Nie Zhan took out a list and explained under Lu Jiaxin's confused eyes: "This is what my grandma left for my mommy. I know you like old things, so you bought calligraphy, paintings and porcelain from your elder brother. It’s a list.”

Lu Jiaxin looked at it and found that she really liked them all: "Your elder brother is willing to transfer these things to you? A Zhan, could it be that there are some conditions?"

Nie Zhan said with a smile: "No, eldest brother also thinks Mommy has gone too far this time. I told him that jewelry should not only be these old objects, and he agreed."

"These things are in the bank safe now. We don't have a secret room in our house. We will take them out and put them in the house after the house on the top of the mountain is built."

Lu Jiaxin said: "We have to wait three to five years. When the gust of wind passes, we will take it out, hang the calligraphy and painting on the wall, and put the porcelain on the ancient shelf. You can enjoy it slowly when you have nothing to do."

Nie Zhan followed her.

After handling this matter, Nie Zhan felt relaxed all over. Anyway, he had expressed his position to his grandfather, and he would no longer have to deal with her affairs in the future.

Nie Zhan said: "Jiaxin, I am planning to have Chery go on the market this year. What are your plans for Green Forest? Is it going to go public this year or next year?"

They had discussed before that except for Xinxin Real Estate, which was not listed on the market, other companies under Lu Jiaxin's name could be listed, but she did not give an exact time.

Lu Jiaxin is preparing to list Green Forest: "Although Green Forest is currently worth more than 400 million yuan, there are still many shortcomings. There is no rush to go public. By the way, where is Wufu Jewelry? When do you plan to go public?"

Nie Zhan said: "Wufu Jewelry is not good. The establishment time is too short and we have to wait for at least another year. Only when the performance is better can investors have confidence."

"It's all up to you."

Nie Manlin's affairs were settled, but the number of calls from the Lu family mansion increased. However, Lu Jiaxin didn't answer the phone and told the housekeeper that there was no need to answer calls from Sijiucheng.

Lu Shan, Lu Ersao and Lu Jiaguang called Lu Jiaxin one after another, but the housekeepers who answered the phone always said that the boss was busy. In fact, they knew that Lu Jiaxin was angry because of Lu Hongjun's matter.

Lu Jiazong was very worried: "Brother, Jiaxin didn't even answer Shanzi's calls. It seems that even Shanzi is annoyed this time. Oh, what do you think the third uncle thinks? If that woman doesn't want to serve, just let Shanzi rent a house outside. , I just want to go to Shichahai.”

"And Jiaxin, in such a big house, would you rather let outsiders live in it than let your own father live in it? If this is spread back to my hometown, I don't know how people will talk about it?"

What nonsense is this? Lu Jiaguang was furious: "The house in Shichahai was bought by Ms. Gu and she also spent money to renovate it. It is only natural for her to live there."

"I know she bought it, but it's such a big house with several courtyards. There are more than a dozen helpers and bodyguards there, and two cooks. It doesn't matter if the third uncle lives there!"

Lu Jiaguang looked at him without saying anything.

Being stared at like this, Lu Jiazong felt a little confused: "Brother, why are you looking at me like this? I didn't say anything wrong."

Lu Jiaguang endured his anger and said: "First, the Shichahai house was bought by Ms. Gu; secondly, although the helpers, bodyguards and cooks were hired by Jiaxin, they were paid by Ms. Gu's own money; thirdly, Tang Sufen and her third uncle We are husband and wife, and now she should take care of Third Uncle's sprained foot; Fourthly, Lu Shan has adopted the Third Fang and has a house and a shop, and he has to pick up and drop off the dog's sprained foot, so it will never be Jiaxin's turn to take care of it. "

Seeing that he was angry, Lu Jiazong did not dare to refute.

Lu Jiaguang continued: "I heard from Xiaojie that you bought a small courtyard near the noodle shop. You bought your own house. It's time to free up the house on Guangming Road."

Lu Jiazong looked up at him in shock: "Brother, why are you asking me to vacate the house?"

"You have lived in the house on Guangming Road for three years. Now that you have bought a house and are not moving out, how long do you plan to live there?"

Lu Jiazong looked at it for a moment, and then said: "The house only has four rooms, and it is not habitable. Also, Jiaxin also asked us to look at the house at the beginning, and the house fell into disrepair quickly when no one lived there."

Lu Jiaguang said with a straight face: "Although you are paying the rent according to the market price, the room rented at the market price only has basic furniture such as beds and cabinets. The house in Jiaxin must be fully equipped with TVs, electric fans, refrigerators, washing machines and telephones. You How can I rent such a good house with the little money I gave?”

"Second brother, you didn't have a house before, and Jiaxin took care of you and let you live in it. Now that you have bought your own house, move out quickly and vacate the house."

Lu Jiazong was reluctant to part with him. The house they bought is near Xiushui Street, and it takes five or six minutes to ride a bicycle. But the house wasn't as spacious as Guangming Road, and it didn't have as many appliances.

Lu Jiaguang said: "Jiaxin doesn't want to see her second uncle and aunt when she returns to her hometown this time. It's because they originally wanted to buy Jiaxin's house, so they refused to accept it. Second brother, if you don't move when you have your own house, it will be easy for them to let you go." People think that if they want to occupy Jia Xin’s house, they may also be rejected by Jia Xin.”

Lu Jiazong didn't know about these things, but even so, he couldn't bear to move. Although living on Guangming Road took more time to go back and forth, it was really convenient. Lu Jiazong said: "Brother, this house belongs to Jiaxin, but I'm still not used to it after living here for three years."

Lu Jiaguang's face turned ugly: "I've been living here for three years and you're not used to it. So after living there for ten years, do you think this house should be given to you? Anyway, Jiaxin is rich, so this small house is not worth it to him." What."

Lu Jiazong's face changed slightly, and he said in a bad tone: "Brother, Jiaxin gave you such a big house, so what if she gave me this small yard? You are allowed to benefit from it, and I am not allowed to benefit from it."

Lu Jiaguang laughed in anger: "My big house was given to Jiaxin because I helped her with her business many times. What have you done for Jiaxin in these years?"

"You did nothing, but only calculated the money and house of the third room. Why didn't Jiaxin answer our calls? She saw through your thoughts and was fed up."

Lu Jiazong would never admit it: "Brother, don't put the blame on me. Jiaxin is fed up with Uncle San and the guy surnamed Tang, and it has nothing to do with me."

Lu Jiaguang knew that he couldn't get through with him, so he directly issued an ultimatum: "Vacate the house on Guangming Road within a week. Otherwise, I will ask Dad to come, and you have to move out by then."

The two brothers parted unhappily.

Lu Jiazong returned home angrily. Seeing that Lu Ersao was busy with her work and didn't care about her, he felt worse: "Big brother just told me to vacate the house and return it to Jiaxin."

Lu Ersao's expression changed drastically and asked: "Jiaxin wants us to move out? Did you do something to make Jiaxin angry again? Lu Jiazong, you think your life is too comfortable now, and you feel uncomfortable if you don't make trouble, right?"

Being scolded for no reason, Lu Jiazong was very angry: "It's not Jiaxin who wants us to move out, it's big brother. Big brother asked us to vacate the house when he heard that we bought a house."

Hearing that it was not Jiaxin who asked them to move out, Lu Ersao breathed a sigh of relief: "Big brother is right, we bought the house ourselves and we should move out. We can't always take advantage of Jiaxin."

Hearing this, Lu Jiazong almost died of anger.

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