaders thought they would return without success, but they had an unexpected surprise: "Comrade Jiaxin, a project from the county seat to Lujia Village has been established, but the finance department has no money, so it has been shelved."

This means that as long as Lu Jiaxin's donation is in place, this project can be implemented immediately.

Lu Jiaxin did not tell the two leaders about donating money to build the school. Just leave this matter to your uncle. The last time I saw him in Sijiu City, Ren Yan'er Baji had no energy, but now her face was red and she spoke as loudly as a bell. With this energy, I can work for another ten years. As long as the uncle is well, the aunt will also be safe and sound. After all, this is her spiritual pillar.

Lu Jiaguang previously wanted to take the old couple to live in Sijiucheng, but later gave up after hearing Lu Jiaxin's analysis. Let them feel that they are still useful, instead of just sitting and waiting to die, it is more effective than any medicine.

The two leaders went back after talking and did not stay to eat. Uncle Lu sent them out of the village with a smile on his face. As for Lu Jiaxin, the sun is too hot and she doesn't want to go out.

The seventh uncle came over just as the meal was being served and told Lu Jiaxin that a meeting of the villagers had been held in the morning, and the villagers agreed to her two requests.

Lu Jiaxin kept her word, she said with a smile: "Seventh Uncle, then I will donate 100,000 yuan to make our Lu family's ancestral hall more grand."

Uncle Lu said happily: "Two leaders from the county came this morning. Jiaxin promised to donate one million to build a road from the county seat to our Lujia Village. The leader also promised to start construction this year."

The seventh uncle was very happy, thinking that the roads in the village were in tatters, so she asked: "Jiaxin, let them repair the roads in our village when the time comes."

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "I will ask the secretary to negotiate with the leader then, and there should be no problem. Uncle, have you eaten? If not, just eat here!"

I came back unexpectedly yesterday, and because I was short on time, my aunt prepared two large meat dishes. Today is rich. Braised pork, Sixi duck, lotus leaf chicken, fish head vermicelli clay pot, stir-fried mutton with green onions, stir-fried minced meat with kimchi, three seasonal vegetables, and a mutton bone soup.

The seventh uncle didn't eat. He hurried over when he heard that the county leader had left. He was so happy that he wanted to drink two glasses of wine: "Tie Jun, where is the wine? Take out the wine you treasured."

Lu Jiaxin didn't stop them, but she was worried that drinking too much would be bad for their health, so she called her aunt over who was still busy in the kitchen.

The eldest aunt knew their mood and poured them wine herself: "The doctor told them not to drink. Today is a special situation. I will make an exception and let you drink half a bowl."

She knew the alcohol tolerance of Uncle Lu and Uncle Seven. Half a bowl of home-brewed wine was no problem, but more was not. Especially Uncle Seven, who was five years older than Uncle Lu and had many dietary restrictions.

After dinner, Lu Jiaxin went back to her room to rest. It was indeed comfortable to live in this cave. It was very comfortable to use the electric fan even in such a hot day without turning on the air conditioner.

Not long after she fell asleep, Uncle Lu and Aunt Lu came over. As soon as they saw Uncle Lu, they asked, "Brother, I heard that Jiaxin donated 100,000 yuan to build the ancestral hall and another 1 million yuan to build the road. Are these true?"

Uncle Lu did not expect that Uncle Seven would spread the news so quickly: "It's true, Jiaxin said it herself."

He knew the temperament of these two people very well, and before they could speak, he said, "This money is earned by Jiaxin herself. It's her business how much she wants to donate. Even if she donates all of it, it has nothing to do with you. If you go to Jiaxin and talk nonsense and make trouble , don't blame me for not recognizing you as my brother. "

The eldest aunt also said: "Second brother, second brother's wife, you should go back quickly! Jiaxin said yesterday that she didn't want to see you. It's rare for this child to come back, I have to let her go back happily. "

Thinking about what his wife said to him last night, Uncle Lu also drove them away: "Second brother, these are all your own sins, go back quickly!"

If they hadn't had the evil idea of ​​taking Jiaxin's house for themselves, they wouldn't have been disliked by their niece, and now they don't even want to see them.

The second aunt didn't want to shout, but Uncle Lu covered her mouth and dragged her out. This girl has been offended so much, if she even annoys the eldest brother and sister-in-law, no one will care if the children are unfilial in the future.

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